Middle adulthood Lecture 9 Middle Adulthood

Middle Adulthood
: After the completion of this lecture, the student will be able to:
1. Define middle adulthood.
2. list the physiological changes that occur during middle adulthood.
3. Define the major developmental tasks and challenges of middle
4. state the complexities of the menopausal experience in women.
5. Discuss the male climacteric.
:6. Define midlife crisis
7. List preventative health care measures appropriate for
middle adulthood
9. Define the “sandwich generation”.
10. list teaching strategies that may be effective for the
patient in the middle adult phase of the life cycle
- Middle adulthood is currently defined as the period of development
after the early adult years but before retirement.
- Middle adulthood is often referred to as the period between 40
and 60 years of age
- It is influenced by genetic and the environment.
Physiological Changes:
● Metabolic needs decrease during middle adulthood and if diet
and exercise are not part of a healthy lifestyle excess weight
begins to accumulate.
● A decrease in energy and perceived physical attractiveness may
occur A loss of muscle tone and skin elasticity may result in less
firm appearance of body contours.
● Eye changes common to middle age can be easily corrected with
glasses, contact lenses, or laser surgery.
● Diet, smoking and lack of exercise influence cardiovascular
changes that occur during midlife, but hormonal changes also
influence risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
Developmental Tasks
1. The main task or crisis of middle adulthood is generativity versus
stagnation (Erikson1994).
-Generativity has been defined as contributing in a positive way to
family or community.
-This contribution improves self image and promotes subjective well being.
- Failure to achieve generativity result in stagnation which is total concern of
self and denial of the developmental process.
2. Managing a career and finances
3. Managing a household and nurturing marriage and family relationship.
4. Maintaining a positive self esteem
• Challenges
- Maintaining optimum cognitive functioning is
necessary to prevent a decrease in problem solving
- Women at midlife are at high risk for social isolation
due to divorce, separation, or widowhood.
“The empty nest “ syndrome that can occur when
grown children start to leave home for the first time
may increase the feeling of isolation
Midlife Crisis
● Middle adulthood is a time of self reflection, reevaluation and
● Looking back, the adult may grieve lost youth and missed
● Adults may fear the inevitability of their own mortality. This may
lead to despair.
The Sandwich Generation
- Middle adults are known to be sandwich generation. That means
they must deal with increased financial and emotional
responsibilities related to their children in addition to increased
demands placed on them by their older and possibly dependent
parents. Where responsibilities include the care of children and
older parents.
- These stressors contribute to the challenges of middle adulthood.
Reproductive Health
- Reproductive health is a term used to describe the health
of the reproductive organs in all persons.
- The climacteric refers to the time in life in which hormonal changes
result in cessation the reproductive ability in the female and a
corresponding decrease in sexual activity in the male.
Women’s Health
● Menopause is the cessation of menstrual period due to hormonal
changes in the body.
● Menopause usually begins between 45 and 55 years of age and is
genetically controlled.
Essential health screening for middle-aged women and men;
Signs of Menopausal Changes in Women
*Hot flashes
*Heart palpitations
*Decreased vaginal lubrication
*Emotional liability(happy on minute, crying the next)
Men’s Health
- Although women’s health has become a specialty in medicine, a
specialty in men’s health is rarely seen.
- In each leading cause of death in adults, men have a higher rate of
- The morbidity rate is generally higher for women in both acute and
chronic conditions.
- Generally, men remain in the workforce longer than women and
may partake in activities that pose a higher potential for injuries.
Essential Health Screening for Middle-Aged
Women and Men
Healthy middle-aged women and men should have the following
screening tests performed at regular intervals;
*Vision testing
*Dental checkups
*Blood pressure monitoring
*Lipid screening (Cholesterol, triglycerides)
*Cardiovascular screening
*Colorectal cancer screening
Essential Health Screening for Middle-Aged
Women and Men
* * Breast examination mammogram
* * Papanicolaou (Pap) testing
* * Testicular examination
* * Prostate cancer screening
Teaching Techniques for the middle-aged adult
- Content of teaching plans should be related the problems and
concerns of the individual and the age group.
- Help adjusting to the role of the grandparent.
- Help the middle adult accept the aging process in a positive way
and build self esteem.