My C.V

Curriculum Vitae
Ahmad Nemer Ahmad Nawafleh
Home Address: Sammu, Irbid, Jordan.
Email Address:
Mobile: (962) 772226767
(966) 532639440
Date of birth: 27 Nov 1982
Marital status: Married
Current Position
Lecturer at the English Department (University of Majmaah - Saudi Arabia). I teach
language-based courses to undergraduate students majoring in English, ranging from
advanced writing, listening, speaking, to grammar and research methodology.
Educational Experience
International Diploma in IT skills.
2005 - 2007: M.A. in Educational Sciences in English Language Curriculum &
Methodology (Mu'tah University).
2000 - 2004: B.A. in English literature (Irbid National University).
1999 - 2000: High School Diploma, (Sammu, Irbid, Jordan).
Academic Background
- High verbal and written communication skills (English & Arabic).
- Proficient at MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Outlook
Management, Web and Internet.
- Able to perform office multi-tasks and interact effectively using
excellent written and oral communication skills.
- Good understanding of teamwork and dynamics.
- Good judgment and high accountability for the output and quality of
Professional Experience
2014: Currently Lecturer at the English Department (University of Majmaah - Saudi
2011-2013: English language teacher at a secondary school in Bahrein.
2004-2011: English language teacher at a secondary school in Jordan.
2004 -2005: English language teacher (elementary level) at the Ministry of Education
(Al karak – Jordan).
Personal Skills
Excellent knowledge and use of the Internet.
Excellent at communication skills.
Good at management.
Good at verbal communication and interpersonal skills.
Courses Taught at University
Research Methods (Summers 2002/2003)
Legal Studies in English (Summers 2001/2002)
French language (2002/2003)
Course in Advanced Methods in Evaluation of English Learning (2005/2006)
Dr. Nizar AL-Mhedat (University of science and technology) Tel: (962) 785338533).
Dr. Manea Alharbi
(University of Majmaah)
Tel: (966) 540995008).