RCM Nuts, bolts, and questions Prepared by the CLAS Finance Committee CLAS Finance Council http://www.clas.ufl.edu/gov/comm/finance.html Kennie Merz Spanish & Portuguese Mathematics David A. Foster Linguistics Patrick DeLeenheer Political Science David Pharies History Caroline Wiltshire Sociology and Criminology Michael Martinez Sociology Richard Hollinger Andrea Sterk Chemistry (Chair) Monika Ardelt Geology Kimberly Browne Budget Director (ex officio) RCM Information Session Trying to educate the faculty on what RCM is (and is not) Explain some consequences for CLAS and Department Not advocating for or against RCM Express your concerns to Finance Council and Dean Responsibility Center Management UF Administration response to Board of Trustees mandate to change budgeting system RCM will come into force Summer B 2010 For more information see: http://cfo.ufl.edu/committees.asp http://www.aa.ufl.edu/rcm/ Responsibility Center Management Decentralizes decisions and financial authority and responsibility Places responsibility for revenue generation and spending decisions with the academic units Supports growth even when government funding is limited Responsibility Center Management Responsibility Centers Eg., Colleges, Housing Receive all Revenue earned from their activities Tuition Grants Entrepreneurial activities Not Depts and Centers Support Centers Are responsible for all direct expenses Share costs for support centers Eg. Police department, Information Technology, Library Will be funded via assessments to each Responsibility Center CLAS Revenue State Appropriation Current Formula RCM $92,027,828 $81,891,320 Tuition 61,961,427 (Waivers) (9,107,718) (Uncollected Tuition) Entrepreneurial Activities Contracts and Grants Endowment Earnings & Gifts Other Total Revenue (714,599) 2,288,738 2,288,738 39,699,264 39,699,264 4,415,601 4,415,601 625,433 625,433 $139,056,864 $181,059,465 CLAS Overhead Current Formula Info Technology General Admin $3,328,104 $447,862 HSC Admin 7,637,773 Facilities (space) 11,917,934 Library 9,254,975 2,574,893 Bond Payment Total Overhead 8,397,052 --- Student Services Admin Sponsored Projects Admin RCM 2,574,893 383,410 $3,022,754 $43,494,141 CLAS Net Resources Total Revenue Total Overhead Costs Net Resources Available net increase Current Formula RCM $139,056,864 $181,059,465 $3,022,754 $43,494,141 $136,034,110 $137,565,325 $1,531,215 CLAS Revenues: Tuition and appropriations allocation Polisci major taking a Business course Journalism major taking a Polisci course CLAS Revenues: Tuition and appropriations allocation Polisci major taking a Polisci course Polisci major taking a Statistics course Tuition income varies by level: Constant class size Lower Upper Grad 7980 Class size 25 25 25 25 Credit 3 3 3 3 Total SCH 75 75 75 75 1.73 2.69 9.02 10.64 BSA* $32.58 $32.58 $32.58 $32.58 Total $4,227 $6,573 $22,040 $25,999 Weight (varies by level and college) * Base Student Allocation the value for one SCH with a weight of 1.0. UF has $600M state funding to allocate $600 M = Σ Σ Level Weight * Level SCH * BSA Tuition income varies by level: More realistic class sizes Lower 300 Upper 45 Grad 10 7980 1 3 3 3 9 Total SCH 900 135 30 9 Weight (varies by level and college) 1.73 2.69 9.02 10.64 BSA $32.58 $32.58 $32.58 $32.58 Total $50,727 $11,831 $8,816 $3,120 Class size Credit * Base Student Allocation the value for one SCH with a weight of 1.0. UF has $600M state funding to allocate $600 M = Σ Σ Level Weight * Level SCH * BSA Questions Answers What’s the immediate result of the implementation of RCM? No immediate result, as system has been designed to produce same distribution of funds as is now the case. Net increase from tuition results in increase to CLAS of $1.5 M It appears that RCM would encourage teaching larger classes with cheaper instructors, thus possibly lowering quality. Yes, there are incentives for this. It will be up to Deans to insist on retaining quality. Does implementation of RCM mean CLAS will have control over faculty lines? Probably not immediately, because of budget crisis. Hopefully in medium to long run, but Tigert will probably retain some say. Registrar controls space, so doesn’t this limit the flexibility of colleges to lower their exposure to charges for space? Yes, but RCM gives Deans a strong incentive to push for change in classroom assignment process, since they will be paying for space. To what extent will RCM be extended to the departmental level? No direct application, since some departments are more expensive to operate. However, College will monitor increases or decreases in SCHs at department level. Questions Answers How is CLAS charged to support the Library? Who else is charged? ( http://www.aa.ufl.edu/rcm/ ) Allocations are based on weighted students Headcount and weighted faculty FTE Main library cost is shared by Fine Arts, DCP, CLAS, Latin American Studies, Business, Journalism, Law, Education, Engineering, HHP, Agriculture, DOCE, and the E&G State Funded Centers. Marston is shared by Agriculture, Engineering, and CLAS. HSC Library is shared by Health Center Colleges or Health Center State Funded Centers. Law Library is only the Law School. Questions Answers Does CLAS have an incentive for us to teach more students? Yes, but only if those students come from other colleges. More Polisci, less History is a zero-sum for CLAS. However, CLAS may benefit from shifting from over-utilized courses (Polisci, Psych) to under-utilized (Physics, Religion). If RCM is not going to be directly applied, how should CLAS allocate budgets to departments and centers? ??? Summer budgets will no longer be separately allocated to Colleges (and will be rolled into base). How much should CLAS pay per course? Option A. Percentage of salary (~11%) with floor (~$5K) and cap (~$10K). Option B. Flat rate per course (~$7500) Option C. Stratified flat rate by rank. Same/Diff rates for adjuncts and TAs? Your questions and concerns