Introduction to Operative Dentostry

Prof. Asaad Javaid
Dept of Restorative Dental Sciences
College of Dentistry, AlZulfi
University of Almajmaah, KSA
Welcome to 2nd sem 1st yr BDS
Introduction to the course
RDS 122
Course Faculty
• Prof. Asaad Javaid
• Dr. Srinidhi Hegde
• Dr. Gaurav Garg
Course Title
Introduction to Operative Dentistry
Course code
RDS - 122
One- semester course
This course is taught in the 2nd semester of 1st
year BDS
Course Components
• Lectures
• Phantom-head lab session
Credit Hours
2 Credit hours
Contact Hours
4 hours =
1 hr lecture
3hr laboratory
Specified Time
9 am – 10 am (lecture)
Wednesday 9 am – 12 Noon (lab: gp A)
Thursday 8 am – 11 am (lab: gp B)
General Objectives
At the end of this course, you should be able to:
1. understand the principles, terminology,
instruments, materials and techniques used in
the practice of Operative Dentistry
2. understand the basic principles of cavity design
for amalgam restorations
3. understand use of amalgam as restorative
4. understand significance of ergonomics
Study Schedule (theory)
Week 1 :
Week 2 :
Week 3 :
Week 4 :
Week 5 :
Week 6 :
Week 7 :
Week 8 :
Week 9 :
Week 10 :
Week 11 :
Week 12 :
Week 13 :
Introduction to the course
Introduction to Operative Dentistry
Basics of Caries
Hand instruments
Rotary Instruments
Maintenance & Sharpening of Instruments
Test 1
Steps of Cavity Preparation
Contents of Cavity
Amalgam restoration, Finishing & Polishing
Test 2
Dental Restoratives
Properties relevant to Operative Dentistry
Practicals schedule
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
lab protocol
Introduction to phantom head
Classification of Caries on models
Test -1 (5 marks)
Hand Instruments
Rotary Instruments
Sharpening of Hand Instruments
Test 2 (5 marks)
Root exercises
Class 5 cavity preparation (incisor)
Class 5 cavity preparation (molar)
Class 5 restoration (amalgam)
Make up for any deficiency
Teaching strategies
Didactic lectures
Interaction during lectures
Written assignments
Presentation by students
• Formative assessment
• Summative assessment
Formative assessment
• Class tests will be conducted on regular
intervals which will have no bearing on
students’ final grades
• Mistakes done by the students will be
discussed in the class and rectified so that
such mistakes are not repeated
Unexcused absence
 Anyone who remains absent from formative
test for an ingeniuine reason will be
responsible for his own loss
 This absence will be taken as ‘Misconduct”
 5 marks allocated for behavior and attitude
will not be added to his final grades
Summative exam
• Continuous assessment : 45%
• Mid term exam
: 15%
• Final exam
: 40%
Continuous assessment grades
Weekly practical work ………………30%
Assessment and attitude …………….5%
Research ……………………………...2%
Home work …………………………...1%
Presentation …………………………..1%
Quiz….. ……………………………..…1%
Midterm grades
• written examination ……..…10%
• practical examination ……..10%
Final exam grades
• Final laboratory examination ……………20%
• Final written examination ……………20%
Component % of grades
• Theory
• lab
35 %
Theory Exam
• Long answer
• Short answer
Lab Exam
• Hands - on – examination of tooth alteration
• Selection and use of appropriate restorative
• Oral
Text Book
• Sturdevant's Art and Science of Operative
Dentistry 6th Edition
• BY Harold O Heymann, Edward J Swift &
Andre V.Ritter
Reference Books
• Fundamentals of Operative Dentistry: A contemporary
approach BY James B Summit, J. William Robbins,
Thomas J Hilton, Richard S Schwartz, Jose Dos Santos
• Pickard's manual of Operative Dentistry, 9th edition
BY G.Logan
• Atlas of operative dentistry: preclinical and clinical
procedures BY Joseph R Evans, John H Wetz, Roy A
• Phantom Head Laboratory Manual prepared by
Department of Restorative Dental Sciences, College of
Dentistry, Almajmaah University
Good luck