Lecture 1: Vector Algebra

Welcome to Second Semester
Course Name: Electromagnetism 1
Course code : PHYS 326
Assessment task
First midterm exam*
Second midterm exam*
e-learning quizzes
Discussions in class
Oral Quizzes in class
Home Work
Final exam *
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Grading SchemeWeek Due
of Total Assessment
Twice/ semester
Once/ semester
Every week
20 %
Every week
End of the semester
100 %
List of Topics
Review of vector Operations and algebra, Linear and rotational transformation of vectors, Vector field, Review
of vector differential calculus: (gradient, the divergence, the curl, product rules, Second Derivatives)
Review of integral Calculus: (linear, surface, and volume integrals), The fundamental theorem for: (calculus,
gradient, divergence, curl), Curvilinear Coordinates: (spherical polar and cylindrical coordinates), The Dirac
delta function in one and three dimension, The divergence of reciprocal square of radial distance, The
Helmholtz theorem.
Coulomb's law, The electric field, Continuous charge distributions, Divergence and curl of electrostatic fields,
Field lines and flux, Gauss's law and its applications, Electric potential, The potential of a localized charge
distribution, The work done to move a charge, The energy of a point charge distribution, The energy of a
continuous charge distribution
Properties of conductors and induced charges, Surface charge and the force on a conductor, Capacitors,
Poisson's equation, Laplace's equation in one, two and three dimensions, Boundary conditions and uniqueness
theorems, Conductors and the second uniqueness theorem, The Method of images and induced surface charge
and calculating force and energy, Multipole expansion and approximate potentials at large distances, The
monopole and dipole terms
The electric field of a dipole, Polarization, Field of a polarized object, Induced dipole and dielectrics, Polar
molecules, Bound charges, The field inside a dielectric and the electric displacement, Gauss's law in the
presence of dielectrics, Boundary conditions, Linear Dielectrics: (susceptibility, permittivity, dielectric
constant), Boundary value problems with linear dielectrics, Force and energy in dielectric systems
Magnetostatics and the Lorentz law , Magnetic fields and magnetic forces, The Biot-Savart law, The magnetic
field of a steady current, The divergence and curl of the magnetic field, Ampere's law and its applications,
Magnetic vector potential, Magnetostatic boundary conditions, Multipole expansion of the vector potential,
Magnetic fields in matter and the magnetization, Magnetic materials: (diamagnetic, paramagnetic,
Torques and forces on magnetic dipoles, Effect of magnetic field on atomic orbits, The field of a magnetized
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
object, Bound currents, The magnetic field inside matter and the auxiliary field, Ampere's law in magnetized
materials, Boundary Conditions, Linear and nonlinear media, Magnetic susceptibility and permeability,
Unit 1: Vector Review
Vector Algebra
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Physical quantities that have both numerical and directional properties
operations of vectors in this chapter
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Coordinate Systems
to describe the position of a point in space
coordinate systems are:
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Cartesian Coordinate System
called rectangular
coordinate system
and y- axes intersect at
the origin
are labeled (x,y)
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Polar Coordinate System
and reference line
are noted
is distance r from
the origin in the direction
of angle , from reference
The reference line is
often the x-axis.
are labeled (r,)
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Polar to Cartesian
on forming a right
triangle from r and 
= r cos 
= r sin 
the Cartesian
coordinates are known:
tan 
r  x2  y 2
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Vectors and Scalars
scalar quantity is completely specified by a single
value with an appropriate unit and has no direction.
Many are always positive
Some may be positive or negative
Rules for ordinary arithmetic are used to manipulate scalar
vector quantity is completely described by a number
and appropriate units plus a direction.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Vector Example
particle travels from A
to B along the path shown
by the broken line.
This is the distance
traveled and is a
displacement is the
solid line from A to B
The displacement is
independent of the
path taken between
the two points.
Displacement is a
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Vector Notation
uses bold with arrow to denote a vector:
used for printing is simple bold print: A
dealing with just the magnitude of a vector in print, an italic letter
will be used: A or | A |
The magnitude of the vector has physical units.
The magnitude of a vector is always a positive number.
handwritten, use an arrow: A
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Equality of Two Vectors
vectors are equal if they have
the same magnitude and the same
A  B if A = B and they point
along parallel lines
of the vectors shown are equal.
a vector to be moved to a
position parallel to itself
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Adding Vectors
addition is very different from adding scalar
adding vectors, their directions must be taken into
must be the same
Use scale drawings
More convenient
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Adding Vectors Graphically
a scale.
the first vector, A , with the appropriate length and in the direction
specified, with respect to a coordinate system.
the next vector with the appropriate length and in the direction
specified, with respect to a coordinate system whose origin is the end of
vector A and parallel to the coordinate system
A used for A .
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Adding Vectors Graphically,
drawing the
vectors “tip-to-tail” or
resultant is drawn
from the origin of the first
vector to the end of the
last vector.
the length of the
resultant and its angle.
Use the scale factor
to convert length to
actual magnitude.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Adding Vectors Graphically,
you have many
vectors, just keep repeating
the process until all are
resultant is still
drawn from the tail of the
first vector to the tip of the
last vector.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Adding Vectors, Rules
two vectors are added, the
sum is independent of the order of
the addition.
This is the Commutative Law
of Addition.
 A B  B A
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Adding Vectors, Rules cont.
adding three or more vectors, their sum is independent of the way in
which the individual vectors are grouped.
This is called the Associative Property of Addition.
 
A  BC  A B C
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Adding Vectors, Rules final
adding vectors, all of the vectors must have the
same units.
of the vectors must be of the same type of quantity.
For example, you cannot add a displacement to a velocity.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Negative of a Vector
negative of a vector is defined as the vector that, when added to
the original vector, gives a resultant of zero.
Represented as
 
A  A  0
negative of the vector will have the same magnitude, but point in
the opposite direction.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Subtracting Vectors
case of vector addition:
 
A  B , then use A  B
with standard vector
addition procedure.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Subtracting Vectors, Method
way to look at
subtraction is to find the
vector that, added to the
second vector gives you the
first vector.
 
A  B  C
As shown, the
resultant vector
points from the tip
of the second to the
tip of the first.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Multiplying or Dividing a
Vector by a Scalar
result of the multiplication or division of a vector by
a scalar is a vector.
magnitude of the vector is multiplied or divided by
the scalar.
the scalar is positive, the direction of the result is the
same as of the original vector.
the scalar is negative, the direction of the result is
opposite that of the original vector.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Component Method of Adding
addition is not recommended when:
High accuracy is required
If you have a three-dimensional problem
method is an alternative method
It uses projections of vectors along coordinate axes
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Components of a Vector,
component is a
projection of a vector along
an axis.
Any vector can be
described by its
is useful to use
rectangular components.
These are the
projections of the
vector along the xand y-axes.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Vector Component Terminology
A x and A y are the component vectors of A.
They are vectors and follow all the rules for vectors.
and Ay are scalars, and will be referred to as the components of
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Components of a Vector
you are given a vector A
can be expressed in terms of two
other vectors, A x and A
three vectors form a right
A  Ax  Ay
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Components of a Vector, 2
y-component is
moved to the end of the xcomponent.
is due to the fact
that any vector can be
moved parallel to itself
without being affected.
This completes the
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Components of a Vector, 3
x-component of a vector is the projection along the
Ax  A cos
y-component of a vector is the projection along the
A y  A s in 
assumes the angle θ is measured with respect to the
If not, do not use these equations, use the sides of the
triangle directly.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Components of a Vector, 4
components are the legs of the right triangle whose
hypotenuse is the length of A.
A A
and   tan
May still have to find θ with respect tox the positive x-axis
a problem, a vector may be specified by its
components or its magnitude and direction.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Components of a Vector, final
components can be
positive or negative and
will have the same units as
the original vector.
signs of the
components will depend on
the angle.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Unit Vectors
unit vector is a dimensionless vector with a magnitude
of exactly 1.
vectors are used to specify a direction and have no
other physical significance.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Unit Vectors, cont.
symbols î , ĵ, and k̂
represent unit vectors
form a set of mutually
perpendicular vectors in a right-handed
coordinate system
magnitude of each unit vector is 1
ˆi  ˆj  kˆ  1
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Unit Vectors in Vector Notation
is the same as Axî and Ay is the
same as Ay ĵ etc.
complete vector can be
expressed as:
A  Ax ˆi  Ay ˆj
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Position Vector, Example
point lies in the xy plane and
has Cartesian coordinates of (x, y).
point can be specified by the
position vector.
rˆ  x ˆi  yˆj
gives the components of the
vector and its coordinates.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Adding Vectors Using Unit Vectors
R  A B
 
R  Ax ˆi  Ay ˆj  Bx ˆi  By ˆj
R   Ax  Bx  ˆi   Ay  By  ˆj
R  Rx ˆi  Ry ˆj
Rx = Ax + Bx and Ry = Ay + By
R  R R
  tan
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Adding Vectors with Unit Vectors
the relationships
among the components of
the resultant and the
components of the original
= Ax + Bx
= Ay + By
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Practice: If a = 2i + j -2k and b = 3i - 2j - k
finda. a + b,
b. a - b,
c. 3a - 2b,
d. |a|,
e. |b|, and
f. a unit vector aˆ in the direction of a.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Three-Dimensional Extension
R  A B
 
R  Ax ˆi  Ay ˆj  Azkˆ  Bx ˆi  By ˆj  Bzkˆ
R   Ax  Bx  ˆi   Ay  By  ˆj   Az  Bz  kˆ
R  Rx ˆi  Ry ˆj  Rzkˆ
Rx= Ax+Bx, Ry= Ay+By, and Rz = Az+Bz
R  Rx2  Ry2  Rz2
 x  cos1
, etc.
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1
Adding Three or More Vectors
same method can be extended to adding three or more vectors.
R  A BC
R   Ax  Bx  Cx  ˆi   Ay  By  Cy  ˆj
  Az  Bz  Cz  kˆ
Dr. Adam A. Bahishti
Section 1.1