Skin Problems in Men
of Color
By: Carlton Moses Jr.
Mentor: Dr. Andrew F. Alexis
St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center
University Hospital of Columbia University College of
Physicians and Surgeons
Learning Objective
Describe the common clinical presentation of
Pseudofolliclitis Barbae (PFB) and Acne
Keloidalis Nuchae (AKN) in men of color.
Describe the differential diagnosis for PFB and
Explain the Medical and Surgical management
for patients with PFB and AKN.
Pseudofolliculitis Barbae
PFB is a Chronic Inflammatory disorder of the hair-bearing
PFB occurs as a consequence of hair removal when tightly coiled
hair shafts, after being shaved or plucked, reenter the epidermis
or penetrate the hair follicle wall causing inflammation.
What Is Actually Going on?
The Skin
The Epidermis
The Epidermis consist of four basic cell parts
 Melanocytes
 Langerbans
 Granstein
What Do These Cells Do ?
Keratinocyte - helps to waterproof, defend and
Melanocytes - are located at the base of the skin, and
protects the melanin pigments, which are responsible
for the absorption of Ultraviolet light.
Langerhans and Granstein - arise from the bone
marrow, and help the immune responses of the skin,
and usually act as markers of antigens, which are
attacked by the T-Lymphocyte immunity cells.
5 Layers of the Epidermis
The Epidermis consist of 5 layers:
Stranum corneum
 Stranum spinosum
 Stranum lucidium
 Stranum garnulosum
 Stranum basale
What’s the Function of each layer?
Stranum corneum: The top layer consists of 25 layers
of dead cells, filled with tough keratin the substance
that makes nails, and used in protective chainsaw suits.
These are continuously being shed and replaced. It
serves as an effective barrier against light, heat, bacteria
and chemicals. In the manufacture of these cells, a
process called keratinisation, new cells are pushed up
from the basal layers. The period between forming and
shedding takes about two weeks.
What’s the Function of each layer?
Stranum spinosum: This layer contains many
sided cells that fit together.
Stranum lucidium: This layer is found only in
thick skin, such as the palm and soles.
They contain clear dead cells called eleidin,
which is eventually transformed into keratin.
What’s the Function of each layer?
Stranum garnulosum: The second layer consists of 4
rows of flattened cells that contain forms of stained
keratin. This provides a waterproofing protein. They
are in a vigorous state of degradation.
Stranum basale: This single layer pushes up towards
the surface. The nuclei disintegrate and
become the next layer. Other cells may arise and forms
hair follicles or glands.
Etiology and Pathogenesis
A Key Factor in the etiology of PFB if the
unique structure of the hair follicle in people of
What is folliculitis?
Folliculitis is an infection of the hair follicles.
Each hair on your body grows out of a tiny
pouch called a follicle. You can have folliculitis
on any part of your body that has hair. But it is
most common on the face, scalp, and areas
rubbed by clothing, such as the thighs and groin
Folliculitis Cont’
What causes folliculitis?
It is usually caused by bacteria, especially the type called
staph (Staphylococcus). It can also be caused by yeast and
another type of fungus. Folliculitis caused by a fungus
is most often seen in people who have trouble fighting
infections because they have an impaired immune
Often folliculitis develops because you have damaged
your hair follicles. Shaving or wearing clothes that rub
the skin can irritate the follicles. They can also become
blocked or irritated by substances like sweat, machine
oils, or makeup. Once the follicles are injured, they are
more likely to become infected.
Hair Follicle
Nestin-GFP expression in hair
follicle stem cells during hair cycle
More Hair Follicle
Acne Keloidalis Nuchae
Acne keloidalis nuchae (AKN) occurs when
hairs on the back of the head and neck grow
into the skin, become inflamed, and cause scar
AKN is more common in people with stiff or
curly hair and those with darker skin.
Acne Keloidalis Nuchae Examples
Future Research
For Future Research Dr. Alexis and I will try to
find out which are the common skin diseases
among not only African Americans, but of
people of all ethnic backgrounds and skin colors.
We will do this by looking in to records of the
patients and formulating a table including the
person's name , gender, diagnosis, doctor who
attended them, and weather their follow-up
patients or new.
How the Data will be Recorded
Follow up
Date of
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Dr. Sat Bhattacharya
Dr. Andrew Alexis
Ms. Jasmyne Jones
Mrs. Cathleen Donovan; Med. Ed. Coordinator
Mrs. Linda Cooper
Mr. Keifer
Grover Cleveland High School
Harlem Children Society
St. Luke’s Roosevelt High School