Nursing Care Plan 2013 Student Name : Clinical Area : Date : Clinical Instructor : Nursing Admission Data Base/ Client: X Age: Ward: Room No.: Spoken Language: Date of Admission: Source of Data: Condition on arrival: Walking Reasons for Hospitalization: C\o (5%) Sex: Bed No.: Via: Wheelchair Stretcher (0.5 Mark) (0.5 Mark) Complain of & chief complain & symptom Confirmed Diagnosis: (1 Mark) Medication taken at home: A: Prescribed: No Yes (specify (1 Mark) B: Non– Prescribed: No Yes (specify) Past medical history: (1 Mark) Past surgical history: (0.75 Mark) Family history: (0.75 Mark) 1 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 Assessment/ (Subjective Data) 1. Health Maintenance/ Perception Pattern. (15%) (2 Mark) A: Smoking: No Yes: No. of Cigarettes/ day. Quit (Date) B: Alcohol: No Yes (amount) C: Allergies (drugs, food, tape, dyes, dust, insects): No Yes (specify) 2. Nutrition/ Metabolic pattern (3 Mark) A: Diet: Typical diet at home: Prescribe diet: B: Appetite: Normal Increased Decreased C: Nausea: No Yes D: Vomiting: No Yes (describe) F: Dysphagia: No Yes G: Weight changes within last 6 months: No Yes Kg gained/ lost: H: Dentures: Upper Lower Partial 2 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 3. Activity/ Exercise pattern (2 Mark) Self care ability: (Use codes: 1 = independent, 2 = needs Assistance, 3 = dependent). Activity Feeding Bathing Dressing/Grooming Toiling Mobility 1 2 3 Assistive devices : No : Yes (specify) 4. Elimination Pattern/ (4 Mark) A: Bowel habits: Number of bowel movements/day Last bowel movement Constipation Diarrhea Distention Incontinence Bleeding Painful defecation Ostomy Assistive devices: No Yes (Specify) B: Urinary Habits: Frequency (times/day) Color Dysuria Oliguria Urgency Hematuria Anuria Nocturia (times/ night) Retention Burning Assistive devices: No Yes (specify) folly catheter condom catheter 3 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 5. Sleep/ Rest Pattern A: Usual number of hours/ night: AM naps: PM naps: B: Use of drugs: No Yes (specify) (1.5 Mark) C: Any change in habits after hospitalization: No Yes (specify) 6. Cognitive/ Conceptual Pattern A: Hearing: Impaired (Rt, Lt) Deaf (Rt, Lt) Tinnitus Hearing aids None (3 Mark) B: Vision: Impaired (Rt, Lt) Glasses Contact lenses Blind (Rt, Lt) None C: Vertigo: No Yes D: Discomfort/ pain: No Yes (describe) 7. Coping Stress/ Self Perception Pattern A: Major concerns regarding hospitalization of illness: (1 Mark) B: Major loss/ change: No Yes (specify) C: Coping mechanisms: 8. Value /Belief Pattern A: Religion: B: Spiritual Habits: (1 Mark) 4 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 9. Role/ Relationship Pattern A: Occupation: B: House- ld members: (Specify) (1.5 Mark) C: Family concerns regarding hospitalization: 10. Sexual/ Reproductive Pattern A: Testicular exam: No Yes (1 Mark) Physical Examination/ (Objective Data) 1. General Survey/ (10%) (1 Mark) Level of consciousness: Orientation: 2. Nutritional/ Metabolic pattern A: Skin: Color Symmetrical Temperature Turgor Texture Moisture Lesions: No Yes (describe) Edema: No Yes Pruritus: No Yes Tubes: No Yes (specify) (4 Mark) B: Oral Cavity: Lips (describe) Gums (describe) Teeth (describe) Tongue (describe) Mucous membrane & adjacent structures (describe) 5 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 C: Neck: Symmetrical: Yes No (specify) Thyroid Carotid pulse Jugular venous pressure Lymph node enlargement: No Yes (describe) D: Abdomen: Symmetrical: No Yes Contour Umbilicus Number of bowel sounds / minute Abnormal sounds: No Yes (specify) Masses: No Yes (specify) Organomegally: No Yes (specify) Tenderness: No Yes (specify) Other data: 3. Activity/ Exercise Pattern A: Lung &Thorax Respiration: (describe) (3 Mark) Symmetrical chest movements: yes No (specify) Lung expansion (describe) B: Cardiovascular: Blood pressure Apical pulse (describe) Peripheral pulses (describe) Abnormal heart sounds: No Yes (describe) 6 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 C: Musculoskeletal: Tempomandibular joint: (describe) Neck joints: (describe) Upper extremity joints: (describe) Lower extremity joints: (describe) Spine: (describe) 4. Cognitive/ perceptual Pattern A: Eyes: B: Ears: C: Nose: D: Mental status: able to calculate: Yes No Thinking abstractly: Yes No Memory: Yes No (specify) (2 Mark) E: Neurological status: Intact cranial nerves: Yes No (specify) Intact sensory function: Yes No (specify) Intact motor function: Yes No (specify) Deep tendon reflexes (draw a picture) 7 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 Medication / (10%) Drug's Allergies: No Yes (Specify) Drugs and Classification For this Patient Action/indication Dose/ Route Frequency ContraIndications Expected Side effects Nursing Implications (2 Mark) (1 Mark) (3 Mark) (1 Mark) (1 Mark) (2 Mark) 8 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 Diagnostic Evaluation (Lab results, X-ray, ECG, procedures) Date Test Performed Normal Value Patient Value (1 Mark) (2 Mark) (2 Mark) 9 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University (10%) Interpretations & Nursing Implications (5 Mark) Nursing Care Plan 2013 Nursing Care Plan/ (40%) Functional Health Pattern Nursing Diagnosis Evidenced by /Defining Characteristics Short-Term Goals Planned Intervention (With Rationale) Actual Intervention The Outcome (With Rationale) (4 Mark) (6 Mark) (6 Mark) (6 Mark) (6 Mark) (6 Mark) (6 Mark) 10 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 Discharge Care Plan/ (10%) 11 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 Index Key (examples) Discharge Care Plan/ (10%) Date &Sign Plan and Outcome Target Date: Nursing Interventions Date Achieved (0.5 Mark) (3 Mark) (0.5 Mark) (5.5 Mark) (0.5 Mark) The patient/family's discharge planning will begin on day of admission including preparation for education and/or equipment. On the day of discharge, patient/family will receive verbal and written instructions concerning: o Medications o diet o Activity o Treatments o Follow up appointments o Signs and symptoms to observe for (when to contact the doctor) Care of incisions, wounds, etc. Other: 12 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Assess needs of patient/family beginning on the day of admission and continue assessment during hospitalization. Anticipated needs/services: o Respiratory equipment o Hospital bed o Wheel char o Walker o Home health nurse o Home PT/OT/ST Involve the patient/family in the discharge process. Discuss with physician the discharge plan and obtain orders if needed. Contact appropriate personnel with orders. Provide written and verbal instructions at the patient/family's level of understanding. Verbally explain instructions to patient/family prior to discharge and provide patient/family with a written Nursing Care Plan 2013 copy. Ascertain that patient has follow-up care arranged at discharge. Provide verbal and written information on what signs and symptoms to observe and when to contact the physician. Assess if any community resources should be utilized (i.e.: Home Health Nurse), and contact appropriate personnel. Document all discharge teaching on Discharge Instruction Sheet and Nursing notes. Other:________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ 13 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 Index Key (Draw a picture) +4 = hyperactive +3 = more than normal +2 = normal +1 = low than normal 0 = no response 14 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 Index Key Family history ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Female Dead female Dead male Male House hold --------------------- Abortion ----------------- The patient 15 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 Guidelines for Review of Body Systems Use the following format for review of body systems to completes all your assignments: GENERAL: [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] Recent weight changes. Fever/ chills. Malaise/ general weakness. Mood changes SKIN, HAIR, AND NAILS: [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Rashes Lesions Itching Color change Dryness Brittle nails Cracking Others [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Headache Seizure Fainting Head injuries Dizziness [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Changes in vision Blindness Cataract Diplopia Redness Pain Photophobia Glasses (last exam date and results) Contact lenses (type) Glaucoma Drainage Infection others [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] Difficulty in hearing/ deafness Tinnitus Vertigo Infection Discharge Others HEAD: EYES: EARS: NOSE AND SINUSES: [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] Nasal stuffiness Frequent colds Hay fever Nose bleeds Sinus troubles/ infection 16 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 MOUTH, PHARYNX, AND NECK: [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Bleeding from gums/ teeth Oral infection Dental problems Dentures (last exam, time and results) Hoarseness Swelling in neck Frequent sore throats Lumps in neck Dysphagia Stiffness in neck other ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Prurutus, pain, lumps Nipple discharge Dimpling of skin Enlargement (gynecosmastia) Performance of self breast exam Mammograms (date, results) Steroids others ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Shortness of breath Dyspnea on exertion Orthopnea Pain with respiration Cough Sputum (color, frequency, quantity) Hemopteysis Wheezing Cyanosis Pneumonia Bronchitis Emphysema Asthma TB test ( results and date) TB exposure Chest X-ray ( date and results) others ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] Heart troubles High blood pressure Heart murmurs Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea Chest discomfort/ pain Palpitations Syncope Rheumatic fever Coronary Artery disease Heart attack ECG ( results and dates) Other heart tests Others BREASTS: [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ LUNGS: [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ HEART: [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ 17 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 PERIPHERAL VASCULAR: [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] Edema Swelling/ pain calves Pain/ ulcerations or discoloration of extremities Cramps Varicose veins Others GASTROINTESTINAL: [ ] Nausea [ ] Vomiting [ ] Hematemesis [ ] Indigestion/ heart burn [ ] Abdominal pain [ ] Jaundice [ ] Hepatitis [ ] Melena [ ] Clay colored stools [ ] Incontinence of stool [ ] Diarrhea [ ] Change in bowel habit [ ] Constipation [ ] Hemorrhoids [ ] Excessive gas [ ] Hernia [ ] Ulcer [ ] Gall bladder stone/ colic [ ] Pancreatic disease [ ] Others URINARY: [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] MALE GENITALIA: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Frequency Urgency Infection Dysuria Nocturia Hematuria Stream site and force Hesitancy Incontinence (stress, urge, dribbling) Others Discharge Genital lesions Testicular pain/ mass Syphilis positive serology Gonorrhea Sexual problems Others FEMALE GENITALIA: [ ] Viginal discharge [ ] Pruritis [ ] Genital lesions [ ] Painful intercourse [ ] Post menstrual bleeding [ ] Post coital bleeding [ ] Pap smear ( results, dates) [ ] Other 18 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University Nursing Care Plan 2013 ENDOCRINE: [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] HEMATOPOIETIC: [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Heat and cold intolerance Thyroid problems Neck Surgery Diabetes Abnormal bleeding/ bruising Anemia Transfusions Leukemia Blood type Others SPINE AND EXTREMITIES: MUSCOLOSKELETAL [ ] Arthritis [ ] Joint stiffness [ ] Joint swelling [ ] Joint pain [ ] Muscle weakness [ ] Muscle cramps [ ] Backache [ ] Limited ROM [ ] Others SPINE AND EXTREMITIES: NEUROLOGICAL [ ] Paresthesia/ numbness [ ] Paralysis [ ] Incoordination [ ] Disturbed balance [ ] Fainting (LOC) [ ] Blackouts [ ] Tics [ ] Tremors [ ] Spasms [ ] Others PSYCHIATRIC (Problems in the following areas): [ ] Spouse [ ] Family [ ] Peers [ ] Insomnia [ ] Depression (interfering with ADL’s) [ ] Anxiety interfering with ADL’s) [ ] Mood swings [ ] Delusions [ ] Hallucinations [ ] Eating, sleeping, memory problems [ ] Others 19 Department of Nursing \ College of Applied Medical Sciences \Majmaah University