Unclassified Staff Senate Executive Council Meeting Minutes July 19, 2011

Unclassified Staff Senate Executive Council Meeting Minutes
July 19, 2011
Called to order at 2:35 p.m. by President Misty Button.
Correction to Minutes: Please place periods after the B’s in B.B.’s name.
Misty distributed copies of the Robert’s Rules of Order cheat sheet. We are not bound
to use these rules, but will loosely apply them to complete votes and discussions.
Old Business
Ron Womble has agreed to chair the ad hoc committee bylaws committee. Jamie Jones
has agreed to serve as a member.
Jenny Hellwig was determined to be the next highest vote recipient in Cohort 1 of
University Advancement. She has agreed to serve as a Senator replacing Shawn
Naccarato, whose new job places him on President’s Council and therefore unable to
serve. Shawn’s official resignation from his Senate seat is expected today.
An Angel Group has been created and all Senators names and ID numbers have been
forwarded to Barbara Herbert to be added to the group. Heather will submit Jenny
Hellwig’s name as an addition to the group. Angel training sessions have been
scheduled for August 9 at 2:00 pm and August 11 at 10:00, both in the Axe Library
computer lab. These sessions are for Senators who are not familiar with Angel.
Lauren is working with Becky Krause to establish a Mr. Bulke list of all individuals
represented by the Unclassified Senate.
On July 11, Heather requested a URL for the Senate to be placed under resources on
the faculty/staff page (this is where the classified and faculty senate web pages are
Misty will contact the other Senate presidents (faculty, classified and student) to invite
them to our meetings and let them know that they will have time at each of our
meetings to provide updates if they choose to attend our meeting.
We reviewed a list of the University committees to determine what we would like to
recommend to the full Senate for approval, prior to submission of a request for
representation to Dr. Scott.
Committees to be Recommended:
Affirmative Action Committee
Athletic Council
Athletic Fee Council
Brand Marketing Council
Internationalization Council
Joint University Student Publications Board
Parking Committee
Parking Violations Appeal Board
Safety Committee
Sustainability Committee
Threat Management and Behavioral Intervention Team – Workplace and Campus
Violence Committee
Tuition Committee
University Critical Incident and Crisis Response Advisory, Planning, Evaluation and
Support Team
University Diversity Council
University Scholarship and Financial Assistance Committee
University Scholarship Policy Committee
Search Committees for Positions of Dean and Above
Special Committees, Tasks Forces, Teams or Groups where Representation of other
Senates at PSU are included
New Business
The statewide Unclassified Senate Council is meeting in Emporia on July 27. Misty and
B.B. will be attending.
Agenda for September Senate meeting:
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
III. Student Senate Representative
IV. Classified Senate Representative
V. Faculty Senate Representative
VI. Officer Reports
a. President (Emporia trip)
b. President-elect (Emporia trip)
c. Secretary (Angel, website)
d. Treasurer (Mr. Bulke)
VII. Committee Reports
a. Ad hoc Bylaws Committee – Ron Womble, Chair
VIII. Old Business
a. Elections
b. Resignation of Shawn Naccarato
c. Other Old Business?
IX. New Business
a. New Senator
b. University Committee representation request
c. Other New Business?
X. Announcements
XI. Adjournment
Meeting adjourned at 3:36 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Heather Eckstein
Unclassified Senate Officers Meetings Attendance