Unclassified Staff Senate Meeting March 8, 2012 I. Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m. by President-Elect Missi Kelly. II. Approval of minutes as amended – M/S/P (Girth, Stewart) a. Amendment was to the Treasurers report - $2.52 was collected for tax on the money donated by individuals who attended the soup and salad celebration, but did not bring a dish b. Balance is $29.48 III. Other University Reports a. Student Senate – No representative present. b. Classified Senate – No representative present. c. Faculty Senate – No representative present. d. President’s Liaison – No representative present. IV. Executive Committee Reports a. President’s Report – Missi Kelly i. B.B. met with Dr. Scott and they discussed the following topics: 1. University closing due to the storm last week a. How did you find out that the university was closed? Senators reported that they received the Pitt Alerts via text and email, supervisor contacted them, television, or arrived at work (no power at their home and cell phone not charged) b. Are peoples signed up for PittAlerts? – Of the Senators at the meeting, all were signed up. c. Is there a better way to communicate? – Consensus was that the communications methods used were appropriate. 2. Smoke-free campus a. SGA is in discussions regarding putting the issue of a smoke-free campus to a vote after spring break b. Some students seem to assume that if the issue of PSU becoming a smoke-free campus passes, the next step would be for Dr. Scott to automatically declare a smoke-free campus, but signing off on this recommendation from the students is not a certainty. He would take staff and faculty opinions into consideration before making his decision. c. Please let Dr. Scott know if you hear students expressing that they feel the student body vote will determine the outcome of this issue. 3. Student referendum on fee increase a. Voting by students enrolled during the spring 2012 term on the fee increase advisory referendum will occur from March 7 through March 14 b. The fee increase would support the renovation or expansion of the Overman Student Center, construction of a Fine and Performing Arts Center, and the construction of an Indoor Event Center. c. Please encourage students to vote. 4. Legislative issues a. House Bill 2745: i. This would eliminate funding for remedial (courses designed to give students a basic understanding, such as math and language arts) courses at universities. ii. This legislation would also reduce the qualified admission exception from 10% to 5%. Under the current qualified admissions criteria, students are admitted to Kansas universities if they earn a minimum ACT score of 21, graduate in the top 1/3 of high school class, or complete pre-college curriculum with a 2.0 for residents and 2.5 for nonresidents. State universities may admit Kansas residents who do not meet the minimum freshman admissions criteria, but the number of these exceptions are limited by statute to 10% of the university’s total freshman admissions. House Bill 2745 would narrow the exception to 5%, because the purpose of the bill is to redirect students who do not meet the academic qualification standards to community colleges. iii. A senator asked if PSU had a stance on this issue. The response was that we do not know. b. President-Elect Missi Kelly – No report. c. Secretary Heather Eckstein – No report. d. Treasurer Lauren Werner – No report. V. Committee Reports a. Adhoc By-laws – Ron Womble, chair i. Ron distributed a copy of the bylaws with the recommended changes. (A copy of this document is included at the end of these minutes.) Areas with changes to consider include: 1. Responsibilities of the secretary 2. Process to fill an officer position when open mid-term 3. Quorum 4. Professional expectations of Senators statement 5. Officer elections – update to Senator elections ii. Ron is accepting comments and recommendations regarding these recommendations through March 29. b. Adhoc Professional Development – Amanda Williams, chair i. The committee is tallying the responses to the survey; we received 47 responses out of 275 potential respondents. c. Election Committee – Jenny Hellwig, chair i. Election Results 1. President Elect – Andy Myers 2. Secretary – Susan Dellasega 3. Treasurer – Lauren Werner ii. The committee is now working on the election of new senators for the open cohort seats for 2012-2013 VI. Old Business a. Unclassified Council KBOR Meeting i. Met in Topeka on February 15 ii. Report of the Unclassified Council at KBOR included focused on the issue of raises 1. Missi indicated that that Dr. Scott has heard our concerns regarding the lack of raises for unclassified staff. Further, as the Governor did not grant funding for raises, any unclassified staff raises would have to come from tuition. The Tuition committee is looking into this issue. 2. Senators and all unclassified staff may contact representatives in Topeka to express their opinion on this issue; be mindful to do this on your own time and from your personal resources such as your personal email account. iii. General discussion about whether individuals on campus know that they are classified or unclassified. VII. New Business a. Conceal and carry update: At this time it appears we have the votes to maintain the exemption amendment that would empower higher education governing boards to control whether concealed guns will be allowed on campus. b. Redistricting: This process has come to somewhat of a halt. There are now approximately ten proposed congressional maps in the House. c. Fee Council Update by Lauren Werner: i. Athletic Fee Council - At the meeting of the council held on February 10, the proposed Indoor Event Center was discussed. The estimated cost is $12 million: $1.1 million in private gifts has been pledged, an additional $5.5 million in private funding will be sought, $3 million in student fees has been requested, and the balance will be requested from the City of Pittsburg. The current athletic fee of $130 raises approximately $1.5 million – 95% of this goes to scholarships. ii. Possible fee increases for 2012-2013 include: 1. $5 Athletics 2. $3 Student Health Center 3. $ Student Activities 4. $30 Master Plan – buildings (The athletics portion of this increase is $7, so the total fee increase for athletics would be around $11.) Fee council approved recommendation of the $5 increase to student fees for Athletics. VIII. Announcements a. Next Executive meeting: March 21 at 3:00 p.m. in Russ 211. b. Next Senate meeting: April 5 at 3:00 p.m. in the Student Center Inaugural Room. Please note that Dr. Scott will be attending this meeting. c. Rita Girth announced that the Student Health Fee council met and requested a $2 fee increase to cover the employer portion of the group health insurance and a potential 2% unclassified staff salary increase. IX. Meeting adjourned at 3:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Heather Eckstein, Secretary Debbie Cathy Lee Jon Misty Ellen Mindy Susan Jean Heather Rita Lindell Jenny Barbara Jamie Missi Holly Andrew Shawn David Jim Tim Paul BB Lauren Amanda Ron Amershek Arcuino Bartlow Button Carter Cloninger Dellasega Dockers Eckstein Girth Haverstic Hellwig Herbert Jones Kelly Kent Myers Naccarato Nance Otter Pearson Stewart Stotts Werner Williams Womble x x x x x x x x x na x x x x x na x x x na x x x x x x x x x x x x x x na x na x x na x x x x na x x x x x x x x na x x na x x na x x na x x x na x x x x x x na x x na x x x na x x x x x x x x na x x na x x x x x x x x na x x x Na x x x x x x na x x na x x x x x Na x x x na x x x x x x x x x x x x x 5/17/2012 x na x x x x x x x x x na x x x na x x x 4/5/2012 3/8/2012 2/2/2012 1/5/2012 12/1/2011 11/3/2011 10/6/2011 9/1/2011 5/18/2011 Unclassified Staff Senate Attendance 2011-2012 x x x x na na na na na na Proposed Bylaw changes: