PROPOSALS APPROVED BY THE FACULTY COUNCIL SEPTEMBER 28, 2012 ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Thesis and Dissertation Procedures The Faculty Council approves of the proposal from the COSS Directors of Graduate Study to modify the rules regarding composition of committees for theses and dissertations, and recommends it approval by the Administrative Council, as follows: “… to allow one member of the three person dissertation of thesis committee to be selected from outside the University of West Georgia. This third member must have a doctorate in a related field and must be willing to serve on the committee without compensation, and must provide consent in writing to this effect. Department chairs and committee chairs will each be responsible for vetting and authorizing the selection of a third reviewer. Non-UWG committee members may participate in person or virtually through the use of audio or video communication technologies, such as Skype.” 2 Strategic Planning The Faculty Council approves the draft of the Mission, Vision, Goals and Action Steps statement from the COSS Strategic Planning Committee and recommends its approval by the Administrative Council, with the following proposed revisions: EDITING TO THE VISION STATEMENT: COSS will be a recognized leader in creating a collaborative learning and research culture, promoting community engagement, attracting an increased proportion of talented and passionate students and faculty. COSS will provide distinctive and sought out programs and graduates, leading to an expanded and diversified resource base. ADDITIONS TO THE ACTION STEPS: ACTION STEP 2.c. To enhance students’ awareness of global issues, promoting their understanding of such concerns within broader social, political and cultural frameworks. ACTION STEP 2.d. To cultivate advanced oral and written communication skills of students. ACTION STEP 4.d. To effectively utilize campus media (UTV13, The West Georgian, The WOLF Internet Radio) and the student-managed public relations firm to promote and showcase academic success and extracurricular endeavors to the campus, alumni, and global communities. 3. Course and Program Modifications The Faculty Council approves the following proposed course and program changes: a. modify title and description of POLI 3102 b. modify the area F requirements of the B.A. degree in Political Science c. modify the area F requirements of the B.S. degree in Political Science d. eliminate the pre-major in Sociology 4. PWLA Credits The Faculty Council approves the use of up to two credits of PWLA 1600 to count toward credit totals for graduation. Other PWLA courses should not be included for such purpose. FOR INFORMATION 1. The Faculty Council endorses the reinstitution of the publication Studies in the Social Sciences by COSS, and will work closely with its newly appointed editorial team. 2. The Faculty Council approves internal operating procedures involving the creation of three ad hoc subcommittees (see Appendix 1), with membership as follows: Academic Affairs: Jim Dillion, Pam Hunt, Kay Marden Planning: Chris Aanstoos, Cathi Jenks, Brad Yates Faculty Development: Stan Caress, Tom Hunter, Soo Moon 3. The Faculty Council accepts the charge, granted to it by the Dean and the Administrative Council, to be the body that will determine the awarding of internally funded faculty research grants. It charged its Faculty Development Committee with the task of drafting proposed procedures to be presented to the Council at its next meeting. 4. The Faculty Council will next meet on October 19. All proposed course and program modifications should be posted to the web site by October 12, and all other agenda items should be sent to Chris Aanstoos ( by that date. APPENDIX 1 INTERNAL ORGANIZATIONAL SCHEMA OF THE FACULTY COUNCIL: THREE AD HOC SUBCOMMITTEES Academic Affairs Tasks: 1) receiving and evaluating all proposals for course and program modifications, additions and deletions; 2) developing proposals related to Honors programs; 3) developing proposals related to academic policies and academic advisement; 4) interfacing with the Undergraduate Programs, Graduate Programs, Honors Programs and Academic Policies committees of the Faculty Senate on all matters of interest to COSS. Planning Tasks: 1) developing any proposed changes to the Bylaws; 2) organizing, supervising and certifying the college-wide elections for Faculty Senate and Faculty Council in the Spring; 3) consulting with the Dean on matters of budget; 4) developing proposals with regard to issues of strategic planning; 5) developing proposals on matters of the library and other campus facilities and services; 6) developing proposals or matters of information technology and serve as the liaison with the office of ITS; 7) interfacing with the Rules, Budget, Strategic Planning, Technology and the Facilities and Services committees of the Faculty Senate on all matters of interest to COSS. Faculty Development Tasks: 1) developing proposals on matters of faculty development; 2) organizing, supervising and certifying the election of members to the Faculty Promotion and Tenure Advisory Committee in the Fall; 3) developing proposals regarding issues of tenure, promotion and posttenure review; 4) developing any proposed changes to the Policies and Procedures; 5) developing proposals on matters of student affairs, alumni relations, and university relations; 6) interfacing with the Faculty Development, Student Affairs, Intercollegiate Athletics and the University Relations committees of the Faculty Senate on all matters of interest to COSS.