Chapter 2 Project Management Methodologies A project life cycle Plan Design Develop Integrate (including test) Deploy Maintain They can be iterative and incremental Why it is a cycle– no ending st D n ep si g loy De me nt Planning ym De ve plo lop De me nt Po Project Lifecycle en t Integration Planning Phase The “Idea” Brainstorming Project Concept Project Proposal Proposal “Greenlighted” Define the Project Project Definition Project Approval Planning Phase (cont/d) The Project Plan Define “how” the project will be implemented The Project Approach Define the processes to be used during the implementation of the project Finalize the Budget Design Phase Design the Architecture Design the Product and the Features Create Specifications and Task Lists Finalize the Project Schedule Development Phase Write & Test Code Analyze and Report on Project Statistics Status and Project Review Meetings Feature Complete Integration Phase Integrate the Features into the Final “Product” Integration and End-to-End Testing Stabilization & Optimization Code Complete Deployment Phase Finalize Operations Documents Training Deployment and Acceptance Project Handoff Post Deployment Operations Team Take Control of “Product” Lessons Learned Meeting Project Closure Disband the Project Team Celebrate Success! Standard Methodologies & Processes Project Management Institute (PMI) Six sigma CMMI Initial Repeatable Defined Manageable Optimized International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO-9000 ISO-1400