Byrd, Committee Chair (Music); Molly ... Cuomo (Theatre); Rita Tekippe (Art; proxy for Erin Dixon)

COAH Executive Committee Minutes
October 23, 2015
In attendance: Elizabeth Kramer, Associate Dean; Pauline Gagnon, Incoming Interim Dean; Josh
Byrd, Committee Chair (Music); Molly McCullers (History) ; Robert Kilpatrick (FLL); Amy
Cuomo (Theatre); Rita Tekippe (Art; proxy for Erin Dixon)
Call to Order
• Josh Byrd called the meeting to order at 11:03.
• Associate Dean Kramer informed the committee that Lori Snaith (English) would be unable to
attend the meeting. She relayed a request to get the writing sub-committee together and suggest
means of publicizing the committee.
Proposed Course Catalog Updates
Course Catalog Modification – FLL – FREN 3211: Topics in French Culture
Introduction to contemporary French and Francophone culture through the study of films,
popular music, media, newspapers art, and/or television shows.
We offer this course every fall, as part of our exchange program at the Université
François-Rabelais, and during our summer study abroad program. It is possible for
students to take FREN 3211 four times within the space of 2-3 years and this change will
make each of those courses count on their transcripts without having to request special
permission from the Provost/Registrar. Currently, the course only counts once for credit.
Submitted by Robert Kilpatrick
• Status = approved.
Course Catalog Modification – Theatre – THEA 3394: Directing
An introduction to the major approaches, techniques, processes, and responsibilities
associated with directing a play. Projects will include in-class directing. Prerequisites
may be waived with permission of the instructor.
Modify Course THEA 3394 Directing Catalog Description remains the same
Modification in configuration of credit hour calculation CURRENT: Directing
THEATRE 3394 3/0/3 PROPOSED: Directing THEATRE 3394 2/2/3 Rationale: The
course requires larger blocks of time for hands-on sessions in performance. The proposed
configuration allows for a schedule of once a week for 4 ½ hours or twice a week at 2.15
each session. This is a model used by similar, NAST accredited USG programs in
Theatre. Details and conformity of how this configuration would work at UWG was
sought out in an email to Myrna Gantner and this was her response: “…the first two
hours could be used for direct instruction…then the performance time could run from
11:00-1:30…In this configuration, there is no expectation for outside work for the ‘lab’
portion of the course, since the entire time (2250 minutes) is consumed by the hands-¬‐on
session from 11:00 – 1:30 pm. However, you could require some outside prep if you
wanted to, because the federal definition purposely includes the phrase ‘at least’ when
talking about the non-¬‐lecture academic activities. Total time invested in the class for the
term (excluding final exam) is 6750 minutes and would earn 3 credits.
Submitted by Pauline Gagnon
• Status = approved.
Proposed Program Modifications
Program Modification – FLL - Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Foreign Languages and
Modification Details:
Replace Major requirement of HIST 1111/1112 (students take the other in Area E) with a
3000/4000 level elective in any discipline.
Some students decide to pursue a degree in teacher education relatively late in their
college career, and this change would allow them to count coursework they have already
completed in another area towards a degree with FLL certification.
Submitted by Robert Kilpatrick
• Josh Byrd offered a friendly amendment to clarify that the courses are all three credit
• Status = approved
Program Modification – Theatre – Minor in Theatre
Modification Details:
Change one requirement to include an option of OR
Current=THEA 2291 (Acting One)
Change to= THEA 2291 OR THEA 2214 (Concepts in Theatre Design)
We have recruited several minors from varying majors but some, specifically those
majoring in ART and minoring in THEATRE, prefer to focus on design curriculum rather
than performance. This provides the option for these students to do this.
Submitted by Pauline Gagnon
• Status = approved
• The meeting was adjourned at 11:14AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Charles Lipp, COAH Secretary