YMCA Camp Miller’s Summer Camp Program Evaluation Plan ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION 5625: PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA DULUTH Contributors Julie Ernst Megan Allen Megan Brown Rebecca Bryan Patricia Carpenter Brinda Dewan Christa Drake Ryan Feldbrugge Kate Henry Bradley Little Gregory Petry Amy Wilcox Mandi Wojciehowski 2 Table of Contents Contents Logic Model .................................................................................................................................................. 4 Evaluation Purpose Statement ...................................................................................................................... 6 Evaluation Matrix and Table of Specifications............................................................................................. 7 Tool Descriptions .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Current Parent Pre Questionnaire ............................................................................................................... 15 Youth Pret Questionnaire ............................................................................................................................ 18 Youth Post Questionnaire ........................................................................................................................... 21 Current Parent Post Questionnaire .............................................................................................................. 24 Previous Parent Post Questionnaire ............................................................................................................ 30 Evaluation Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 34 For Youth: ............................................................................................................................................... 34 For Parents: ............................................................................................................................................. 36 Timeline: ................................................................................................................................................. 37 Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................. 38 Parent consent for their own participation............................................................................................... 38 Child assent ............................................................................................................................................. 38 Appendix B ................................................................................................................................................. 39 Parent/guardian consent letter for youth participation ............................................................................ 39 3 Logic Model Mission: To provide positive life-enhancing experiences for youth through activities that focus on teaching YMCA core values, developing life skills, and building character in a safe, fun, supportive outdoor setting. Situation: Childhood is changing. Now more than ever, children need camp. A quality camp experience provides children with the opportunity to learn powerful lessons in community, character-building, skill development, and healthy living. As the one of the oldest camps in the nation, Camp Miller has a 118 year history of providing an affordable, quality outdoor experience with a wide variety of activities for children from Minnesota and Wisconsin that is grounded in the core values of the YMCA: Honesty, Caring, Respect, and Responsibility. Inputs Outputs Human Resources Core and seasonal staff Volunteers Board of Directors Partnerships Traditional Overnight Camp Age progressive model: Trekker (ages 7-8, variety of activities); Pathfinder (ages 9-10, expanding skills and challenges); Mountain Climber (ages 11-12, team building, developing competence & confidence around camp); Adventurer (ages 13-14, expanding leadership skills& an off-site overnight) Financial Resources Camper fees Fundraising, grants, donations, Revenue from offseason programs, events Endowment to support scholarships and transportation to support broader range of camp participants Facility Resources 340 acres Buildings and cabins Outdoor climbing tower Shooting range High ropes course Challenge course Nature nook Learning nodes Farm, garden, animals Campsites 9 Miles of trails Lake access Programming Camp Stories/reflection; Games, stories, songs, special events; Team building, adventure/challenge activities; Water-related activities; Arts and crafts; Equestrian; Sports and physical activity; Nature, environmental, and outdoor living; Rifle and archery; Gardening; Animal husbandry Specialty Camps Horseback, Art, Climbing, Theater, Fishing, Survival, Biking, Target Sports, etc. Youth Leadership Camps Canoe Leadership Trip Counselor in Training Volunteers in Progress Day Camp (ages 5-11) Knowledge Base: YMCA oversight and guidance ACA accreditation industry standards staff certification and training Marketing, Recruitment Staff Training (and development of skills Primary Participants: ~700 Youth Participants (Age 7-16yrs) from primarily from Duluth, Hwy 35 Corridor, Iron Range (parents of camp participants are invited to participate on the last day) Outcomes Learning Action Outdoor/Environmental -Enjoyment of participation in outdoor activities and adoption of a positive attitude toward outdoor activity, challenge and adventure -Skill development in a range of outdoor activities -Environmental appreciation -Skill development for understanding, exploring, and caring for the natural environment -Youth demonstrate their learning (knowledge, skills, dispositions, values, attitudes) while at camp Active/Healthy Living -Skills and attitudes for lifelong physical activity -Understanding of role of local foods in healthy eating and healthy environments -Skills and attitudes for healthy eating Youth Development -Self confidence and self-esteem (strong sense of self and self-worth) -Self- and social-awareness -Sense of belonging and acceptance -Positive dispositions and values: honesty, caring, respect, responsibility, initiative, selfreliance, perseverance, and commitment -Positive relationships with caring adults and peers -Social skills (communication, conflict resolution, making friends). -Openness to a wider range of environments, people, activities, and routines -Problem solving, leadership and -Youth participate in camp over multiple years, growing toward mastery of skills and developing and using leadership skills to play a greater role in program implementation. -Broader parent and community recognition of the value of summer camp experiences for positive youth development Impacts -Youth transfer behaviors (positive, sociallyappropriate and environmentally responsible behaviors, healthy and active lifestyles, outdoor recreation skills) to settings and activities beyond Camp Miller -Youth participate in and contribute to their families, schools, and communities in positive ways -Parents, camp alumni, and community partners support and contribute toward making Camp Miller an economicallyviable and sustainable organization. teamwork skills 4 5 Evaluation Purpose Statement The purpose of this formative evaluation of YMCA Camp Miller’s Summer Camp Program is to provide leadership staff and board members with data regarding the efficacy of their programming toward achieving desired learning-level outcomes. In addition, this evaluation will serve to provide data pertaining to factors that contribute to camper participation and continued camper participation. Collectively, this data will be used to guide decisions pertaining to programming and overall summer camp program focus for program improvement, accountability, and recruitment/retention purposes. 6 Evaluation Matrix and Table of Specifications Evaluation Questions: Instrument & Items corresponding with Evaluation Question Design and Sampling Learning-Level Outcomes Youth: 1. Does participation in Camp Miller’s Summer Camp Program support the development of the following in camp participants: Outdoor/Environmental -Enjoyment of participation in outdoor activities and adoption of a positive attitude toward outdoor activity, challenge and adventure -Skill development in a range of outdoor activities -Environmental appreciation -Skill development for understanding, exploring, and caring for the natural environment Active/Healthy Living -Skills and attitudes for lifelong physical activity -Understanding of role of local foods in healthy eating and healthy environments -Skills and attitudes for healthy eating Youth Development - Intrapersonal skills including: Self-Reliance, Independence, Perseverance, Commitment, Initiative, Honesty, Self-Awareness, SelfConfidence, Self-Esteem - Interpersonal skills including: Social Awareness, Caring & Respect, Empathy, Making Friends, Positive Relationships, Belonging & Acceptance, Leadership, Teamwork, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Problem Solving 2. What are parents’ and youth’ perceptions as to what the youth are gaining through participation in camp? (What do they perceive as outcomes?) Design: Single Group Pretest-Posttest Design (pre implemented toward beginning of first day of camp and post implemented last evening or last day of camp) Outdoor/Environmental -Youth (Post) 1, 4, 5a-d -Current Parent (Post) 2, 3a-d -Previous Parent (Post) 4 Sampling: All youth in traditional overnight, specialty, and leadership camps (Pathfinder ages and older) invited to participate (during initial summer of evaluation activities; sampling recommended for subsequent summers) Current Parents: Active/Healthy Living -Youth (Post) 1, 4, 5e-g -Current Parent (Post) 2, 3e-g -Previous Parent (Post) 1H-J, 4 Youth Development -Youth (Post) Items 1, 4, 5h-o -Current Parent (Post) 2, 3h-r, 6b, 6c, 6e, 6j -Previous Parent (Post) 1K, 4 Youth (Post) 1, 4, 5a-o, 6 Current Parent (Pre) 1j, 1k, 2a-o, 3 Current Parent (Post) 2, 3a-r, 5, 6a-f, 6j Previous Parent (Post) 1HK, 4 Design: Single Group Pre-test Posttest Design (pre-questionnaire items incorporated into the registration process; posttest mailed or emailed using an online survey platform 1 month following their child’s participation at camp OR 1 month following end of Camp Season; the first option is preferred as it keeps the time in between participation and questionnaire completion consistent across all respondents; if that is not logistically a possible, then mailing/emailing all at the same time, early October, is the next best option) Sampling: Parents of all traditional camp, specialty camp, and leadership camp participants invited to complete the questionnaire (including parents of Trekker youth) Parents of Youth Who Attended in Previous 1-3 years 7 Factors that Contribute to Participation and Continued Participation 3. What outcomes do parents/guardians perceive as most important in their decisions regarding Camp Miller participation (and general participation in other summer activities) for their children? Current Parent (Pre) 1j, 1k, 2a-o, 3 Current Parent (Post) 2, 3a-r, 5 Previous Parent (Post) 1HK, 4, 5 4. What other factors, in addition to those relating to outcomes, influence parents’ decisions regarding Camp Miller (initial attendance and returning for a second or multiple times)? (What are positive influences on and what inhibits?) Current Parent (Pre) 1a-i, 1L-Q, 3 Current Parent (Post) 1b, 2, 4, 5, 6a-k Previous Parent (Post) 1AG, 1L-Q, 3, 4, 5, 6 5. What are the primary influences on youth’ interest in attending and returning Camp Miller? (What matters to youth in terms of wanting or not wanting to go to Camp and wanting or not wanting to return to Camp for a second season?) Youth (Pre) 1a, 1b, 2, 3 Youth (Post) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5ao, 6, 7 6. What influences youth’ reactions to their experience at camp? What do they perceive as a good Camp Miller experience? (What matters most about their time at Camp?) Youth (Pre) 1b, 2, 3 Youth (Post) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5ao, 6, 7 7. Do parents and youth have preferences/ opinions relating to Camp Miller’s current programming approach (range of activities v. a specialized focus)? Current Parent (Pre) 1h, 1i Current Parent (Post) 1a, 2, 5, 6e, 6f, 6i, 6k Previous Parent (Post) 1H, 1i, 2, 4, 5 Youth (Pre) 1b, 2, 3 Youth (Post) 1, 2, 3, 6, 7 Design: Single Group Posttest Only (mailed or emailed with a link to the online survey platform approximately one month after end of Camp season; if possible, it should go out to parents who had children at camp within the last three years, but who did not have children at camp this most recent summer, as those parents get the Current Parent Post Questionnaire; if record keeping doesn’t allow for sorting in that way, then the questionnaire can have as part of the instructions a note that if they had children at camp this summer, to just complete the questionnaire that is for current parents) Sampling: Parents who had children who attended at any of the traditional camp, specialty camp, and leadership camp participants in the last three years will be invited to complete the questionnaire (including parents of Trekker youth) *if parents also had children attend this most recent summer, then they should take the current parent instruments, not both 8 Tool Descriptions CURRENT PARENT PRE QUESTIONNAIRE This pre-camp survey tool for parents of current campers is intended to be filled out electronically by parents at registration. It is designed to provide Camp Miller staff with valuable information from parents/guardians about their perceptions concerning the outcomes of their child’s experience. Staff members will be able to better understand the factors that influence parents’ decisions to choose Camp Miller versus another summer camp It is intended that this survey be included in the electronic registration process. This is the first of two questionnaires for parents of current campers. This questionnaire intends to provide Camp Miller staff with meaningful and measurable information with which to make management decisions regarding future programming. Implementation: ● ● ● This questionnaire will be distributed as part of an online registration process These questionnaire items can be built into the existing camper registration platform or the questionnaire can be administered through an online platform like SurveyMonkey (https://www.surveymonkey.com) or SurveyPlanet (https://surveyplanet.com) The questionnaire will take approximately 5 minutes or less. Data analysis: In data analysis, for item 1, each response can be given the numbers 1-18 and then each response can be tallied. The responses with the highest tally can be used to determine the most influential aspects of Camp Miller and the Camp Miller experience that determine why parents chose to send their child to the summer camp. Similarly, for item 2, each response can be given the numbers 1-14 and then each response can be tallied. The responses with the highest tally can be used to determine what the most important outcomes are in regards to their child attending the camp. For item 3, responses can be placed into categories and analyzed for commonalities among parents about what would lead to the highest satisfaction about having their child attend camp. 9 YOUTH PRE QUESTIONNAIRE This questionnaire is intended to be filled out by youth at the beginning of their time at camp (as early as possible). It is designed to determine what factors influence youth interest in attending Camp Miller, as well as if youth are interested in a wide range of activities or just a select few. Responses from the questionnaire will also indicate what activities and experiences youth perceive as being part of a positive camp experience and what activities and experiences youth perceive as being a negative camp experience. When used with the parent questionnaires, the responses to this youth pre-camp questionnaire will indicate why youth choose to come to camp. The youth pretest is independent of the youth posttest questionnaire and items within the pretest and posttest do not need to be matched. All responses should be summarized to indicate which items youth choose the most as what they are excited about and least excited about. This information may be used to help make programming decisions based on what youth perceive as a good camp experience. Implementation: ● ● ● This questionnaire will be distributed either on the first day of camp; potentially instead, it could be administered as part of an online registration process, where parents enroll their children, and the children are prompted to respond within that same registration system or through an online platform like SurveyMonkey (https://www.surveymonkey.com) or SurveyPlanet (https://surveyplanet.com) Child assent and parent consent are needed; refer to Appendix The questionnaire will take approximately 5 minutes or less to complete. Instrument Scoring: Question 1: o A.) Yes = 1 No = 0 o B.) 1 point per item identified by youth camper. Question 2 & 3: o 1 point per identified activity tallied to show which activities are most or least popular among campers. Data analysis: In data analysis, item 1 should be scored as an individual item, and each response can be tallied. Responses with the highest tallies will indicate the most factors that most influences youth to return to Camp Miller. Item 2 should be scored as an individual item. Responses can be coded 1-32 and all selected responses can be tallied. Responses with the highest tallies will indicate what youth perceive will be part of a positive Camp Miller experience. Similarly, item 3 should be scored as an individual item. Responses can be coded 1-32 and all selected responses can be tallied. Responses with the highest tallies will indicate what youth perceive to be part of a negative Camp Miller experience. 10 YOUTH POST QUESTIONNAIRE The youth post-camp questionnaire will be used to measure what youth perceive as outcomes of their camp miller experience in the areas of outdoor/environmental, active and healthy living, and youth development outcomes. The questionnaire will also measure youth reactions to their camp experience and perceptions of what they gained from their camp experience. Responses from the youth post-camp questionnaire can be used with Current Parent Posttest questionnaires to determine if Camp Miller is meeting its intended program outcomes and to determine what elements of a camp experience may lead to year-to-year youth retention. Implementation: ● ● ● The questionnaire should be administered on the last day of each camp session. The questionnaire should be printed on paper and the youth should be provided with ample time and a place to sit and write while completing the questionnaire. The questionnaire should take 15-20 minutes to complete. Instrument Scoring: Question #1: o Not So good = 0 points o Ok = 1 point Good = 2 points Great = 3 points Questions 1b, 2-4, 6 and 7 will be analyzed individually. Question #5: Camp Miller helped me... o Not really at all = 1 point A little = 2 points Very Much = 3 points Data Analysis: In data analysis, item 1 is scored an individual item. Responses from the first part of question 1 can be tallied to determine youths’ overall opinions about their week at Camp Miller. Responses for the second part of item 1 will be qualitative and can be coded according to responses provided to determine why youth had the opinion of their week at camp selected in the first part of item 1. Furthermore, responses to item 1 can be sorted according to the first part response choice to determine if there any trends between youth overall opinion and the reasons they provide. Item 2 is scored as an individual item. Qualitative responses for item 2 can be coded and tallied to determine youth opinions about what would make their Camp Miller experience better. Item 3 is scored as an individual item. Qualitative responses for item 3 can be coded and tallied to determine what youth perceive to be missing from Camp Miller programming options. Item 4 is scored an individual item. Qualitative responses for item 4 can be coded and tallied to determine what skills youth perceive that they learned while at Camp Miller. Items 5a-5o are a set of items, but can be scored individually to determine if youth made progress toward desired learning level outcomes while at Camp Miller. Responses should be coded as follows: “not really at all” = 1, “a little” = 2, and “very much” = 3. Response values for each item 5a-5o can each be averaged across all respondents to determine if progress was made toward each specific learning level outcome. Responses can also be grouped and scored across the three corresponding learning level outcome groups. Items 5a-5d correspond with outdoor and environmental learning level outcomes, and these responses can be tallied together and averaged to determine average progress toward outdoor and 11 environmental outcomes. Items 5e-5g correspond with active and healthy living learning level outcomes, and these responses can be tallied together and averaged to determine average progress toward active and healthy living outcomes. Items 5h-5o correspond to youth development learning level outcomes, and these responses can be tallied together and averaged to determine average progress toward youth development outcomes. Item 6 is an individual item to determine whether youth want to return to Camp Miller and determine factors that influenced that decision. Yes and no responses can be tallied and reasons can be coded and tallied to find the factors that youth choose for wanting to return to Camp Miller. Finally, item 7 is an individual item. Responses to item 7 can be coded and tallied to determine what youth perceive as the best possible thing to do during the summer. Responses can be used to determine if Camp Miller can make programming changes to reflect what youth are most interested in doing during the summer. 12 CURRENT PARENT POST QUESTIONNAIRE The Current Parent Posttest is designed to understand the motivations of parents to send their child to Camp Miller as well as document the parent’s observations of their child after participation in Camp Miller. Data gathered from parents includes their preference between a wide variety of camp programs versus a narrower, more specialized camp focus. Camp Miller staff can use this information to adjust program offerings and activities to increase youth retention. Other information includes reasons for continuing to send child to Camp Miller or why the parent will not be sending their child back. This questionnaire will enable Camp Miller staff to analyze the parent’s observations on their child’s behavior and attitudes as it regards Camp Miller’s mission for continuing youth leadership and development. Implementation: ● ● ● This questionnaire will be distributed through email to parents one month after their child’s camp experience or after all camp sessions are complete, depending on what is logistically feasible for camp staff. This electronic questionnaire can use an online platform like SurveyMonkey (https://www.surveymonkey.com) or SurveyPlanet (https://surveyplanet.com) The questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Data Analysis: The responses in Item 1a can be tallied to determine the camps that campers are at Camp Miller and which are the more popular camps. Item 1b will determine if the campers are returning campers and will provide data on camp retention. Responses from Item 2 can be tallied for commonalities listed by respondents to determine the most common outcomes regarding child behavior and development. For item 3, responses are measured using a likert scale from strongly disagree (1 point) to strongly agree (5 points). Responses from individual items can be averaged across all respondents to determine perceptions as to if camp participation influenced those outcomes. Responses can also be grouped and scored across the three corresponding learning level outcome groups (environmental, healthy and active living, and youth development outcomes). Item 4 will measure the possible frequency of returning campers. For Item 5 responses can be analyzed to determine important factors for camp retention. Items 6a-k can be scored 1=yes, 0=no. The responses with highest number tally can be used to determine the most important factors in their decision to return to Camp Miller. 13 PREVIOUS PARENT POST QUESTIONNAIRE The Previous Parent Posttest is designed to understand the motivations of parents who send their child to Camp Miller. Data gathered from parents includes their preference between a wide variety of camp programs versus a narrower, more specialized camp focus. Other information includes reasons for continuing to send child to Camp Miller or why the parent will not be sending their child back. Camp Miller staff can use this information to adjust program offerings and activities to increase youth retention. Implementation: This questionnaire can be distributed through email to parents whose child attended camp in previous years after the summer camp season has ended. This electronic questionnaire can use an online platform like SurveyMonkey (https://www.surveymonkey.com) or SurveyPlanet (https://surveyplanet.com) The questionnaire will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Data Analysis: The responses in Items 1a-q can be tallied. The responses with highest tally can be used to determine the most important factors for parents choosing Camp Miller for their child. The responses in Item 2 can be tallied to determine camps are attended at Camp Miller and which are the more popular camps. Responses from Item 3 can be recorded to determine the frequency of returning campers. Items 4 & 5 may be categorized and analyzed individually to determine the most common reasons for campers to return or not to return to Camp Miller. Item 6 responses can be tallied to determine what factor is most influential in parent decisions regarding summer activities. 14 Current Parent Pre Questionnaire CAMP MILLER EVALUATION As part of our ongoing efforts to improve Camp Miller, we would appreciate your input regarding participant satisfaction, personal impact, and our ability to meet our program objectives. Results of these evaluations help us make important decisions. Please fill out this brief form (it should take approximately five minutes to complete). We truly appreciate your time and responses, and we will use your responses toward ensuring a high quality experience at Camp Miller. ______________________________________________________________________________ Camper age (while at camp): ___________________ How did you hear about camp?______________________________________________________________ Decision to Attend Camp Miller 1. Please select all factors that influenced your decision to have your child attend Camp Miller. A. Cost relative to other summer activities B. Ease of registration process C. Scholarship availability D. Transportation to camp availability (from Duluth to YMCA) E. Facilities F. Camp Location G. Camp duration 15 H. A specific activity Which activity? ____________________________________ I. The variety of activities J. Healthy meals and snacks K. Values (Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Honesty) L. My child attended last year or in a prior year and had a good experience M. Prior attendance by current camper at another YMCA camp or program N. Prior attendance by a family member at another YMCA camp or program O. My child has attended another YMCA camp or program and had a good experience P. Quality of instructors and counselors Q. Other: _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 2. Which of the following outcomes are most important to you regarding what you hope your child will gain through attending Camp Miller? (Please select 3 that are most important to you.) A. Enjoyment of outdoor activities B. Positive attitude towards challenge and adventure C. Environmental appreciation D. Outdoor skill development E. Skills for exploring the environment F. Skills for understanding the environment G. Skills for caring for the environment 16 H. Attitudes and skills for lifelong physical activity I. Attitudes and skills for healthy eating J. Understanding the role of local foods in healthy eating and healthy environment K. Interpersonal/Intrapersonal Skills (social awareness, communication, teamwork, respect, conflict resolution, self-confidence, self-esteem, perseverance, self-awareness, self-reliance) L. Positive relationships with others M. Openness to a wider range of environments, people, activities, and routines N. Sense of belonging and acceptance O. Values (Respect, Responsibility, Caring & Honesty) ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Please respond to the following statement. If my child came home from camp having learned or experienced ______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________, I would be very satisfied with my choice to have my child attend Camp Miller. ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for all your help. We hope your child has a great experience with Camp Miller! 17 Youth Pre Questionnaire CAMP MILLER EVALUATION Welcome Campers! We want to make your experience here at Camp Miller as great as possible. Please answer the questions as honestly as you can. There are no right or wrong answers; we just want to know more about you. ______________________________________________________________________________ 1a. Is this your first time at Camp Miller? Yes, this is my first time. No, I have been here before. 1b. Why did you want to come back to Camp Miller? Choose as many as you like. Seeing old friends Making new friends Trying new things The activities Counselors Being away from home Spending time outside Other: ___________________________________________________________ 18 2. What are you most excited about at Camp Miller? Choose as many as you like. Learning about nature Theater Exploring nature Arts and Crafts Climbing Camp songs and stories High ropes course Free time Challenge course Sleeping in a tent Adventure trips Sleeping in a cabin Horseback riding Being away from home Mountain biking Being outside Hiking Seeing old friends Archery Meeting new friends Rifle range Meeting my counselor Swimming Campfires Canoeing Free time activities Kayaking Trying new foods Fishing Cookouts Gardening Other: __________________________ 19 3. What are you least excited about at Camp Miller? Choose as many as you like. Learning about nature Theater Exploring nature Arts and Crafts Climbing Camp songs and stories High ropes course Free time Challenge course Sleeping in a tent Adventure trips Sleeping in a cabin Horseback riding Being away from home Mountain biking Being outside Hiking Seeing old friends Archery Meeting new friends Rifle range Meeting my counselor Swimming Campfires Canoeing Free time activities Kayaking Trying new foods Fishing Cookouts Gardening Other: __________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for your help. We hope you have a great experience at Camp Miller! 20 Youth Post Questionnaire CAMP MILLER EVALUATION Now that your time at Camp Miller is coming to an end, we want to know a little more about your time here. Please answer the questions as honestly as you can. There are no right or wrong answers; we just want to know more about your experience. Thank you! ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. How would you describe your time this week at Camp Miller? (circle one) Not so good OK Good Great What about your time at Camp Miller made you choose the answer you did? 2. Is there something that would have made it a better experience for you? What would that be? 3. Think about all the different things you did at Camp Miller. Was there something you wanted to do here at Camp Miller that wasn’t available? 21 4. Is there something you can do now that you couldn’t do before you came to Camp Miller? 5. For each of these items, please think about if being at Camp Miller helped you get better in these areas. Select the box (place a checkmark in the box) that describes how well Camp Miller helped you. Remember, there are no right or answers; please respond as honestly as you can, and that will be most helpful to us! Camp Miller helped me… Not really at all A little Very much a. Enjoy outdoor activities more b. Learn how to do different outdoor activities c. Enjoy and appreciate the natural environment d. Learn how to explore and care for the natural environment e. Learn how to keep my body moving, active and healthy f. Learn about food that is grown locally and how local foods are an important part of healthy eating g. Be more open to eating healthy food h. Become more self-confident and feel better about who I am i. Realize what I’m good at and where my strengths are j. Helped me feel like I fit in k. Encouraged me to act and speak in ways that are 22 honest, caring, respectful, and responsible l. Make friends with other kids and with the camp counselors and staff m. Learn skills for getting along with others (communication, making friends, figuring out what to do when we disagree or don’t get along, teamwork) n. Become more open to trying new things and meeting new people o. Learn to be a leader or role model for others 6. Do you want to come back to Camp Miller next year? Circle one. Yes No Why or why not? 7. If you could choose anything you wanted to do during the summer or pick any place to go, what would it be? Why? ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for all your help. We hope you had a great time at Camp Miller, and we hope to see you next year! 23 Current Parent Post Questionnaire CAMP MILLER EVALUATION As part of our ongoing efforts to improve Camp Miller, we would greatly appreciate your input regarding your child’s recent experience at Camp Miller. Results of these evaluations help us make important decisions. Please fill out this brief form (it should take approximately ten minutes to complete). We appreciate your time and responses, and will use your responses toward ensuring a high quality experience at Camp Miller. ______________________________________________________________________________ 1a. Please select which camp(s) your child attended Traditional Overnight Camps: Trekker (Ages 7-8) Pathfinder (Ages 9-10) Mountain Climber (Ages 11-12) Adventure Team (Ages 13-14) Specialty Camps: Horseback Advanced Horseback Theater Camp Climbing Camp 24 Art Power Camp Survival Camp Fishing Camp Target Sports Camp Bike Camp Youth Leadership Camps: Canoe Leadership (Ages 11+) Counselor in Training (CITs) (Ages 14-16) Volunteers in Progress (VIPs) (Ages 16-17) 1b. My child has attended Camp Miller prior to this year: YES NO 2. If another parent asked what your child gained through going to Camp Miller, what would you say (what did they learn/how did they grow etc.)? 3. Please respond to the following items based on how you feel Camp Miller influenced your child: Outdoor and Environmental Outcomes A. My child’s enjoyment of playing outside increased. Strongly disagree Disagree 1 2 Neutral 3 Agree Strongly agree 4 5 25 B. My child’s attitude toward outdoor activities has become more positive. Strongly disagree Disagree 1 2 Neutral Agree Strongly agree 4 5 3 C. My child has gained new outdoor skills Strongly disagree Disagree 1 2 Neutral Agree Strongly agree 4 5 3 D. My child has greater knowledge of and care for the environment Strongly disagree 1 Disagree Neutral 2 Agree 3 4 Strongly agree 5 Active and Healthy Living Outcomes E. My child has increased their physical activity Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 F. My child is making healthier food choices. Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 G. My child has a better understanding of local foods. Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 Youth Development Outcomes 26 H. My child’s self image has improved. Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree Strongly agree 4 5 I. My child is better able to respond to his/her own emotions. Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 J. My child is more aware of his/her own skills/strengths. Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 K. My child had an increases sense of belonging and acceptance while at Camp Miller. Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 L. My child developed or furthered values such as honesty, caring, respect, responsibility, perseverance, etc. Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 M. My child developed positive relationships with caring adults and other youth. Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral 3 Agree 4 Strongly agree 5 N. My child’s social skills increased (such as communication, conflict resolution, making friends). Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree 27 1 2 3 4 5 O. My child is more open to a wider range of people, activities, routines, and environments. Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral Agree 3 4 P. My child’s problem solving skills increased. Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree 1 2 Strongly agree 3 5 Strongly agree 4 5 Q. My child’s leadership skills increased. Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral Agree 3 Strongly agree 4 5 R. My child’s teamwork skills increased. Strongly disagree 1 Disagree 2 Neutral Agree 3 Strongly agree 4 5 ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Will your child return to Camp Miller? YES NO NOT SURE 5. Why or why not? 6. Please select YES or NO if the following factors will influence your decision for your child to return to Camp Miller next summer or in future summers: YES A. My child’s overall experience at Camp Miller B. The positive relationship my child developed with his/her counselor or another program staff NO 28 YES C. The friendships my child developed D. The outcomes my child gained by going to Camp Miller E. My child wants to try new activities Camp Miller offers F. My child wants to further develop a skill learned this summer at Camp Miller G. Logistical factors (our schedule next year, what other factors we are working around, etc.) H. Cost I. Range of specialty camps (advanced skill development) offered at Camp Miller J. Opportunities for increased leadership and increased responsibilities at Camp Miller as my child gets older NO K. Range of daily programming activities offered at Camp Miller ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for all your help. We hope you had a great experience with Camp Miller, and we hope to see your child again next year! 29 Previous Parent Post Questionnaire CAMP MILLER EVALUATION As part of our ongoing efforts to improve Camp Miller, we would appreciate your input regarding your child’s recent experience at Camp Miller. Results of these evaluations help us make important decisions. Please fill out this brief form (it should take approximately five to ten minutes to complete). We greatly appreciate your time and responses, and will use your responses toward ensuring a high quality experience at Camp Miller. (If your child attended Camp Miller this summer and you received the other version of this questionnaire, please respond to that one instead. Thank you!) ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Please select all the factors that apply in your decision to send your child to Camp Miller: A. Cost relative to other summer activities B. Ease of registration process C. Scholarship availability D. Transportation to camp availability (from Duluth to YMCA) E. Facilities F. Camp Location G. Camp duration H. A specific activity Which activity? ________________________________ 30 I. The variety of activities J. Healthy meals and snacks K. Values (Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Honesty) L. My child attended last year or in a prior year and had a good experience M. Prior attendance by current camper at another YMCA camp or program N. Prior attendance by a family member at another YMCA camp or program O. My child has attended another YMCA camp or program and had a good experience P. Quality of instructors and counselors Q. Other: _________________________________________________________________ 2. Please select which camp(s) your child attended: Traditional Overnight Camps: Trekker (Ages 7-8) Pathfinder (Ages 9-10) Mountain Climber (Ages 11-12) Adventure Team (Ages 13-14) Specialty Camps: Horseback Advanced Horseback Theater Camp Climbing Camp Art Power Camp 31 Survival Camp Fishing Camp Target Sports Camp Bike Camp Youth Leadership Camps: Canoe Leadership (Ages 11+) Counselor in Training (CITs) (Ages 14-16) Volunteers in Progress (VIPs) (Ages 16-17) ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. How many times has your child been to Camp Miller? 4. If your child attended Camp Miller more than one time, what influenced your decision to have your child return to Camp Miller? 5. If your child has not returned to Camp Miller after attending, what influenced your decision to not return? 6. As you decide what activities/camps/programs etc. to enroll your child in during the summer, which of the follow is most influential in your decision? Please select the one that is most influential. Logistics (schedule, location, transportation, etc.) Cost Outcomes my child will gain (what they’d learn) 32 Program’s reputation Quality of staff/instructors My child’s preferences/what they want or ask to do Other (____________________________________) ______________________________________________________________________________ Thank you for all your help. We hope you had a great experience with Camp Miller, and we hope to see your child again next year! 33 Recommendations FOR YOUTH: 1. Although conducting a program evaluation generally does not require approval from an Institutional Review Board (to conduct research involving human subjects), gaining assent from youth participants is highly recommended. A simple paragraph describing the intention of the evaluation and providing an “opt-out” option has been provided in Appendix A. This can be read to the youth, or it can be included in a written format preceding the questions on the pre- and post-questionniare. Because the youth are minors, gaining consent from their parent/guardian is also suggested, which could be done during the registration process. A letter has been written addressed to parents/guardians and describes the evaluation and consent process (see Appendix B). If parents/guardians do not wish their child to partake in the evaluation, they will sign the consent form (if parents/guardians allow their child to participate, no action is needed). Camp Miller will be responsible for documenting the consent forms and tracking which youth had parents who indicated that their child is not to complete a questionnaire (and not present them with questionnaires). The decision of partaking in the questionnaires is entirely up to the youth and their parent/guardian. If youth or their parent/guardian do not wish to complete a questionnaire, their relationship with Camp Miller will not be affected. 2. While the current instrument is sufficient for the majority of the ages present at Camp Miller, we think the questions may be too long for the youngest campers and thus have recommended it be used for ages 9 and up. It could be useful to create a modified version for the young campers. 3. Due to the constraints of this evaluation process, the current parent and youth questionnaires were only developed to measure perceived youth development outcomes. We recommend selecting specific, direct interpersonal or intrapersonal skills to measure in future evaluations. Utilizing a pre-established instrument will help quantify whether Camp Miller is supporting the direct development of specific skills for youth. Here are some examples of developed instruments available: a. American Camping Association’s Youth Outcomes Battery (http://www.acacamps.org/resource-library/research/aca-youth-outcomes-battery) b. Assessing Youth SEL Skills (https://www.selpractices.org/resource/assessing-youth-selskills) c. Toolkit for Evaluating Positive Youth Development: http://www.uwex.edu/ces/4h/evaluation/documents/EvaluationToolkitJun04.pdf 4. Consider developing a delayed youth posttest in the future. This delayed posttest may provide additional useful information on retention of direct skill and outcome development. Google forms, This electronic questionnaire can use an online platform like SurveyMonkey (https://www.surveymonkey.com) or SurveyPlanet (https://surveyplanet.com), may be an 34 effective electronic platform, especially for delayed posttests. It’s easy to use and automatically creates a spreadsheet of form responses. 5. Memory Board - a visual aid for identifying outcomes that are important to youth and parents. On the last evening of camp, each cabin could create a collective “memory board” answering one simple question: What will you remember most about Camp Miller this week? These boards would be showcased on a larger blank canvas during camper pick-up. Families and campers could add their own, thoughts, images, or comments to represent the Camp Miller experience on a visual canvas. Staff Observations - Best practices in youth development often involve training staff to evaluate for youth outcomes. Camp Miller counselors could play an important role in identifying youth outcomes. Simple open-ended questions or checklists for cabin staff to complete on the first and last day of each camp session might support youth development outcomes (for example: Describe how each of your campers have grown over the past week?) 6. It may likely not be necessary to implement these instruments every year, but potentially just every other year or every third year. Using an identical questionnaire year after year may result in inauthentic responses (e.g. fabricating a pattern in the answers rather than providing genuine answers), and also in low response rates. 35 FOR PARENTS: 1. Similar to the assent and consent process for youth participants, parents/guardians should also receive information regarding consent for the parent/guardian questionnaires. Paragraphs describing the intention of the evaluation and details for completing the questionnaire have been written to include at the top of the corresponding parent questionnaires (see Appendix A). If parents/guardians do not wish to complete a questionnaire, their relationship and their child’s relationship with Camp Miller will not be affected. 2. Consider implementing these instruments every other year or every several years, as data collection every year is likely not needed. Using an identical questionnaire year after year may result in inauthentic responses (e.g. fabricating a pattern in the answers rather than providing genuine answers). 3. If feasible, offering an incentive for parents/guardian to complete the questionnaires may increase the response rate. If concerned about cost for providing an incentive to each participant, perhaps those who fill out a questionnaire could have their names entered in a drawing for a gift card or for their child to attend a free session of summer camp the following year. 4. Sending reminders or follow-ups to nonrespondents is recommended to increase the survey response rate. A reminder could be sent each week for two weeks following the initial send out of the questionnaire (totaling two reminders). Reminders should only be sent to non-respondents, as it may be bothersome to those who have already completed the questionnaire to receive additional prompts. In addition, reminders should be within reason in order to remain ethical and respect the decision of those who are simply not interested in participating. 36 TIMELINE: The following timeline illustrates the recommended implementation for all instruments. During Camp Registration (Sept-June) Current Parent Pretest Questionnaire Post-Camp Experience (Last Day/Evening of each camp session) One Month After Youth Participation or end of all camp sessions (Jun-Aug) (July-Sept) Youth Posttest (Hard copy) Current Parent Posttest (Electronic) (Electronic) Previous Parent Posttest Youth Pretest Questionnaire (Electronic) (Electronic) 37 Appendix A PARENT CONSENT FOR THEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE EVALUATION: Parent pre-questionnaire At Camp Miller, we are always striving for excellence in all of our programming and would like to know more about your decision to enroll your child in summer camp. This questionnaire is optional, but your feedback is greatly appreciated. If you choose to complete the questionnaire, you can skip any questions you do not wish to answer. All of your responses will be kept confidential. Thank you! Parent post-questionnaire At Camp Miller, we are always striving for excellence in all of our programming and would like to know more about your child’s experience at summer camp. This questionnaire is optional, but your feedback is greatly appreciated. If you choose to complete the questionnaire, you can skip any questions you do not wish to answer. All of your responses will be kept confidential. Thank you! Previous parent post-questionnaire At Camp Miller, we are always striving for excellence in all of our programming. Our records indicate that your child has attended summer camp within the last three years. We would like to know more about your decision to enroll your child in summer camp and your child’s experience at Camp Miller. This questionnaire is optional, but your feedback is greatly appreciated. If you choose to complete the questionnaire, you can skip any questions you do not wish to answer. All of your responses will be kept confidential. Thank you! CHILD ASSENT FOR THEIR PARTICIPATION IN THE EVALUATION: We are asking if you are willing to answer a few questions about your time at Camp Miller to help us improve our summer camps. We hope that by getting feedback from summer campers like you, we will know how to make our summer camps even better! Filling out the survey is up to you, and no one will be mad at you if you don’t want to or change your mind later. All of your answers will be kept private. Please let a staff member know if you have any questions. Thank you! 38 Appendix B PARENT/GUARDIAN LETTER YMCA Camp Miller Program Evaluation Consent Form for parent/guardian of youth attending YMCA Camp Miller Hello Parents and Guardians, Camp Miller strives to provide the best camp experience possible for your child. We would like to collect information that will help us improve our summer camp program. While at camp, Camp Miller staff will be inviting your child to participate in providing input for this evaluation. If you agree to allow your child to participate, and if your child also indicates a willingness to take part, your child will complete a survey at the beginning and end of camp. Your child’s participation in this evaluation is completely voluntary. You are free to allow or not allow your child to participate. If your child participates, he/she can skip any of the questions he/she does not wish to answer and he/she may choose to stop participating in the evaluation at any time without affecting their current or future relationship with Camp Miller. Participation in the evaluation is not required, nor does it affect your child’s ability to participate in future programming. There is no foreseeable risk to participating in the evaluation. All information your child provides for this evaluation will be kept confidential. The data provided for this evaluation will be summarized across youth participants, and neither your child’s name nor any identifying information will be a part of the evaluation reports. If you have any questions now or at a later time, you can contact Camp Miller’s director, Eric Sommer, at esommer@duluthymca.org. If you are willing to allow your child to participate, no further action is needed. If you do not want your child to participate, please sign below and return this form with your registration form. Thank you for your consideration! I do not want my child to participate in this evaluation. Child’s name: _______________________________ Parent/Guardian signature_____________________________ Date: _____________ 39