Social Interdependence Theory (Johnson, D. & Johnson, R.. (2002). Cooperative learning and social interdependence theory. Theory and Research on Small Groups. Social Psychological Applications to Social Issues. (4) pp. 9-35) • “Social interdependence exists when individuals share common goals and each individual’s outcomes are affected by the actions of others (Deutsch, 1949, 1962; Johnson & Johnson, 1989 in Johnson & Johnson, 2002. p. 4) Table 1. Social Interdependence Theory (Johnson & Johnson, 2011. p5.) Process Cooperative Competitive Individualistic Interdependence Positive Negative None Interaction Pattern Promotive Oppositional None Outcome 1 High effort to achieve Low effort to achieve Low effort to achieve Outcome 2 Positive relationships Negative relationships No relationships Outcome 3 Psychological health Psychological illness Psychological pathology Group members promote each other’s success by (Johnson & Johnson, 1989): • • • • • • • Giving & receiving help Exchanging resources & information Giving & receiving feedback Challenging each other’s reasoning Advocating increased efforts to achieve Mutually influencing each other’s reasoning & behavior Engaging in the interpersonal & small-group skills for effective teamwork • Processing group members effectiveness for the whole group’s improvement