THE RENEWABLE RESOURCES To invest on tomorrow’s welfare Subjects of the lesson: 1. Exhaustibility and renovation 2. Make it sustainable 3. Yield maximum sustainability 4. The natural equilibrium 5. The maximum profit equilibrium 6. The equilibrium of free access 7. The private property 8. The inter temporal management of the resources The exhaustibility of a resource is a point of view: Many renewable resources are potentially exhaustible if managed with non – sustainable formality ! So it is better to speak of (potentially) renewable, or reproducible resources if you manage in opportune way There is the ambiguity of the natural resources in which renewable and non-renewable elements coexist for example The Soil If a renewable resource is available in quantity Q and produces on annual basis an increase percentage equal to X For instance, a flock of fishes whose consistence in absence of fishing increases annually of 10% … The percentage X represents The SUSTAINABLE FACTOR of the resource If therefore the resource is exploited in base of its sustainable factor, its consistence remains uncharged in the time And as the society lived, the ‘interest’ generated from the natural resource leaving the “capital intact“ The sustainable factor depends on the consistence of the resource To different values of Q it could correspond to different ‘spontaneous’ percentage of increase in X ... ... According to the mechanisms of reproduction, of the environmental context, etc . When Particularly the conscience of the resource goes down under certain level ... LEAST CRITICAL DIMENSION ... It becomes necessity not liable for regeneration and with all probability, the resource will end up to be distinguished from others Above the least critical matters, a limited constancy of the resource could favor rapid growth : We think of a small flock of fishes that has the alimentary resources of a whole lake Departing from LOW VALUES (but not very low) of Q THE FACTOR X INCREASE MORE Q INCREASE THE FACTOR X GROWS LESS AND LESS QUICKLY The growth happens from the expenses of external resources that are available in limited quantity For instance, the plankton for a flock of fishes or the areas for a flock of sheep We reach a MAXIMUM SUSTAINABLE FACTOR X*, corresponding to LEVEL Q* over which ulterior increases of the consistence of the stock leads to a diminution of the resource GROWTH RATE If Q continues to increase subsequently, the factor arrives to zero in which the resource exhausts the ability of maintenance of the environment The reached level of Q is called natural equilibrium in which it is determined in absence of capture /extraction More intense is the activity of capture/extraction, it takes off more from the natural equlibruim and also – for sustained extractive activity – from the level of sustainable factor If the state price of the resources is constant, the curve of the factor can be easily transformed in a curve of profit of the level of extractive activity The profit will be maximized in correspondence of the sustainable maximum factor If the cost of every time of extractive activity is constant, the total cost increases linearly with the level of activity THEREFORE The profit derived from extractive activity will be equal to vertical difference between curve of the profits and curve of the cost Generally, the level of activity that maximizes the profit won’t be that equal to the sustainable maximum factor, in which this last don’t keep track of costs ! The perfect level of activity correspondence to an inferior level to that of maximum factor and this equal to the marginal profit of the activity to the marginal cost. If the positive attract others economic operates, the level of extraction will increase until the profit is annulled, in correspondence to a level of superior extraction to that of maximum factor This is EQUILIBRIUM OF FREE ACCESS LOW COST OF EXTRACTION ACTIVITY EQUILIBRIUM OF FREE ACCESS NEXT TO THE LEAST CRITICAL VERGE An excessive collective exploitation could lead to the total extinction TRAGEDY OF THE FREE ACCESS Every technology that lowers the extraction of the resource related to the equilibrium OF FREE ACCESS ! HOW TO AVOID THE EXCESSIVE EXPLOITATION OF THE RESOURCE RELATED TO THE EQUILIBRIUM OF FREE ACCESS? ... Introduction OWENERSHIP RIGHTS that limits the number of operators that they have the rights to to exploit the resource If the resource is given in management to an only entreprise, this will choose the level of activity that maximize the profit, inferior to that of free access, with a most efficient use of the resource Examples of efficient collective management of a resource also exist ... The logic of a profit maximization will push a moderate exploitation of the resource if the owner will keep track of the possible future profit derived from the fact ... – If the extraction is delayed and if the price of the resource grows in the time – ... This can be sold tomorrow with a great price than today besides producing ulterior increases of the resource This reasoning presupposes that the owner is not too impatient, or he doesn’t discount his future earnings to a high rate The resource will be drawn out and put on the market when the profit becomes superior to what would assure in a future moment if the extraction were differed ... ... Also taking care for some additional outputs that extraction does