HUMAN SUBJECTS RESEARCH REVIEW ITC – ALPHA 2205 FAX: (607) 777-5025 BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-6000 TELEPHONE: (607) 777-3818 E-MAIL: MODIFICATION FORM Date: Title: Protocol number: Principal Investigator: What are you changing or adding? Please check all that apply. __ Consent Form __ Recruitment Location/Site __ Recruitment procedures __ Human Subject Population __ Advertisements __ New Researcher __ Other Describe Other: __ ATTACH A COPY OF THE REVISED HSRR SUBMISSION FORM IF CHANGE IS SIGNIFICANT HIGHLIGHTING THOSE AREAS THAT ARE REVISED. Please describe the change: What is the reason for the change? What impact will this have on the study and/or the participants? HUMAN SUBJECTS RESEARCH REVIEW ITC – ALPHA 2205 FAX: (607) 777-5025 BINGHAMTON, NY 13902-6000 TELEPHONE: (607) 777-3818 E-MAIL: Are there changes needed to the informed consent? __ No __ Yes, attach a copy of the revised consent with the changes tracked or highlighted and a clean copy for the HSRRC stamp.