State University of New York Graduate School of Education SPRING 2014 HIST 53OB/EDUC 508: Issues in American History After 1877 Professor: Adam Laats Class Times: Thurs. 4:25-7:00 PM Office: AB 231 Meeting Place: AB 124 Phone: 777-3329 Office Hours: T/Th. 9-10 and by appt. E-Mail: This graduate seminar is intended to bolster students’ understanding of key themes in American history and the teaching of American history. Weekly seminars will explore important works in history and historiography. Each week we will also experiment with teaching techniques and ideas. LIST OF REQUIRED BOOKS Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts : Charting the Future of Teaching the Past David Blight, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory. Gail Bederman, Manliness & Civilization: A Cultural History of Gender and Race in the United States Daniel Rodgers, Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Age Edward Larson, Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America’s Continuing Debate over Science and Religion. Alan Brinkley, Voices of Protest: Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and the Great Depression. John Morton Blum, V Was for Victory: Politics and American Culture during World War II. Ellen Schrecker, Many Are the Crimes: McCarthyism in America John Dittmer, Local People: the Struggle for Civil Rights in Mississippi Christian G. Appy, Working-Class War: American Combat Soldiers & Vietnam Bethany Moreton, To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise. I. CLASS MEETINGS The class meets on Thursday afternoons from 4:25-7:00 pm in AB-124. This is a discussion-based course. The assigned readings are the basis for the discussions, and students are expected to carry the bulk of our conversations. Students should come to class prepared to critique the readings assigned for that afternoon's meeting. A high level of participation is expected. For most class meetings we will spend one-third to one-half of our time discussing the reading. The other portion of the class will be devoted to reviewing peer work and developing teaching strategies and lessons with primary documents through the internet. Attendance: Due to the fact that our class meets only once per week, attendance at all class meetings is mandatory. If an emergency occurs and a student must miss a class, she or he must meet with me at a convenient time to discuss the class proceedings. If a second class is missed, the student must write a five-six page review essay of that week’s reading AND meet with me to discuss it. If more than two classes are missed, or if a student does not make up missed classes, there will be a grade penalty on the student’s participation grade. Penalties may range from a severe grade penalty on the participation grade to a grade of incomplete for the entire course, at the discretion of the instructor. II. COURSE DETAILS Readings/Discussions: The goal of assigned readings (indicated in schedule of class meetings) is for students to engage one another with regard to the material at hand and unpack the ways in which historians practice their craft through the use of evidence, argument, theoretical paradigm, and methodology. Students must commit to open and respectful discussions. See Student Handbook for details: III. STUDENT REQUIREMENTS AND GRADING Students will complete a range of written assignments. These include a book review, a medium-length paper, a documents-based question, and an annotated compendium of internet resources. Class participation: 10% of the course grade: Students will come to each class prepared to discuss the reading assigned for that day. Discussion formats will vary; at times I will lead the class in the discussion, other times I will divide the class into smaller discussion groups which will have their own discussions. Every week, students will be responsible to send one discussion question or topic by email by the end of the day Wednesday. We will build our discussions around those topics. Book Review 15% of the course grade Students will select one of the required readings to review. The book review is limited to five pages. Students will email their book review to me no later than the Tuesday before class; I will then forward the review to the rest of the class so that all will have read it by the time we meet. You may revise and resubmit your book review if you wish. First and second grades will be averaged for an improved final grade. See appendix for details. Paper: 25% of the course grade Students will write a ten-fifteen page paper on any historical topic from the period of US History treated in this course. They may choose to write either a synthetic research paper or a teaching-unit paper. You will be able to revise and resubmit your paper. See appendix for details. Documents-Based Question: 25% of the course grade Students will create a DBQ, based on any topic from the period 1877-1990 that consists of two parts: a short-answer section where the scaffolding questions come directly from primary documents and an essay section where students must answer a capstone question using the same documents. The primary documents should come from the semester-long compendium project. Students will present ONE CHALLENGE THEY HAD IN CREATING THEIR DBQs throughout the semester. Students will email their DBQ to me no later than the morning of our class meeting. I will make it available electronically for the rest of the class to preview. You may revise and resubmit your DBQ if you wish. First and second grades will be averaged for an improved final grade. See appendix for details. Annotated Compendium: 15% of the course grade The purpose of the annotated compendium is to introduce students to using the internet for scholarly and pedagogical purposes, to critically consider methods for using it as a teaching resource, and to help students produce a reference of web-based materials for use in their own classrooms. Students will assemble, organize, and critically comment on websites that track the topics of this course. Students must include at least one source for each of a list of teaching units. See appendix for details. Wikurriculum: 10% of the course grade The class will collaboratively create a sample curriculum for teaching American History. Every seminar member will be responsible for making contributions to the curriculum draft. Each student will submit and comment on lesson plans and teaching strategies. See appendix for details. IV. CLASSROOM ENVIRONMENT The faculty and staff in the Graduate School of Education are committed to serving all enrolled students. The intention is to create an intellectually stimulating, safe, and respectful class atmosphere. In return it is expected that each of you will honor and respect the opinions and feelings of others. V. ACCOMMODATIONS If you are a student with a disability and wish to request accommodations, please notify the instructor by the second week of class. You are also encouraged to contact the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) AT 777-2686. Their office is in LH-B51. The SSD office makes formal recommendations regarding necessary and appropriate accommodations based on specifically diagnosed disabilities. Information regarding disabilities is treated in a confidential manner. VI. ACADEMIC HONESTY "All members of the university community have the responsibility to maintain and foster a condition and an atmosphere of academic integrity. Specifically, this requires that all classroom, laboratory, and written work for which a person claims credit is in fact that person's own work." The annual university Student Handbook publication has detailed information on academic integrity. Binghamton University has obtained a license with to facilitate faculty review for potential plagiarism of papers and projects in their courses, which they are encouraged to do. "Students assume responsibility of the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. Students are in violation of academic honesty if they incorporate into their written or oral reports any unacknowledged published or unpublished or oral material from the work of another (plagiarism); or if they use, request, or give unauthorized assistance in any academic work (cheating)." (SOE Academic Honesty Policies) Neither plagiarism nor cheating will be tolerated in this class. Incidents of either will result in a failing grade for the assignment in question, at the minimum. If you have any questions about what constitutes plagiarism or cheating, PLEASE ASK ME! See also SCHEDULE OF CLASS MEETINGS January 30: Introductions February 6: What is history? How can we teach it? Required reading: Sam Wineburg, Historical Thinking and Other Unnatural Acts February 13: Life after the Second American Revolution Required reading: David Blight, Race and Reunion o Teaching controversy: Without Sanctuary & Birth of a Nation February 20: Macho Men and Making America America Required reading: Gail Bederman, Manliness & Civilization o Flipping in the History classroom February 27: The Progressives Required reading: Daniel Rodgers, Atlantic Crossings, chapters 1-6. Discussion will take place online, in an asynchronous forum. o Teaching with games: “Cornering the Market;” Jeremiah McCall on gaming o Special Event: “The Long Game.” Our class meeting will take place as part of a special listening session and panel discussion about the cultural battles over the nature of education in Texas. March 6: No Class Meeting March 13: Confronting Modernity? Teaching Science, Religion, and all that Jazz Required reading: Edward Larson, Summer for the Gods o What does New York State demand? A look at the Regents’ exams March 20: FDR and the New Deal Required reading: Alan Brinkley, Voices of Protest o Choose your own adventure—teaching with technology March 27: World War II and its Aftermath Required reading: John Morton Blum, V Was for Victory o How can we cram it all in? Designing a practical teaching unit. April 3: Cold War and Cold Warriors Required reading: Ellen Schrecker, Many Are the Crimes o Crafting a “Cold War” lesson plan for public consumption April 10: The Civil Rights Movement Required reading: John Dittmer, Local People o Teaching history with more technology; panacea or time-waster? April 17: No Class—Spring Recess April 24: No Reading: Essays DUE May 1: Focus on the Cold War - Vietnam Required reading: Christian G. Appy, Working-Class War o Historical fiction and the history classroom May 8: The Right Turn in American Politics Required reading: Bethany Moreton, To Serve God and Wal-Mart o The Big Picture: planning for an entire history semester Any revised work, along with web compendium & wikurriculum additions due no later than May 15. HIST 530b/EDUC 508 Appendix I: Assignment I: BOOK REVIEW Write a critical, analytical review of any assigned book. The book review is limited to five double-spaced pages. Students will email their book review to me no later than the Tuesday before class; I will then forward the review to the rest of the class so that all will have read it by the time we meet. When class meets, the reviewers will lead the discussion. A good book review will contain these fundamental features I. Essential facts about the book: o Identify the main thesis o What are the major questions/historical problems being addressed? o How does the author develop the argument? o What primary sources were used? II. Your original analysis: o What the author proposes that is new o Where the book fits into historical literature on the subject o Theoretical and methodological approaches used by the author o Strengths and weaknesses of the author's use of sources - is this a convincing argument? Is there a model for me to use? There is no single definitive way of doing this type of assignment. You may find it helpful, however, to look at book reviews in major academic journals such as the Journal of American History, the American Historical Review, etc. These are housed in the Binghamton University Library and available online. Do I need to bring in outside materials? If you have the knowledge at your fingertips and doing so is appropriate to your review, then go right ahead. You may notice that one of the items listed above is "where the book fits into historical literature on the subject," which can be tricky if you haven't read in the area already. Do your best with this, and use your judgment. HIST 530b/EDUC 508 Appendix II: Assignment II: Synthetic Research Paper OR Teaching-Unit Paper OPTION ONE: SYNTHETIC RESEARCH Write a medium-length paper (10-15 double spaced pages) that addresses a topic of your choosing from American history between 1877-1990. Your paper must articulate an original thesis and it must draw a substantial amount of its evidence from primary documents, including the primary documents that you are already gathering for your compendium. The paper is due no later than April 24. You will be permitted to revise and resubmit your paper by May 15. Some Guidelines: Of course, your readings can shape your thinking and your argument. You must cite them whenever it is appropriate. Use Chicago-style footnotes or endnotes to identify your sources. But remember: the key to this assignment is to use documentary evidence to explore your topic, and these should factor prominently in the paper. A good thesis matters. If you can lay out your thesis as clearly as possible at the start of the paper, you will be making your position clear and you will be framing the boundaries in which you will tackle this historical issue. Some examples of successful theses: Three distinct ideas of the proper role for women’s empowerment movement competed for recognition in the 1970s. One was a conservative movement, one was based in workplace justice, and a third fought primarily for elite empowerment. The racial ideologies used among soldiers in the U.S. forces in Southeast Asia between 1960- 1976 mirrored the racial arguments at home. How do I use footnotes? Consult any academic historical writing for examples. Our books generally use this format. For more details, consult a style guide, such as the Chicago Manual of Style Quickguide: Do I need to bring in secondary materials from beyond our list of required readings? No. You may find it helpful to cite a book or two not assigned for this class, but it is not required. Due date: April 24, 2014 HIST 530b/EDUC 508 Appendix II: Assignment II: Synthetic Research Paper OR Teaching-Unit Paper OPTION TWO: TEACHING UNIT Write a description of a teaching unit about one theme or event in American history between 1877-1990. How would you teach this using a rich collection of readily available primary sources? Your paper should include a few key parts: Rationale: Why is this an important theme or event? How can the use of primary documents help enrich its teaching? How is it presented in a standard textbook? How can you incorporate a rich collection of primary documents to encourage students to think in an authentically historical way? Document set: What documents would you use to teach this unit? For each document, you need to explain its context, theme, and main points. Teaching approach: How will you use these documents? What methods will you incorporate into your unit? How will you assess learning? The paper is due no later than April 24. You will be permitted to revise and resubmit your paper by May 15. Purpose: The goal of this assignment is to push you to combine an analysis of documents with a thoughtful presentation of how they can be used in a classroom. Sources: For this assignment, you will need to access a set of relevant documents. You will also need to refer to secondary sources to explain the background of the topic. You may use our required readings as these sources if you wish. Finally, you should include at least one history textbook to compare your document-based approach to that of a standard curriculum. Format: You should use the standard format preferred by historians, Chicago style. For a style guide, consult the Chicago Manual of Style online: In short, though, you can copy the style of professional articles in journals such as the Journal of American History ( or American Historical Review ( Your essay is limited to 10-15 double-spaced word-processed pages. Due date: April 24, 2014 HIST 530b/EDUC 508 Assignment III: Documents Based Question The Assignment: Create a Documents-Based Question (DBQ) based on any topic of your choosing from this course. Your primary documents (a maximum of 8) should come from the compendium that you have been working on all along. Students will present and submit their DBQs throughout the semester. You must email your DBQ to me by the morning before class. I will post your DBQ for the class to preview. The DBQ should consist of two parts: a short-answer section where the scaffolding questions (maximum of 10) come directly from these documents and an essay section where students must answer a capstone question using the same documents. Unless you have a strong reason to design a question for another age group, such as a plan to teach only middle school, please assume this is an assignment for high-school students (i.e., grade 11). In addition, you need to be ready to explain ONE THING that gave you the biggest challenge when you created your DBQ. Some Guidelines: What is this supposed to look like? There are many places you can look to see examples of a DBQ in its component parts. Here are three: NY State Department of Education, 11th grade samples Peter Pappas, "teaching with Documents" > Grade 11 > Civil War This site is part of the Center for the Historical Study of Women and Gender in the "Teacher's Corner." HIST 530b/EDUC 508 Assignment IV: Annotated Compendium The Assignment The purpose of the annotated compendium is threefold: to give students practice mining the web for scholarly and pedagogical purposes, to critically consider methods for using the web as a teaching resource, and to help students produce a reference of web-based materials for use in their own classrooms. Compendia should cover the range of topics we have studied in this course. Focus on websites that are document-rich. The Compendium is due no later than May 15. II. Annotations What constitutes a good annotation is really up to you -- after all, this is an assignment that you can draw upon long after this course is over. The more you have written now, the more useful it will be to you later. That said, I am looking to see that you have put some real thought and substantive effort into this project, and the quality of the annotations is one measure of that. Follow this basic rule of thumb: an annotation should have the web address (the URL), the title of the site, and then several sentences of your comments/analysis. Questions to consider: what were the most useful documents from this site? What feature of this site did I find particularly useful? What do you want to remember about this site for future use? If it is easier or clearer for you, feel free to organize your information about each site in a bulleted list. III. Organization How you organize your compendium is again up to you. In the past, students have created categories into which they placed their annotated websites. These could be chronological (late 19th century, America between the wars, etc.) or thematic (gender, class, ethnicity, race) or topical (migration, democracy, capitalism, etc.). It's your choice. IV. Length Your compendium should include at least fifteen references. You may include many more if you wish. You must include at least one source for each of the following themes, but in several areas you’ll need more than one. You can use additional themes. Themes: o o o o o o o Teaching tools Reconstruction Progressivism Gender History Scopes Trial New Deal World War II o o o o McCarthyism Civil Rights Movement Vietnam War “New Right” V. Format You may turn in a hard copy or a digital copy (via email, on a flashdrive, a website you've made, and so on). You may write this as a Word document, or as a spreadsheet, or in any practical format you choose. Again, this is your choice -- but do not turn in printouts of these websites. Save trees! Appendix V: Wikurriculum The Assignment: The goal of this assignment is to collaboratively map a dream curriculum for an American history class spanning the period from 1877-1990. Using a wiki format, we will all contribute to a “toolbox” for teaching American history. Purpose: The goal of this assignment is to encourage you to think about history curriculum and to practice working collaboratively with colleagues to assemble a collection of practical teaching resources. Also, you will get some practice using a wiki in a history class. Format: We will be using a Blackboard page. I will provide the basic structure, which will also be open to editing and improvement over the course of the semester. We will have a chance to practice with this format during our first class meeting. Requirements: Students will post lesson plans about key ideas in US History. These plans MAY come from external sources. REPEAT: students may re-post good lessons from elsewhere. This is what good teachers do. Students will be expected to edit, add to, and comment on lessons, including the ones they submitted themselves. Grading: You will receive a grade based on both the quality and quantity of your participation. Your participation will be evaluated on five general elements: quantity, quality, tone, clarity, and practicality. See rubric below. Due date: Throughout the semester. You may add comments and lessons throughout the semester or at any time during the semester. The last date for additions will be May 15, 2014. Wikurriculum Grading Rubric: A: Student made at least 6 contributions, including edits All contributions enhanced the value of the curriculum Tone of contributions was consistently collegial and positive Contributions were clear Contributions were practical B: Student made at least 6 contributions, including edits Most contributions enhanced the value of the curriculum Tone of contributions was consistently collegial and positive Contributions were mostly clear Contributions were mostly practical C: Student made fewer than 6 contributions, including edits Some contributions enhanced the value of the curriculum Tone of contributions was mostly collegial and positive Contributions were somewhat unclear Contributions were often impractical D: Student made fewer than 6 contributions, including edits Few contributions enhanced the value of the curriculum Tone of the contributions was usually collegial and positive Contributions were generally unclear Contributions were often impractical F: Student made fewer than 6 contributions, including edits Contributions did not enhance the value of the curriculum Tone of the contributions was not collegial or positive Contributions were mostly unclear Contributions were mostly impractical