ENG222 quiz 1

February 18, 2015
Students: This quiz will be used as reviewer for upcoming major exam.
Your checked paper will be given to you on our next lecture Feb.26.
ENG 222 Strategies in Learning Foreign Language
Skill: Gathering Information through RESEARCH (refer to your submitted assignment/homework)
Directions: Create your OWN graphic organizer for the following :
1. Define Strategies in Learning Foreign Language
2. What is L1 and L2 ?
3. Theories of Learning ( write KEY words for each theory)
 Innatism Theory  Behaviorism Theory Interactionism Theory
Connectionism TheoryLaws of Connectionism ( Edward Thorndike)
a. Law of Belongingness
b. Law of exercise
c. Law of Effect
d. Law of Readiness
4. Eight (8) Multiple Intelligence- simplified description/ definition