BSB Major Project Grading Rubric w/Biblical Integration (100 points) Excellent (20 – 18 pts) Good (17 - 16 pts) Fair (15 - 14 pts) Poor (0-13 pts) Content Knowledge Demonstrates exceptional knowledge, insight and understanding of the subject matter, including the ability to select and apply the most appropriate, well-researched content to develop an effective approach. Demonstrates content mastery by applying the most suitable theoretical framework, models, and/or techniques. Includes the application of relevant concepts from previous courses, when appropriate. Examples link directly and appropriately to the subject matter. Uses course materials as a springboard for developing original, insightful ideas. Demonstrates good knowledge, insight, and understanding of the content, including the ability to select and apply an appropriate, wellresearched content to develop an effective approach. Applies a suitable theoretical framework, models, and/or techniques. Demonstrates basic knowledge, insight, and understanding of the content; content is not consistently appropriate or well-researched. Demonstrates limited understanding of assignment issues; content is not appropriate or wellresearched. Application of content is adequate, but limited. Draws from and generally applies content from previous courses, when appropriate. Provides some relevant examples. Limited use of content from other courses. Little or no application of content; with limited and mostly inappropriate use of theoretical frameworks, models, and/or techniques. Connections to concepts from previous courses are absent. Limited examples are provided and not consistently appropriate. Examples are absent and/or not related to the subject matter. Content is used to generate some original ideas. Minimal number of original ideas. No original ideas developed from the content are apparent. Comments: Communication and Research There is an exceptionally clear, arguable, well-developed, and definitive position stated. Information is presented in a logical, interesting sequence organized with smooth transitions and appropriate headings. Uses an appropriate level of highest quality research, and theories and concepts are There is an arguable, welldeveloped, and definitive position stated. Information is presented in a logical sequence organized with generally smooth transitions and appropriate headings. A position is stated and adequately developed. The position is vague and not well-developed. Presentation of information is not consistently logical and transitions between points are not smooth and inconsistent headings. Uses an appropriate level of research, and theories and concepts are generally Uses an adequate level of research, but theories and concepts are not consistently Lacks clear and logical development of ideas with weak transitions between ideas and paragraphs, with no headings to separate and transition ideas. Research is superficial and insufficient to support the topic. Possible Pts. Actual Pts. 0 0 0 0 20 20 0 0 presented accurately and sufficiently. All supportive materials are properly and flawlessly cited, and formatting is consistent with the designated style (e.g., Harvard). Project is exceptionally concise, clear, with consistently proper grammar, spelling, and paragraphing. Clearly addresses the target audience. The project strictly adheres to the guidelines and format required by the assignment. The conclusion unites the important points of the presentation and encourages future discussion. Additional considerations for PowerPoint/visual presentations: The presentation layout is interesting and visually pleasing and contributes to the overall message. Professional-level use of headings, sub-headings and white space, along with appropriate fonts and size. All graphics are attractive (size and color) and help to explain, reinforce, and support the theme/content of the presentation. presented accurately and sufficiently. Supportive materials are properly cited with minimal (2-3) errors, and formatting is consistent with the designated style (e.g., Harvard). Project is concise, clear, with proper grammar, spelling, and paragraphing with minimal (2-3) errors. Demonstrates an awareness of the target audience. The project generally adheres to the format required by the assignment. The conclusion unites the important points of the presentation. Additional considerations for PowerPoint/visual presentations: The presentation layout is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall message. Appropriate use of headings, sub-headings and white space, along with appropriate fonts and size. Most of the graphics are attractive (size and color) and support the theme/ content of the presentation. presented accurately and sufficiently. Supportive materials are presented, but with errors (4+), and formatting is not consistent with the designated style (e.g., Harvard). Project contains errors (4-6) in grammar, spelling, and paragraphing. Supportive materials lack proper formatting with limited details and many sources missing or incomplete. Numerous (7+) and obvious grammatical, spelling, and stylistic errors undermine reader comprehension. Demonstrates little understanding of the target audience. The project does not fully adhere to the format required by the assignment. Does not acknowledge or identify the target audience. The project does not adhere to the format required by the assignment The conclusion summarizes the important points. The conclusion is vague and incomplete. Additional considerations for PowerPoint/visual presentations: The presentation layout is visually inconsistent and sporadically contributes to the overall message. Headings, sub-headings, and white space do not consistently support message. Fonts and text size are inconsistent and distracting. Graphics are occasionally used, but rarely support the presentation. Additional considerations for PowerPoint/visual presentations: The presentation layout is haphazard and visually contributes little to the overall message. Headings and subheading are missing or irrelevant to the supporting text. Font and size are inappropriate resulting in text that is difficult to read. Graphics are superfluous or absent. Comments: 20 0 Critical Thinking Demonstrates exceptional work through the consistent Demonstrates proficiency through the use of a clear Inconsistent application of logic in presenting a 20 Logical reasoning and progression of points are 0 use of a clear and logical progression of points and conclusions. and logical progression of points and conclusions. Carefully analyzes the information collected and draws appropriate, inventive, warranted, judicious, and nonfallacious conclusions supported by evidence through accurate interpretation of statements, graphics (e.g., charts, tables), etc. Identifies not only the basics issues and implications surrounding the topic, but recognizes subtle nuances. Identifies and questions the validity of key assumptions. Thoughtfully analyzes and evaluates major alternative points of view, addresses contradictory evidence, and constructs persuasive and compelling arguments. Makes clear connections to previous or current content and to real-life situations. progression of points and conclusions. virtually absent. Analyzes the information collected and draws appropriate, warranted, and non-fallacious conclusions; conclusions are generally supported through interpretation of statements, graphics (e.g., charts, tables), etc. Identifies all the basic issues and implications surrounding the topic. Analyzes the Information collected, but conclusions do not consistently and logically derive from that information; Interpretation of statements, graphics (e.g., charts, tables), etc. is occasionally invalid. Identifies some of the basic issues and implications surrounding the topic. Identifies and questions the validity of assumptions. Does not surface and interact with underlying assumptions. Offers analysis and evaluations of obvious alternative points of view; fair-mindedly follows where evidence and reasons lead. Makes connections to previous or current content and to real-life situations. Some underlying assumptions are identified, but are not adequately explored. Offers limited analysis and evaluations of some alternative points of view, but quickly dismisses these points. Fails to identify or hastily dismisses strong, relevant counter-arguments. Makes occasional connections to previous or current content or to real-life situations. Makes no connections to previous or current content or to real-life situations. Fails to identify conclusions, implications, and consequences of the issue. Misinterprets evidence, statements, graphics, questions, etc. and draws unsupported and fallacious conclusions; arguments are not persuasive. Identifies few if any of the basic issues and implications surrounding the topic. Comments: 20 Business Application The project proposes feasible, practical, interesting, and actionable recommendations and solutions that consider cost, culture, timeframe, and other critical factors. The project proposes feasible, practical, and actionable recommendations and solutions that consider most critical factors, such as cost, culture, and timeframe. Clearly identifies and describes action issues associated with specific decision-makers. Action items for specific decision-makers are identified. Presents information, Presents information, Proposes recommendations that are not consistently feasible, practical, and actionable; limited consideration of critical business factors. Action items are presented, but are not linked to specific decision-makers. Specific action items are not delineated for particular decision-makers. Information, concepts, Information, concepts, Recommendations are impractical, uninspiring, and not feasible. Solutions do not take into account environmental or organizational factors. 20 0 0 concepts, conclusions, etc., so that others can use the information to improve/transform their lives and the organization they serve. A plan for measuring outcomes for the proposal is detailed, well-thought out, and realistic. Clearly describes the value added to the organization and how goals balance and satisfy different stakeholders’ interests. Selects and applies the appropriate analytical tools (quantitative and qualitative) to address the business issues for the particular discipline (e.g., accounting, economics). concepts, conclusions, etc., so that others can use the information to improve/ transform their lives and the organization they serve. A plan for measuring outcomes is presented. conclusions, etc. as presented have a limited, transformative impact on individuals or the organization. conclusions, etc. are not presented in ways that will transform and serve organizations and people. General consideration for measuring outcomes is apparent, but no specific plan or approach is presented. Attention is given to the value added to the organization and the impact on key stakeholders. The value added to the organization and the impact on stakeholders is mentioned, but not adequately explained and developed. Selects and applies the appropriate analytical tools (quantitative and qualitative) to address the business issues for the particular discipline (e.g., accounting, economics). Utilizes some, but does not consistently select/apply the appropriate analytical tools (quantitative and qualitative) to address the business issues for the particular discipline. Little or no consideration is given to measuring or quantifying outcomes or assessing the value added to the organization. The impact on various stakeholders is not discussed. Does not effectively select and apply the appropriate analytical tools of the appropriate discipline (e.g., accounting, economics). Comments: 20 0 Biblical Integration Demonstrates clear knowledge of the basic themes and truths of the Old and New Testaments and the basic beliefs of Christianity. Clear application of Bible-based morality and social responsibility. Clear statement and application of a Christian worldview Demonstrates the ability to think critically and to integrate and apply knowledge through the lens of Scripture. Relies on a number of commentaries and basic exegesis to support Demonstrates knowledge of the basic themes and truths of the Old and New Testaments and the basic beliefs of Christianity. Some application of Biblebased morality and/or social responsibility is evident. A Christian worldview is stated and generally applied. Relies on a commentary and basic exegesis to support position. 20 Demonstrates limited knowledge of some of the fundamental themes and truths of Scripture and the basic beliefs of Christianity. Application of Bible-based morality and/or social responsibility is minimal. Demonstrates little or no knowledge of the basic themes and truths of Scripture and Christianity. Application of Bible-based morality and/or social responsibility is absent. Some aspects of a Christian worldview are stated, but inadequately and/or erroneously applied. Only biblical “proof-texting” is utilized to support position. Application of Christian worldview is absent. The Bible or is rarely used to support a position. 0 position. Comments: 20 20 100 0 100 Late deductions (e.g., -10): Score: Overall Comments: