EE 5351 UMD SPRING 2016 HW 1: 25 Points (You may use the software of your choice) 1. For the following system of equations, calculate by hand, showing your work: a. The A matrix for Ax=B form b. The B matrix c. Form the augmented 4x5 A|B matrix, and use Gaussian operations to produce the RREF of the augmented matrix. d. Use MATLAB (or other software) to check part c. i. 2w + x =1; 2x + y =1; 2y + z = 1; z=1 2. For the following three matrices, calculate by hand: a. Rank, Trace b. Det c. Eigenvalues (if you can ‘guess’ them using trace and det, do so!) d. Eigenvectors e. Check a-d with MATLAB (or other software) A = [-10 -7 ; 14 11] B = [2 16 8 ; 4 14 8 ; -8 -32 -18] C = [3 -2 5 ; 0 1 4 ; 0 -1 5] 3. For the planar figure shown below, and using MATLAB (or other software): a. Form each homogeneous matrix, Hi, based on Denavit-Hartenberg criteria, for each link/joint of the robotic arm shown below. b. Use P = H1*H2* … *Hi to calculate the position vector from the origin to point P if the joint angles are a1 = 30 degrees, a2 = -15 degrees and a3 = 60 degrees. 4. For the figure shown below, and using MATLAB (or other software): a. Form each homogeneous matrix, Hi, based on Denavit-Hartenberg criteria, for each link/joint of the planar robotic arm shown below. S.Norr EE 5351 UMD SPRING 2016 b. Use P = H1*H2* … *Hi to calculate the position vector from the origin to point P if the rotational joint angle is at 60 degrees, and the linear joint is at 50%. 5. For the 3-D figure shown below, and using MATLAB (or other software): a. Form each homogeneous matrix, Hi, based on Denavit-Hartenberg criteria, for each link/joint of the robotic arm shown below. b. Use P = H1*H2* … *Hi to calculate the position vector from the origin to point P if the joint angles are a1 = 30 degrees, a2 = 60 degrees. 6. (FOR GRAD CREDIT): For the robotic arm described in Problem 5 above, write a MATLAB (or other software) script to calculate and PLOT the end position, P, for all possible joint values, in 1-degree increments. S.Norr