Institution: Majmaah University /College of Science and Humanities in Rumaah Academic Department : Department of English Language Programme : B.A in English Language Course : History of Literary Criticism II, Eng.461 Course Coordinator : Muhammad Naeem Ahmed Programme Coordinator : Dr. Salah Alfarwan …./ … / …… H Course Specification Approved Date : A. Course Identification and General Information 1. 1 - Course title : History of Literary Criticism II 2. Credit hours : Course Code: 2 3 - Program(s) in which the course is offered: 4 – Course Language : Eng. 461 B.A. in English English 2. 5 - Name of faculty member responsible for the course: 3. Muhammad Naeem Ahmed 4. 6 - Level/year at which this course is offered : Level 8, Year 4 7 - Pre-requisites for this course (if any) : History of Literary Criticism 1,English 361 8 - Co-requisites for this course (if any) : None 9 - Location if not on main campus: Rumah Campus 10 - Mode of Instruction (mark all that apply) A - Traditional classroom √ What percentage? 70 % B - Blended (traditional and online) √ What percentage? 30 % D - e-learning What percentage? % E – Correspondence What percentage? % F - Other What percentage? % Comments : ........................................................................................................... B Objectives egaP2 fO 10 What is the main purpose for this course? 1. Make the students comprehend the basic principles of literary criticism for describing, analyzing and evaluating different literary texts. Get students to understand how to analyze various approaches of literary criticism. 2. Briefly describe any plans for developing and improving the course that are being implemented: 1. Students are encouraged to consult the web to learn more about different approaches of literary criticism other than the eight included in the course. 2. Students are encouraged to do online research on the approaches of literary criticism they study. C. Course Description: The course will examine the basic principles of objective literary criticism and critically evaluate different literary texts employing various focal points of the major schools of literary criticism. 1. Topics to be covered: Week No. No. of Weeks List of Topics Contact Hours 1 A general introduction to literary criticism and its basic principles 1 2 2 An introduction to different schools of literary criticism 1 2 3 Formalism 1 2 4 Marxism 1 2 5 Feminism 1 2 egaP3 fO 10 6 Psychoanalytic 1 2 7 Cultural Criticism 1 2 8 Mid Term Exam 9 Structuralism 1 2 10 Post Structuralism 1 2 11 Archetypal 1 2 12 An overview of theories of criticism other than the eight discussed above 1 2 13 A critical evaluation of a selected poem employing the yard sticks of different schools of literary criticism 1 2 14 A critical evaluation of a selected short story employing the yard sticks of different schools of literary criticism 1 2 15 Revision 16 Final Exam 2. Course components (total contact hours and credits per semester): Lecture Contact Hours 26 Credit 2 egaP4 fO 10 Tutorial Laboratory Practical Other: ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- Total 26 2 3. Additional private study/learning hours expected for students per week. 2 hours per week 4. Course Learning Outcomes in NQF Domains of Learning and Alignment with Assessment Methods and Teaching Strategy 1.0 NQF Learning Domains Course Teaching And Course Learning Outcomes Strategies Course Assessment Methods Knowledge Lectures Discussion, Quizzes Lecturing Mid Term Open discussions Quizzes -Lectures in which students are made aware of the significance of time management -Active class participation reflects the students' ability to keep up with the course By the end of this course, students will be able to: learn about the focal points of various schools of criticism 2.0 Cognitive Skills By the end of this course, students will be able to: 3.0 critically evaluate a literary text employing different focal points of the major schools of criticism develop critical thinking skills. Interactional Skills & Responsibility By the end of this course, students will be able to: analyze certain works of literature within a specific time frame. - Individual counselling on learning difficulties egaP5 fO 10 - Performance on midterms and final exams are evidence of NQF Learning Domains Course Teaching And Course Learning Outcomes Strategies Course Assessment Methods the student’s ability to comprehend the methods of analysing literary works. 4.0 Communication, Information Technology, Numerical By the end of this course, students will be able to: 5.0 learn how to use the web to search for literary information and to make reports. Teach students how to use the Internet and give them some useful sites to use. using the Internet and give them some online quizzes Psychomotor 5. Schedule of Assessment Tasks for Students during the Semester: Week Due Proportion of Total Assessment 8 30% Assignments All along 10% Quizzes 4 and 12 20% Final Exam End of the Semester 40% Assessment task 1 Midterm 2 3 4 egaP6 fO 10 D. Student Academic Counseling and Support 1. Contacting students during office hours, and; 2. Contacting students via electronic medium. E. Learning Resources 1. List Required Textbooks: عدد عدد النسخ النسخ المطلوبة المتوفرة سنة النشر دار النشر المؤلف اسم الكتاب Date of Publisher Author Book Armstrong Richards Practical Criticism: A Study Of Literary Judgment Peter Barry An Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory Publication egaP7 fO 10 February 23, 1956 Mariner Books 2002 Oxford 2. List Essential References Materials : عدد عدد النسخ النسخ المطلوبة المتوفرة سنة النشر دار النشر المؤلف اسم الكتاب Date of Publisher Author Book Raman Selden A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory Publication 5th Edition 1979 Penguin 1947 Edward Orientalism W. Said Cleanth The Well BrooKs Wrought Urn 3. List Recommended Textbooks and Reference Material : عدد عدد النسخ النسخ المطلوبة المتوفرة سنة النشر دار النشر المؤلف اسم الكتاب Date of Publisher Author Book Jahan Ramazani The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry The Art of TwentiethCentury American Poetry: Modernism and After Publication 2006 Charles Altieri 2004 egaP8 fO 10 David Ayers Modernism: A Short Introduction 4. List Electronic Materials : 5. Other learning material : None F. Facilities Required 1. Accommodation Classrooms of about 25 armchairs 2. Computing resources Multimedia Projector Smart Board 3. Other resources Whiteboard Writing markers Erasers G Course Evaluation and Improvement Processes 1. Strategies for Obtaining Student Feedback on Effectiveness of Teaching: Midterm evaluation feed-back form to increase instructor’s awareness of the weak and strong points of the class; End of term college evaluation of course by students ( to be collected by the department). End-of-term debriefing in class of students and teacher regarding what went well and what could have gone better. 2 Other Strategies for Evaluation of Teaching by the Program/Department Instructor : Peer observation to benefit from colleagues’ objective feedback and suggestions for improvement. The University evaluation of the course. Designing an evaluation form to be filled by students at the end of term Class observation by a supervisor. 3 Processes for Improvement of Teaching : Professional Development (Training sessions); Workshops and seminars to facilitate the exchange of experience and knowledge a among the faculty members; Regular meetings where problems are discussed and solutions given; Discussion of challenges in the classroom with colleagues and supervisors; Setting goals for achieving excellence in teaching at the beginning of each new semester after reviewing last semester’s teaching strategies and results, and; Keeping up to date with pedagogical theory and practice. egaP9 fO 10 4. Processes for Verifying Standards of Student Achievement Check marking of a sample of examination papers either by a resident or visiting faculty member Students who believe they are under graded can have their papers checked by a second reader. 5 Describe the planning arrangements for periodically reviewing course effectiveness and planning for improvement : Compare syllabus and course description with other universities (including those on the net). End of semester analysis of the achievement of learning outcome based on the final examination. Biannual meetings of faculty members to discuss improvement. Course Specification Approved Departmental Official Meeting No (…..) Date … / …. / ….. H Course Coordinator Department Head Name : Muhammad Naeem Ahmed Name : Dr. Salah Alfarwan Signature : .......................... Signature : .......................... Date : …./ … / …… H Date : …./ … / …… H egaP10 fO 10