Maintaining your ePortfolio

ePortfolio on D2L
How to save documents in TurnItIn
1. Go to the Dropbox section under a specific class
2. If the professor left comments within the document, you will see a bubble with “View” under
the Feedback column
a. This is found to the right of the document you submitted
3. Click on “View”
a. It will take you to a new screen
4. Click on the paper/check mark underneath “Grade Mark”
a. This is found on the Right side, just before the date
b. This will take you to Turnitin
5. Go to the bottom Left corner of the screen
6. Click on the printer icon
7. Click on “Download PDF of current view for printing”
a. Save it to a location on your computer
8. Open the PDF
a. Comments will be noted at the end of the document
b. Comments do not appear on the Right side like it does in Turnitin
Adding items to ePortfolio – via D2L
1. Follow steps 1 and 2 from above
2. Go to top Right side of screen
3. Click on “Add to ePortfolio” button
a. This will bring you to a pop up window
4. Fill in name of the artifact
a. i.e. – Resource Review, Tier 2 Intervention Plan
5. Provide a brief description describing the artifact and its content
6. Click “Add”
7. Go back to your D2L Homepage
8. Go to top Right corner of screen – Click on “Tools”
9. Click on ePortfolio
10. This is your ePortfolio
11. Once you are there, you should see the item you just added
Uploading items to ePortfolio – via computer
Follow steps 7 and 8 from above
Click on Upload
Click on File from Computer
Upload (by searching within in your computer)
Click Done
Click Next
Name the Artifact
Provide a Description
Click Save
In the next window you can upload additional documents that support your main artifact such
as a presentation you created, resources, articles you used, etc
11. Click Save and Close
12. Click on “My Items” on the top to view all your uploaded documents
a. Right underneath the blue tool bar
b. You can edit the artifact – description, adding a presentation, etc, by clicking on the
down arrow next to the document