BINGHAMTON UNIVERSITY MINUTES OF THE November 12, 2007 MEETING OF THE GRADUATE COUNCIL PLACE: Couper Administration Building, Room 148 PRESIDING: Nancy E. Stamp, Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School MEMBERS: David Campbell, Michael Conlon, James Constable, James Fang, Monazir Khan, Maneesha Lal, Edward Li, Weiyi Meng, Ajay Mishra, Susan Pollock, Maria-Teresa Romero, Karen Salvage, Olga Shvetsova, Pamela Stewart Fahs, Marilyn Tallerico, Diane Wiener, Nan Zhou EX OFFICIO MEMBERS: Stephen Gilje, Dara Silberstein, Lindsay Tremain EXCUSED: Susan Currie, Steve Tammariello, Gerald Sonnenfeld ABSENT: Amit Garg, Ed Kokkelenberg, Tom McDonough, Daryl Santos, Thomas Wilson, GUESTS: Dean Pat Ingraham, Sharon Holmes, Rodger Summers, Dina Maramba I. CALL TO ORDER: Vice Provost and Dean Nancy Stamp called the meeting to order at 3:02 pm. II. MINUTES: The minutes of the October 15, 2007 were approved as written. III. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Academic Standards Committee This committee has not met. Advisory Committee for Scholarship and Research Stephen Gilje reported that the committee met and evaluated the proposals submitted for the Provost’s Interdisciplinary Symposium program. Eight proposals were submitted and four were recommended to the Provost and she has approved those four for funding. The committee discussed a laboratory safety policy. Their comments have been forwarded to Jill Harrington, University Compliance Officer. Budget Advisory Committee This committee is scheduled to meet to review the applications for the Travel Grant. Clark Fellowship Advisory Committee Dara Silberstein reported that the committee worked on setting dates for considering Clark applications. A new form was approved for the departments to submit their nominations. Curriculum Committee 1. Proposal for MS in Student Affairs Administration Program Professor Sharon Holmes, Professor Rodger Summers, Dean Pat Ingraham and Professor Dina Maramba attended to explain the proposal and answer any questions. Professor Holmes gave an overview of the student affairs environment. This is a 45 credit hour program and the program will work closely with the Student Affairs Division to provide experiences for the student outside of the classroom. There was a motion for approval of the Proposal for MS in Student Affairs Administration Program by Professor Tallerico and seconded by Professor Shvetsova. The proposal was approved unanimously. 2. GRD 593: Graduate Writing Workshop—Approved 3. SOC 625: Comparative Hegemonies—There was some concern that this proposal needed more information. It was decided to table approval of this course until the department provided more clarification. 4. GEOG 553: Seminar in Ethnic Geography—Approved 5. BIOL 525: Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis—Approved 6. ELED 504: Educational Programs for Young Children (Birth to Grade 2)—Approved 7. ELED 506: Early Language and Emergent Literacy (Birth to Grade 2)--Approved Grievance Committee This committee has not met. Strategic Planning Committee The committee has met and has been reviewing the Graduate School Strategic Plan and will be bringing action items to the Council. IV. NEW BUSINESS: Associate Dean Silberstein reported on a meeting she attended at SUNY-Central regarding establishing Professional Science Masters programs on SUNY campuses from a grant from the Sloan Foundation. This program is a graduate program that combines advanced training in science with skills in business. This program prepares students for science careers in business, government and non-profit organizations. This could be offered as a certificate. The first round of applications is due Dec. 15. The maximum amount of funding for any campus will be $15,000 for start-up costs. There was discussion on whether this would be good for our campus. Dean Stamp suggested that the Graduate School could establish a URL to let departments know about this and also that the discussion continue with either the Academic Standards Committee or the Curriculum Committee. Dean Stamp distributed a statistical report for Fall 2007 from the International Student and Scholar Services Office. Nationally international enrollment was up by 7% this year. At BU the total for international enrollment for the University was up 14% from last year. Undergraduate international enrollment was up 13% and graduate international enrollment was up 16%. This puts Binghamton 75th in the nation in terms of international students. There was some discussion of some of the problems the international students have with obtaining housing since there is no campus housing. Because of visa requirements the students sometimes have to be here two weeks before classes and have no place to stay. Dean Stamp said this issue will be looked into. V. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 4:32 p.m. on a motion by Associate Vice President Gilje and seconded by Professor Shvetsova. _____________________________ Minutes recorded by Alta Hooker, Secretary to the Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School 2