2014/2015 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Faculty Senate
Tuesday, April 14, 2:15 p.m.
University Center UC275B
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
1. Senators present:
2. Senators absent: (*informed Secretary)
3. Approval of Minutes:
1. Minutes of the 2014-2015 Faculty Senate Meeting, March 10, 2015.
(Action Item: attached)
4. Reports of Committees:
1. Faculty Senate Executive Committee:
A. Faculty Senate Chair Election process (information item).
2. University Curriculum Committee:
a. Transmittal of actions of the University Curriculum Committee (action
Item: Attached) March 20, 2015
3. Campus Landscaping and Planning Committee
4. University Standards Committee
5. University Budget Committee
5. Old Business:
6. New Business:
1. Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Graduation Resolution. (action
Resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater recommends
to the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents that the University of WisconsinWhitewater students who have applied for graduation in May 2015 and who have been
certified by the University Registrar to have met all academic requirements and completed
all of their courses of study be granted their degrees at the May 2015 University of
Wisconsin-Whitewater commencement exercises.
2. Follow up / review of newly implemented course schedule (Jodi
Hare and Matt Aschenbrener) (information item – no action)
3. Update on chancellor search and screen (Paul Ambrose)
(information item – no action)
4. Department standards:
a. Computer Sciences (action item: attached)
5. Retirement Resolutions (action items: attached)
a. Tom Bramorski – Supply Chain Management
b. Jerry J Gosenpud – Management
c. Ron Berger - Department of Sociology, Criminology &
d. Marvin Free - Department of Sociology, Criminology &
6. Resolution for Ad Hoc committee to Faculty Senate Ad Hoc
Committee Representing UWW Faculty Regarding Shared
Governance and Tenure (action items: attached)
7. Gen Ed Review Committee discussion on updates being
considered to the General Education Outcomes (information item
– no action)
8. An update on the HLC process (information item – no action)
9. Discussion on Faculty Service (information item – no action)
7. Announcements and Information (no action unless noted otherwise)
Report of the Chancellor:
Report of Provost
Report of the Senate Chair
Other announcements and information from Senators
8. Senate Meeting Dates and Times
1.Faculty Senate: Meetings begin at 2:15 p.m. Faculty Senate meetings continue until business is finished,
potentially 5 PM or later. The location(s)of the Senate meetings for Spring-2014 have not yet been
determined.2013-2014 Faculty Senate meeting dates: Sept. 10, 2013; Oct 8, 2013; Nov 12, 2013; Dec 10,
2013; Feb 11, 2014; Mar 11, 2014; Apr8, 2014; May 6, 2014
2.Faculty Senate Executive Committee: Meetings of the Executive Committee are typically at 2:15 on
Tuesdays two weeks before Senate meetings and as needed. The location(s) of the Senate Executive
Committee meetings for 2013-2014 is Hyland Hall Room 4300A 2013-2014 Faculty Senate Executive
meeting dates: Aug.27, 2013; Sept. 24, 2013; Oct. 22, 2013; Nov. 26, 2013; Jan. 28, 2014; Feb. 25, 2014;
Mar. 25, 2014; Apr. 20, 2014
9. Adjournment