MINUTES Meeting of the Economics Department March 2nd, 2015, called to order at 3:45PM Present: Ahmad (Chair), Bashaw, Das, Ersal-Kiziler, Glosser, Guo, Kashian, Lovett, Marks, Schweigert, Teferra, Tao, Welsch, Winden, Xue. 1. Approval of February 2015 Minutes: Kashian moved, Welsch seconded, the minutes was unanimously approved. 2. Announcements (Ahmad): a) Updates on budget: Ahmad provided an update on the budget situation. Ahmad has requested two part-time positions to compensate for two sabbaticals in 2015-2016. Approval of these positions are still pending and if needed, he may shift upper-level course faculty to cover the core courses (Econ 201, 202 and 245). Faculty may not be able to get their preferred teaching time slots. No overloads will be offered. The chair anticipates, based on discussion in the Administrative Council meetings that travel money should not be affected. The budget cut should not affect M.S. program course offerings. b) Curriculum changes: Ahmad asked the faculty members to think about how they use data to inform curricular changes and discuss in the April department meeting. c) Some faculty members will march at the May 16 commencement. Need to get cap and gown. d) Ahmad has discussed graduate thesis mentoring and advising pay with Dean Stone. The normal pay by the university is approximately $500 per 3-credit student but we can get $1,000 per 3-credit student for this first year only. The department will also offer $200 for thesis committee members per student. e) Econ245 textbook: Bashaw will head a committee to review textbooks. 3. Welsch informed the department that the MBA program intents to raise admission standards. They are trying to increase the required combined GMAT and GPA points from 1000 to above 1100. No one at the meeting opposed it. 4. Ahmad: the department needs advisory board mission and roles. Ahmad would like to have a draft ready by the Department’s April meeting and to distribute it to the Advisory Board members prior to the April 20 Advisory Board meeting. Ahmad provided examples from UW-Madision, Michigan State, and Kansas State. Kashian (seconded: Welsch) moved to form a committee led by the chair and two chair-appointed members to develop the mission before the end of March for the April department meeting. Discussion followed, which included the following thoughts: Kashian encouraged faculty members to reach out and find people to serve on the advisory board. Ahmad sought ideas for the mission. Suggestions on career-oriented, practical training and suggestions on curriculum matters were mentioned. The motion was unanimously passed. Ahmad will head the committee. Kashian and Glosser joined the committee. 5. Winden passed on information about GenEd learning outcomes. The process is still ongoing. Faculty members were encouraged to send him comments. 6. Kashian provided updates on the development of department goals. Kashian worked with the department Strategic Planning Committee (Marks, Schweigert and Tao), Ersal-Kiziler and Winden to develop the short-term goals that combine the department SWOT analysis results and college and university goals. Kashian asked faculty members to go through the short-term goals and claim responsibilities. The SPC should add action plans for the goals and develop long-term goals before the April meeting. It will be reviewed by the advisory board on April 20 and be finalized in May. 7. Ahmad showed current course offerings in the department and recent enrollment numbers in the courses. Given that there is more scrutiny about low-enrollment courses, the Department needs to think about re-aligning courses (will seek advice from the advisory board). Faculty members were asked new courses they would like to teach, as well as which courses should be eliminated as part of the realignment. Faculty members were asked to review course descriptions in the online catalogue and identify those that need to be changed or re-written. Marks encouraged faculty members to advertise the econ minor because it is a low-price and low-cost option for the students. BBA majors who have completed required Econ 201, 202 and 245 can earn a minor in economics with only four more upper-level econ courses. 8. Ahmad asked faculty to review DFW (Grade D Fail Withdraw) rates and think about what to do about it. The discussion is postponed to April meeting. 9. Scholarships (Ahmad): the department needs a mechanism to coordinate the scholarships. Discussion is postponed to April meeting. On a Das and Kashian motion, the meeting was adjourned at 5:05pm. Respectfully submitted, Ran Tao (Nancy) Secretary Pro Tem