M120914 1 Unapproved Minutes 2014/2015 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Faculty Senate Tuesday, December 9, 2014 2:15 p.m. University Center 275A http://www.uww.edu/facsenate 1. Call to Order Meeting called to order at 2:17 PM. 2. Roll Call 1. Senators present: Ahmadi, Ambrose, Barger, Brady, Bren, Ciganek, Compas, Gapinski, Ghavamshahidi, Gulig, Hartwick, Holmes, Hsu, Ivry, Kumpaty, Kopf, Levy-Navarro, Madan, Mandell, Mukherjee, Munro, Portman, Sankaranarayanan, Schneider, Schultz, Splinter, Street, Tillet, Toms, Veldkamp, Weston, Winchell, Zhang, Zhou 2. Senators absent: Chen, Dugan, Zhao* 3. Approval of Minutes: 1. Minutes of the Faculty Senate Meeting, Nov 11, 2014: (Action Item: -Attached) Approved on a Gulig/Bren motion. 4. Reports of Committees: 1. Honors Council (information only) Honors Director Elizabeth Kim distributed a handout on the membership, activities and issues dealt with by the Council. She noted that about 150 freshmen start the Honors program with about 30 graduating. She was asked questions about the content of the new one credit course “Find you inner Warhawk”. One area she would like clarified is the relationship between Honors Council and departmental honors programs. 2. Diversity Committee (information only) Elizabeth Kim distributed a handout on the membership and functions of the committee. She was asked if/how “Diversity II – International” would be incorporated. 3. University Curriculum Committee: Transmittal of actions of the University Curriculum Committee, November 14, 2014: action item (attached) Approved on a Portman/Gulig motion. AVC Cook answered a question about Courseleaf implementation. He indicated that they are testing, doing form development, and will be meeting next week to look at workflow. 5. Old Business: 1. Tobacco task force committee resolution: Action Item (Attached) postponed from Oct meeting Hartwick/Compas moved. Discussion indicated that senators still have several concerns, i.e. enforcement, Native American religious use. Some senators asked if we could have an interim policy established on e-cigarettes. Motion failed. 6. New Business: 1. December 2014 Graduation Resolution (added to agenda) Motion to approve from Gulig/Hartwick. Motion passed. M120914 2 2. Chancellor search and screen committee (Information item) UWS President Cross sent Chair Munro a request for 22 names for possible service on the committee – eleven will be chosen from the list. Applications are due to Chair Munro by December 15. The Executive Committee will meet next week to review applications and select names. Chair Munro will distribute a list of committee members’ duties. System is looking at a tight schedule for the search. 3. Personnel Rules a. Editorial changes related to Document of Intent - Action Item (Attached) Approved without discussion on a Portman/Bren motion. b. Alternative wording and potential changes to the number of appeals allowed Action Item (Attached) FPRC Chair Portman presented two options as requested by the Senate at its October meeting. She discussed the reasons and effects of changes to the rules depending on the version chosen. Mandell/Ghavamshahidi moved the adoption of Option 2. There was lengthy discussion. The motion failed. Option 2: Remove the statement-“the faculty member shall be allowed only one panel during any academic year’s review period” and edit E. Appeals section accordingly. E. Appeals 1. Appellant’s responsibilities: a. Submit a valid appeal to the chair of the Faculty Senate. b. To be valid, the appeal must (1) be in writing, (2) specify the decision(s) which is being appealed (III, C, 4, f, (2); III, C, 4, g, (2), (a), vi); and III, C, 8, b of these rules), (3) state the grounds of the appeal by reference to some part of UWS 3.08, (1) and by reference to the relevant records of review and reports of decision, and reconsideration, (III, C, 4, f, (2); III, C, 4, g, (2), (a), vi), and III, C, 8, e of these rules), (4) the faculty member shall be allowed only one panel during any academic year’s review period, and be delivered to the chair of the Faculty Senate prior to the time that materials are to be delivered to the next level in the review process (See timeline, III, I of these rules). (Currently this statement is (5)) Kumpaty/Brady moved the adoption of Option 1. There was lengthy discussion. Hartwick/Gulig moved to amend Option 1 by striking the proposed E (1) (c) and substituting the version noted below. The question was called and approved. The amendment was approved. Option 1, as amended, was approved. Option 1: Leave the statement in (change period to sequence) but put it another spot: E. Appeals 1. Appellant’s responsibilities: a. Submit a valid appeal to the chair of the Faculty Senate. b. To be valid, the appeal must (1) be in writing, (2) specify the decision(s) which is being appealed (III, C, 4, f, (2); III, C, 4, g, (2), (a), vi); and III, C, 8, b of these rules), M120914 3 (3) state the grounds of the appeal by reference to some part of UWS 3.08, (1) and by reference to the relevant records of review and reports of decision, and reconsideration, (III, C, 4, f, (2); III, C, 4, g, (2), (a), vi), and III, C, 8, e of these rules), (4) the faculty member shall be allowed only one panel during any academic year’s review period, and be delivered to the chair of the Faculty Senate prior to the time that materials are to be delivered to the next level in the review process (See timeline, III, I of these rules). (Currently this statement is (5)) c. The faculty member shall be allowed only one panel during any academic year’s review sequence. c. The faculty member shall be allowed one panel for each negative report of decision during any academic year’s review sequence. 4. Emeritus Resolution for Prof. David Porter: Action item (Attached) Approved on a Gulig/Weston motion. Two typographical errors were sent to the Secretary for correction after the meeting and will be made. 5. WSG – request - Co-Curricular Syllabi Inclusion Act (Professor Picks) Action item (Attached) Tillet/Toms moved consideration. Two WSG representatives were present for questions. The motion as amended follows. The amended resolution was approved. Co-Curricular Syllabi Inclusion Act Resolution WHEREAS, Whitewater Student Government serves all students attending the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater; and, WHEREAS, Whitewater Student Government strives to provide an effective, inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students attending the University of Wisconsin–Whitewater; and, WHEREAS, Whitewater Student Government believes that co-curricular involvement contributes significantly to the student experience inside and outside the classroom; and, WHEREAS, Whitewater Student Government recognizes that students that are involved outside class have higher retention and graduation rates in comparison to students not engaged in co-curricular activities; and, WHEREAS, “JOIN!” is an accessible, established outlet for information and outside student involvement opportunity; and, WHEREAS, Whitewater Student Government recognizes that professors can aid in the enhancement of student development by recommending at least three student organizations that complement the content covered in class; and, WHEREAS, This legislation has been endorsed by Provost Kopper and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Greg Cook; and requested by Whitewater Student Government, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That all instructed faculty and staff be expected course instructors be encouraged to provide content information of related student organizations on their course syllabi as well as using the Career & Leadership Development JOIN! website; and, THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon the passage of this legislation, Faculty Senate, Academic Staff Assembly, University Curriculum Committee, General Education Committee and college Deans all course instructors will be informed of this expectation resolution; and, THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, This legislation resolution will be forwarded to the Chancellor and the Provost for implementation in the Spring Semester 2015. M120914 4 6. Faculty Governance & Shared Governance – (information item) Chair Munro handed out a summary sheet of the comments from the Senate’s November discussions. The Senate will discuss one section at each spring meeting. 7. Selection of Faculty service committee members – (Action item) Postponed to the February meeting. 7. Announcements and Information (no action unless noted otherwise) 1. Report of the Chancellor: Chancellor Telfer spoke briefly about UWS System President Cross’ proposal for System transformation which was presented at last week’s BOR meeting. He encouraged faculty to read about the proposal and think about implications for Whitewater. He also announced that the 846 students graduating on Saturday constitute our largest December graduation ever. 2. Report of the Provost: In the Provost’s absence, AVC Cook announced that he had received applications for 27 LEAP teams with 123 participants. Senator Dale Splinter will be assisting with the LEAP workshops this year. Dr. Cook also distributed a news release on System’s new Faculty Collaboratives initiative. 3. Report of the Senate Chair: Chair Munro noted that the faculty representatives group has some concerns with President Cross’ re-purposing proposal. They are concerned that the System not be turned into a place for turning out business employees only. There are indications that segregated fees will be coming under close scrutiny. Whitewater’s fees are the second lowest in the System. 8. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:29 PM on a Gulig/Hartwick motion. 9. Future Meeting Dates and Times 2014-2015 Senate Meeting Dates and Times 1. Faculty Senate: Meetings begin at 2:15 p.m. Faculty Senate meetings continue until business is finished, potentially 5 PM or later. The location(s) of the Senate meetings for the Spring 2015 meetings is not yet known. Remaining 2014-2015 Faculty Senate meeting dates:; Feb 10, 2015; Mar 10, 2015; Apr 14, 2015; May 5, 2015 2 .Faculty Senate Executive Committee: Meetings of the Executive Committee are typically at 2:15 on Tuesdays two weeks before Senate meetings and as needed. The location(s) of the Senate Executive Committee meetings for 2014-2015 Hyland hall 3303 Remaining 2014-2015 scheduled Faculty Senate Executive meeting dates;; Jan. 27, 2015; Feb. 24, 2015; Mar. 31, 2015; Apr. 21, 2015