Agenda FALL FACULTY MEETING 2014 Tuesday, November 18, 2014 3:30-5:00 UC 275A AGENDA 1. Approval of Minutes, April 24, 2014 Special Faculty Meeting 2. Annual Report of Chancellor (as per Faculty Constitution) 3. Report and Proposal from Organization Committee (Action Item - Details on following pages) 4. Meeting adjourned WI Stat. 36.09.04: “The faculty of each institution, subject to the responsibilities and powers of the board, the president and the chancellor of such institution, shall be vested with responsibility for the immediate governance of such institutions and shall actively participate in institutional policy development. As such, the faculty shall have the primary responsibility for academic and educational activities and faculty personnel matters. The faculty of each institution shall have the right to determine their own faculty organizational structure and to select representatives to participate in institutional governance.” A Recommendation from the Organization Committee Yezdi H. Godiwalla (Management Dept.), Chair of the Organization Committee, will present the committee’s unanimously approved two-part recommendation to the Faculty and the Academic Staff with Faculty Status at the Faculty Meeting for their consideration and action. The committee makes its recommendation after having held a pre-announced, open discussion meeting (with nine members present) on 9-24-2014 for eliciting views and input, and, its own deliberations and a review of some observations that are cited following the recommendation. The recommendation requires an amendment to the “Constitution of the Faculty”. The recommendation is printed in a larger font, following the relevant part that is quoted from the “Constitution of the Faculty”. NOTE: In the initial part below, there is a quotation from the “Constitution of the Faculty”, Article III, Sections 1 and 2. The committee’s recommendation follows the quoted part. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Last policy revision: 8/1/84 CONSTITUTION OF THE FACULTY ARTICLE III - Membership Section 1. Membership shall consist of the Chancellor of the University, all members of the Faculty who hold their position by virtue of recommendation by the Chancellor and appointment by the Board of Regents and all Academic Staff members who have been granted "Faculty Status" (as defined in Chapter UWS 1.05, Wisconsin Administrative Code). Section 2. Academic Staff members who have been granted "Faculty Status" shall be considered to be in the "instructors" category for the sole purpose of faculty governance. Recommendation: Section 3. Full-time and part-time administrators with faculty rank (Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor or Instructor in an academic department or its functional equivalent) shall be eligible to: (1) vote in university-level faculty elections for other faculty members standing for Faculty Senate, university levelfaculty committees and on other faculty issues, such as referendums; and, (2) vote at university-level faculty meetings, such as Fall, Spring, or Special Faculty meetings. Observations: UWS 1.04 Faculty. "Faculty" means persons who hold the rank of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor in an academic department or its functional equivalent in an institution. The appointment of a member of the academic staff may be converted to a faculty appointment in accordance with s. UWS 3.01 (1) (c). History: Cr. Register, January, 1975, No. 229, eff. 2-1-75. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARTICLE III – Membership (Last policy revision: 8/1/84 , CONSTITUTION OF THE FACULTY) of UW-Whitewater: Section 1. Membership shall consist of the Chancellor of the University, all members of the Faculty who hold their position by virtue of recommendation by the Chancellor and appointment by the Board of Regents and all Academic Staff members who have been granted "Faculty Status" (as defined in Chapter UWS 1.05, Wisconsin Administrative Code). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------UWS Chapter 36: 36.17 Limited appointments. (1) An appointment to a position listed in sub. (2) shall be a limited appointment and the appointment shall be at the pleasure of the board. A person holding a tenured or academic staff appointment under ss. 36.13 and 36.15 shall not lose that appointment by accepting a limited appointment. (2) Limited appointments apply to the following positions: president, provost, vice president, associate vice president, assistant vice president, chancellor, vice chancellor, associate chancellor, assistant chancellor, associate vice chancellor, assistant vice chancellor, college campus dean, secretary of the board, associate secretary of the board, assistant secretary of the board, trust officer and assistant trust officer and such other administrative positions as the board determines at the time of the appointment. History: 1973 c. 335; 1997 a. 237. Cross-reference: See also chs. UWS 15 and 19, Wis. adm. code. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Policy Statement The policy of the UW System Board of Regents is to ensure that limited appointments meet the following principles: As required by s. 36.17, Wis. Stats., limited appointees holding concurrent UW System faculty or academic staff appointments under ss. 36.13 and 36.15, Wis. Stats., shall not lose those faculty or academic staff appointments upon accepting a limited appointment. REPORTED PRACTICES AT UW-MADISON, UW-MILWAUKEE and UWWHITEWATER: UW-Madison: Full-time administrators with faculty rank are eligible to vote in general faculty elections. They do not have general faculty meetings, but the Secretary of the Faculty interprets that they would be eligible to vote in such meetings. Source: UW-Madison’s Secretary of Faculty, Steve Smith’s two e-mails of 7-16-2014 and 7-17-2014 to Godiwalla. UW-Milwaukee: Although the policies do not explicitly address this issue, the practice has been that “full-time administrators with a concurrent faculty appointment get the ballots for elections to faculty senate and campus-wide committees”. They try to have faculty meetings after the Chancellor’s plenary 2:30-3:15 pm address at the start of each semester, but they have not had a quorum for the past 20 years, even with counting the administrators. So, they have a faculty senate meeting instead. Source: UW-Milwaukee’s Vice Provost, Devaragan Vanugopalan’s two e-mails, both of 7-29-2014, to Godiwalla. UW-Whitewater: 1. Full-time administrators with faculty rank have been voting in university-level faculty meetings for at least 35 years. Source: Organization Committee Chairperson Godiwalla. 2. The ballots for voting were sent to all full-time administrators with faculty until Spring 2010. There exist the Elections Committee’s step-by-step procedures for sending ballots to faculty, administrators, and academic staff eligible to participate in voting in faculty elections. These stepby-step procedures were followed until at least Spring 2010 elections. There is still a document in the Elections Committee folder on the T drive called "Elections Committee steps". The document is dated 9-5-2008. Source: Former Elections Committee Member/Chairperson, Barbara Bren’s three e-mails, all of 102-2014, to Godiwalla. 3. Since then and more recently, however, the full-time administrators have not been sent ballots. Source: Until recently, Elections Committee Chairperson, Mohammad Ahmadi’s two e-mails, of 511-2014 and 5-12-2014, to Godiwalla. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The President and Vice President of the United States and the Governors of the States, so it appears, are eligible to vote for the elections for the next term’s President, Vice President, Senators, Congressmen, Governors, Lieutenant Governors and other elected officials, and, on any referendum on the ballot. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------