IT & SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT D E P AR T M E NT M E E T I NG Monday, March 17, 2014 , 1 – 2 p.m. Hyland 3303 1. Welcome 2. Approval of minutes from March 03, 2014 meeting 3. Announcements a. Annual reports b. 2014-15 Goals & Objectives c. IT Search & Screen d. Techapalooza e. UWW Veterans Services/American Red Cross Adopt a Deployment campaign f. Other announcements 4. Student CARE team 5. Faculty/Staff data 6. Curriculum initiatives a. SCM Graduate Certificate b. SCM Undergraduate Capstone Course c. Advanced Excel course from Accounting d. Application Development – Concepts, Tools, & Techniques 7. Other business Paul Ambrose Chair, ITSCM Fall 2013: Aug 26, Sep. 9, Sep. 23, Oct. 7 (faculty reviews by tenured faculty), Oct. 21, Nov. 4, Nov. 18, & Dec. 2 Spring 2014: Jan 22 (Wed), Feb 3, Feb 17, Mar 3, Mar, 17, Mar 31, Apr 14, Apr 28 College of Business and Economics Hyland Hall 3301C • 800 West Main St • Whitewater, WI 53190-1790 Phone (262)472-4816 Fax (262)472-5499