Department of Special Education Department Meeting 10-16-13

Department of Special Education
Department Meeting 10-16-13
In attendance: Casey, Katy; Collet-Klingenberg, Lana; Collins, James; DeVore, Simone;
Gordon, David; Gwalla-Ogisi, Nomsa; Jewell, Kelly; Kolb, Sharon; Robinson, Rowand;
Schultz, Tia; Stuart, Shannon; Toms, Ozalle; Troemel, Eileen; Shaikh, Mariam, West,
1. Larry West
a. Introductions were made
b. Motion- Sharon Kolb, seconded by Nomsa Gwalla-Ogisi
c. Larry West- new advisor with Tracy Arneson-Baker
i. Educational Foundation classes (pre block admission for students)
ii. PI-34 requirements for transfer students
iii. Evaluate University requirements and use course recommendations
iv. Advising training
v. Documentation regarding advising or mandatory attendance to University
requirements meeting
vi. Update advising manual
vii. AR forms and transcripts, use two different browsers or multiple tabs
viii. ACT scores on transcripts, suggestion to look under Test Results on WINS
ix. Document introduced by Larry West that lists distinction between roles of
faculty advisors and the Advising Assistance Center staff
2. Announcements
a. Approve minutes
i. Moved Shannon Stuart
ii. 2nd Simone DeVore
iii. Carried unanimously
b. Office Hours – 5/week
c. Books – needs to be less than five years old – Robinson (unless there is a valid
reason otherwise)
i. Have books available in library for student assessment purposes
ii. Student teachers are allowed to rent longer than the average student
iii. Share articles on T Drive
d. Facebook page
i. Tentative facebook page visual and information for page
ii. Ideas needed for short description, long description, when founded, and
iii. What procedures and rules are needed for the page, need to be in place
before page is made public
iv. Job postings
v. Current issues
vi. Weekly posts
vii. Alumni news
viii. Take group picture for cover photo
ix. Bring suggestions, ideas
e. Updating Web information suggestion made my Shannon Stuart
i. Update all faculty information pages (courses, awards, journals)
f. Online Grade Change Form
i. Email was sent week and a half ago, Eileen Troeml will resend email
ii. Fill it out online
iii. Will protect against a person using it incorrectly
g. Communication within department
i. Suggestion to make communication more transparent
ii. Suggestion to increase face to face department meetings
iii. May be scheduled on more Wednesdays during the month
iv. October 30 may be Graduate meeting
Committee Update
a. Technology – Gwalla-Ogisi
i. Goals-Provide training and resources for faculty and students
ii. Shannon Stuart working with Elizabeth Watson on grant for online
learning center workshops
iii. Need more student coverage outside of normal hours (outside of 9am7pm)
iv. Need a space available to work on Smartboards in Winther hall
v. Need access to training in technology and multimedia (iMovie, Windows
Movie Maker)
vi. Allow students to check out iPads with the Education department
b. COEPS Strategic Planning and Budget – Casey
i. Strategic priorities and future goals for COEPS
ii. Send goals and provide feedback about strategic priorities for department
before meeting on Oct 23
1. Kathryn Casey will send document about strategic plan goals
(university, college, and department)
Promotion and Tenure standards- constituency committee
a. How to measure advising
b. Need to have a formal vote
c. Move to accept proposed changes Nomsa Gwalla-Ogisi
i. Seconded by Kathryn Casey,
ii. Carried unanimously
Graduate program – Laura Sockett – Shannon Stuart
a. Exceptions committee for student to extend degree due to extenuating
b. Policy is to grant first extension request
Data collection related to majors and edTPA – Collins / Jewell
a. Internal trajectory, gateway paper, pilot data on students
b. Advocate for different classes for education and non-education majors
Summer Schedule
a. Changes made to schedule
b. Review changes in schedule
c. Each faculty member select two courses
Curriculum- next meeting
9. edTPA- next meeting
10. Move to adjourn Kathryn Casey
Kelly Jewell