Agenda: Educational Foundations Department meeting UC 68

Agenda: Educational Foundations Department meeting
UC 68
October 16, 2013, 1-3 PM
In attendance:
Approval of minutes (from 9/18/13)
Guest: Larry D. West, III, College Advisor
Items for decision or review:
Items for discussion:
Search committee update
Summer course instructors
Fall evaluation request
edTPA update—Katie and Mark
Working group updates
Discussion: Purposes of education—David Orr readings attached, discussion
facilitated by Greg
Announcements and reminders:
LEAP workshop---January and May—consider participating if you haven’t
already done so.
Be sure to check WINS to be sure your courses have been entered properly.
Any other announcements?
Next meeting: November 6 in UC 68—guest: Lynn Lindahl, Interim Director of Field
Experiences, at 2:45