
2013/2014 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Faculty Senate
Tuesday, October 8, 2:15 p.m.
University Center 275A
1. Call to Order Chair Munro called the meeting to order at 2:17 PM.
2. Roll Call
1. Senators present: Ahmadi, Albrechtsen, Ambrose, Bren, Chung, Ciganek, Emrey,
Ghavamshahidi, Gruber, Gulig, Hartwick, Kopf, Mandell, Munro, Nam, Nawash, Ossers,
Portman, Tourigny, Weston, Winchell, Zhao, Zhou
2. Senators absent: (*informed Secretary) Chen*, Compas, Dougan*, House, Niemeier*,
Porter*, Schneider, Zimmerman
3. Approval of Minutes:
1 . Minutes of the 2013-2014 Faculty Senate Meeting, September 10, 2013,
available at http://www.uww.edu/Documents/facsenate/agendas/13-
14/M100813Minutes.pdf The Provost’s suggested changes were
accepted as an editorial correction. Minutes were approved on an
Ossers/Ambrose motion.
4. Reports of Committees:
1. University Curriculum Committee: Transmittal of actions of the
University Curriculum Committee, September 6th, 2013 (Attached - action
item) Transmittal was received on an Emrey/Bren motion.
2. College of Letters and Sciences Constituency Standards Committee
(Attached - action item) Department standards
a. Political Science
b. Biology
c. Chemistry
d. Languages and Literatures
Zoreh Ghavamshahidi of the College of Letters & Sciences Standards Committee explained
that the above departmental standards had been approved by the Chancellor with suggested
corrections. The College Standards Committee accepted the corrections last week.
Ghavamshahidi/Mandell moved that all four standards receive final Senate approval; motion
5. Senate Executive Committee
Report on emergency exec meeting Sept 12, 2013 Several members of the Committee
met with the Chancellor to discuss the governance comments made at the BOR /
Legislators meeting in early September.
Fall Faculty meeting - Date: Nov 5, 2013, 3:30 Room: Winther 2001 The planned
topics are a follow-up to last year’s workload and compensation issues, a report from
the Chancellor on the campus situation, and a discussion on how to enhance the
reputation of faculty with external stakeholders.
6. Old Business:
1. Audit and Review Committee’s report: available at
http://www.uww.edu/Documents/facsenate/agendas/1314/Audit%20Review%20report%202013.docx (Action item) Joan Cook, chair of
Undergraduate A&R, and John Stone, chair of Graduate A&R, were present to respond
to issues raised at the September Senate meeting. Dr. Cook reviewed the process. She
noted that the per centage of programs with minor concerns was consistent with past
years. HLC requires campuses do regular reviews of their programs. The committee
procedures and the full A&R reports are posted on her website for faculty to view. The
Committee is in need of three new members. Senators raised a number of questions.
Gulig/Ahmadi move to receive the report; motion passed
2. Faculty Personnel Rules Committee (Penny Portman, action item): With two editorial
corrections, Portman/Ossers moved the approval of D. Rebuttals, as rewritten based on
comments from the September Faculty Senate meeting. After a brief discussion, the
motion passed.
D. Rebuttals:
1.A faculty member may submit a written rebuttal to any or all Reports of Decision (III,
C, 4, f, (2); III, C, 4, g, (2), (a), vi) of these rules) or Reports of Recommended Action (III,
C, 5, a - c; III, C, 6, b - d; III, C, 7, c, and III, C, 8, e of these rules).
2. Such rebuttals shall be placed in the portfolio behind the Report of Recommended
Action or Report of Decision being rebutted.
3. All rebuttals must be placed in the portfolio prior to its being delivered to the Chancellor
for review and decision.
4. In addition, the faculty member may request that an appeal panel be designated at any
time during a given academic year’s review sequence. The faculty member shall be
allowed to request only one panel during any given academic year’s review sequence.
D. Rebuttals:
1. A faculty member may submit a written rebuttal to the department’s Report of Decision
(III, C, 4, f, (2); III, C, 4, g, (2), (a), vi) of these rules) and/or to any or all Reports of
Recommended Action (III, C, 5, a - c; III, C, 6, b - d; III, C, 7, c, and III, C, 8, e of these
2. Within 3 (three) business days of the emailed date of the Report of Decision and/or
Reports of Recommended Action, the faculty member must notify the review party of the
intent to write a rebuttal.
3. The rebuttal must be received by the review body within 7 (seven) business days after
the emailed date of the Report of Decision and/or Report of Recommended Action being
4. Such rebuttals shall be placed in the portfolio behind the Report of Decision or Report
of Recommended Action being rebutted.
5. The portfolio is then forwarded on to the next review body.
6. The faculty member shall understand that the writing of rebuttal(s) may alter the
timeline for reappointment and/or tenure and promotion decisions.
7. New Business:
1. Appoint 2 members-at-large to the Faculty Appeals, Grievances, and Disciplinary
Hearing Committee (action item). Edric Johnson, Curriculum and Instruction, and Nikki
Mandell, History, were appointed by acclamation.
2. Select one faculty member for campus-wide Title IX Coordinating Team that assists in
monitoring our compliance with Title IX. (action item) Penny Portman, HPERC, was
8. Announcements and Information (no action unless noted otherwise)
1. Report of the Chancellor: The Regents will meet at UW-Parkside on October 11-12. The
UWW programs for BA/BS in Criminology and MS in Applied Economics will be up for
BOR approval. The Chancellor will be making a presentation on our campus goals. BOR
will also be considering a proposal on fund balances. On October 2, members of the
Board, some Chancellors, some UWS representatives, and faculty representatives met
again with legislators on governance issues.
The UWS General Counsel’s Office has determined that our personnel rules, as
submitted, do not need to be approved by the Board and, therefore, are now in effect.
Chancellor Telfer indicated that if he has approved rules, they are now official and will be
on the web shortly.
The Legislature asked for a report on all student fees across the System. The five-year,
468 page, System report has been submitted. The Provost will be looking at our special
course fees to identify if those costs ought actually to coming out of department budgets
and, if so, can funds be found to help the departments.
Preliminary enrollment is 11,993, down 37 from last year’s preliminary number.
Graduate enrollment is markedly down. Most growth is in dual enrollment programs. We
have the 2nd highest out-of-state enrollment in the System, 373 (this does not include
students from Minnesota).
2. Report of the Provost: The HLC committee to evaluate the DBA was on campus last week
– verbal comments were extremely positive – final approval should be received in the
spring. The Provost is following up on problems in submitting syllabi. Her website is
being transitioned to the new software, so there may be delays in posting items.
Courseleaf is being purchased – catalog module live in late spring 2014, curriculum
module in fall 2014. Offices involved with move-in and new student orientation are
considering a move-in over Labor Day weekend for fall 2014, with College orientation on
Tuesday, September 2, and classes beginning on Wednesday, September 3.
3. Report of the Senate Chair: As most of what he had planned to say was covered in
previous reports, Chair Munro simply reminded faculty to complete Eric Compas’
sustainability survey.
9. Senate Meeting Dates and Times
1.Faculty Senate: Meetings begin at 2:15 p.m. Faculty Senate meetings continue until business is finished,
potentially 5 PM or later. The location(s)of the Senate meetings for Spring-2014 have not yet been
determined.2013-2014 Faculty Senate meeting dates: Sept. 10, 2013; Oct 8, 2013; Nov 12, 2013; Dec 10,
2013; Feb 11, 2014; Mar 11, 2014; Apr8, 2014; May 6, 2014
2.Faculty Senate Executive Committee: Meetings of the Executive Committee are typically at 2:15 on
Tuesdays two weeks before Senate meetings and as needed. The location(s) of the Senate Executive
Committee meetings for 2013-2014 is Hyland Hall Room 4300A 2013-2014 Faculty Senate Executive
meeting dates: Aug.27, 2013; Sept. 24, 2013; Oct. 22, 2013; Nov. 26, 2013; Jan. 28, 2014; Feb. 25, 2014;
Mar. 25, 2014; Apr. 20, 2014
10. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:09 PM on a Portman/Ghavamshahidi motion.