COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes Committee Members Present:

Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes
December 5, 2012
Committee Members Present:
Meifang Xiang, Stuart Glosser (Chairperson), Rashiqa
Kamal, Robert Leitheiser, Rimi Zakaria, Robert Boostrom,
Jan Olson (Ad Hoc), Quinton Baker (Student
Meeting Place:
Hyland Hall 4301
The meeting was called to order by Chair Stuart Glosser at 3:45 p.m.
1. The November 7, 2012, meeting minutes were approved unanimously (Leitheiser /Boostrom)
2. Motion to add proposals from the Management department - (1) New Course:
MANGEMNT 364 Sustainability Management and (2) General Management Major Change,
to the agenda, was approved unanimously (Boostrom/Xiang)
3. Proposals
A. Proposals from Economics Department were discussed.
Two proposals, “Course Title Change: ECON 245; from Business Statistics I to Business
Statistics”, and “Course Title Change: ECON 345; from Business Statistics II to
Econometrics” were discussed and approved unanimously (Xiang/Kamal).
B. Proposal from ITBE Department was discussed.
The proposal, “New Course: ITSCM 315 Accessibility in High Tech Products and
Systems” was discussed and approved unanimously (Leitheiser/Boostrom)
C. Proposal from Marketing Department was discussed.
The committee asked the Marketing department to provide more information on the
proposal, “New Certificate: Retail Sales Management Certificate”, regarding estimated
enrolment, availability of resources, and approval, administration and tracking of
certificates. Motion to table the proposal was approved unanimously (Leitheiser/
Boostrom). The committee also unanimously decided that a general policy for certificate
programs in the college should be discussed in the Admin Council meeting before the
committee approves any new certificate programs.
D. Proposal from Management Department was discussed.
The proposal “New Course: MANGEMNT 364 Sustainability Management”, was
discussed and approved unanimously, subject to changes (syllabus and course objectives
were missing) (Leitheiser/Zakaria)
The proposal “General Management Major Change”, was discussed and approved
unanimously (Leitheiser/ Xiang)
4. There was discussion on collecting information about how our curriculum relates to our
mission, objectives and values beyond core assessment. Department representatives are asked
to send a list of their respective departments’ courses that address these issues to Glosser.
5. Committee members expressed no other issue for the meeting.
The motion to adjourn the meeting at 4:38 PM passed unanimously (Boostrom/ Kamal)