THURSDAY, October 18, 2012 2. Announcements

The L&S Curriculum Committee will meet THURSDAY, October 18, 2012 @2:15 p.m. in White 6C
1. Approval of the October 4, 2012 minutes
2. Announcements
3. Biology
A. New course – BIO 420 Biological Nanotechnology
4. History
A. Add Cross-listing- HISTRY 130 with ASIANSTD 130 East Asian Tradition
B. Add Cross-listing – HISTRY 131 with ASIANSTD 131 East Asia Since 1800
C. Add Cross-listing – HISTRY 285 with ASIANSTD 385 Modern China
D. Add cross-listing – HISTRY 386 with ASIANSTD 386 Modern Japan
5. Languages and Literature- English
A. New Course – ENGLISH 266 Gender in Film
B. New Course - ENGLISH 305 Literature of Disability
6. Languages and Literature- Foreign Language
A. Prerequisite change- SPANISH 322 Advanced Spanish Language Study
B. Course Description, Pre-Req & Titles changes- SPANISH 331 Intro Literature Spain I
C. Course Description, Pre-Req & Titles changes– SPANISH 332 Intro Literature Spain II
D. Course Description, Pre-Req & Titles changes – SPANISH 333 Spanish American
Readings I
E. Course Description, Pre-Req & Titles changes – SPANISH 334 Intro Lit Latin America II
7. Languages and Literature –Intensive English Program (Information Only. Final Proposals will
be submitted for Nov 1 meeting). Please read the following links: 1) Cover document for
CIE course proposals and 2) Appendix ACT Compass ESL Level Descriptors
A. New course – English 051 Beginning Listening and Conversation
B. New Course – English 053 Beginning Reading and Writing
C. New Course – English 055 Beginning Grammar
D. New Course – English 061 Integrated Academic English Skills 2
E. New Course – English 063 Academic Vocabulary Development
F. New Course – English 065 Culture and Academic Conversations
G. New Course – English 069 Special Topic
H. New course – English 071 Integrated Academic English Skills 3
I. New Course – English 073 Oral Presentation Skills
J. New Course - English 075 - Advanced Pronunciation and Speech Skills
K. New Course – English 079 Special Topic
L. Change in Existing Course – English 161 English for International Students
M. Change in Existing Course - English 162 English for International Students
N. New Course –English 163 US Culture and Society
O. New Course – English 164 Special Topics
8. Political Science Department
A. New Course – Political Science 331 U.S. Disability Politics and Policy
B. Change in Major – Political Science Honors Emphasis BA/BS
C. Change in Major – Political Science BA/BS
D. Change in Major – Political Science Education BSE
E. Change in Minor – Political Science
10. Old Business
A. Discussion items from April 26, 2012 CCC meeting
1. Preliminary report from the sub-committee looking at writing intensive
2. Possible guidelines for determining level for new course