Minutes of Political Science Department Meeting On Friday 12 October, 2012

Minutes of Political Science Department Meeting
Friday 12 October, 2012
Present: Wagner, F Peter; Ghavamshahidi, Zohreh; Lollar, Xia Li; Gimbel, Edward W;
Adogamhe, Paul G; Emrey, Jolly; Chapp, Christopher B; Hamilton, Anne W; Anderson, Larry;
Gottlick, Jane F., Johnson, Susan M.
Absent: Moore, Karen W., Chavez, Manuel Jr.; Kozlowicz, John F.; Heatwole, Craig G;
The meeting started at 2p.m. in White Hall, Room 328.
1. Approval of Minutes of Friday, 14th September, 2012: A motion for the approval of the
minutes of the previous meeting was made and supported by Jolly/Peter respectively.
The minutes were unanimously approved and adopted.
2. Announcements:
A. Susan, the Chair, informed the faculty that provost would like to have new dean of the
college in place by summer, 2013. Mark McPhail, the Dean of College of Arts and
Communication, is to head the Search and Screen committee for the Dean of the
College of Letters and Sciences.
B. Jolly informed the faculty those members preparing course proposals should consult
with departmental representative in the college curriculum committee for guidance in
view of the fact that the university curriculum committee (UCC) has become very strict
with regards to adherence to the proper course proposal format and student
C. New Business:
A. Search updates- the chair informed the faculty that the policy position has not
been approved. However, the faculty can still include the same policy position in
next year’s staffing plan. About eight candidates have applied for the vacant
position for Assistant Professor of Political Science with emphasis on
Chicana/Chicano Politics and U.S. Latino Politics. The chair of search and screen
committee will later present the shortlisted candidates for departmental
B. Move to Laurentide- The movement to Laurentide hall is still scheduled for the
weekend of 9/20, 2012. Faculty members should get their books and computer
ready for the movers.
C. Kyle Lecture-the Chair solicited for suggestions for a possible speaker. Chris
promised to contact Senator Russ Feingold to speak at the Kyle lecture this year.
The idea of a speaker for Kyle Lecture is to be revisited in the next departmental
D. Writing Guidelines for Political Science- the Chair invited the faculty to revisit the
writing guidelines and called for suggestions on how to improve the writing
guidelines in view of past experiences. Jolly, Jane and Peter agreed to form a
subcommittee to review the guidelines and report to the department. There was
general consensus that for efficiency, the enrollment for writing intensive courses
such as capstone courses should be capped at 20 students.
D. Adjournment:
A motion for adjournment was made and supported by Larry/Peter respectively. The
meeting was adjourned at 3.30pm.
Respectfully Submitted by
Paul G. Adogamhe