Minutes of Political Science Department Meeting
Friday 14 September, 2012
Present: Wagner, F Peter; Ghavamshahidi, Zohreh; Lollar, Xia Li; Gimbel, Edward W;
Adogamhe, Paul G; Emrey, Jolly; Chapp, Christopher B; Heatwole, Craig G; Hamilton, Anne
W; Moore, Karen W.
Absent: Anderson, Larry; Gottlick Jane F; Chavez Manuel Jr.; Kozlowicz, John F.
The meeting started at 1: 15 p.m. in White Hall, Room 328.
1. Approval of Minutes of Friday, April 27, 12012: A motion for the adaptation of the
minutes of the previous meeting was moved and supported by Zohreh/Xia
respectively. The minutes were unanimously approved and adopted.
2. Announcement:
A) The Chancellor will host the Department of Political Science for dinner at his house
on Thursday November 29th, 2012. Susan, the Chair, will provide more information
regarding the dinner as they become available.
B) The Advisory Board has been set up. Susan emailed our Alumni to solicit for those
interested to serve on the board and nine of them have volunteered to serve in the
Advisory Board.
C) Mark McPhail, the Dean of College of Arts and Communication, has invited faculty
members and students to participate in the Campus Diversity Forum scheduled for
27th and 28th of September, 2012. Dr. Michael Lipsky, a Distinguished Senior Fellow at
Demos, will make a presentation at the forum. The chairperson encouraged faculty
members to attend Campus Diversity Forum and to invite the keynote speaker to their
D) Chris informed the faculty about the election forum. It will provide information on
how to register for the election.
E) Anne informed the faculty members of her Travel Study Proposal to Mexico for 2013.
She encouraged the faculty members to announce it to interested students in their
F) Zohreh informed the faculty members that she is working a Proposal for a Minor on
Middle East Studies with a committee from the Department of Language and
Literature. She also informed the faculty of a new Travel Study Proposal to Jordan.
3. New Business:
A. Search update- About five candidates has so far applied for the vacant position for
Assistant Professor for Political Science with emphasis on Chicana/Chicano Politics
and U.S. Latino Politics. The Chair also informed the faculty that nothing has been
heard from the Provost regarding the proposed position for Policy
Studies/Research & Method.
B. Move to Laurentide- The move to Laurentide has been delayed to the weekend of
10/20, 2012. Faculty members should get their books and computer ready for the
movers. Tours of the new building are conducted by the office of associate dean
on every Tuesdays and Thursdays.
C. Curricular Action. (1) A motion for the adoption of a proposal for Legal Studies
Emphasis as Pre-law Major was moved and supported by Zohreh/Peter
respectively. The motion passed unanimously. (2) A second motion for the
adoption of new course on Disability Policy and Politics was moved and supported
by Zohreh/Xia respectively. The motion passed unanimously.
D. Summer Assessment Project Report and Discussion of Adoption of New
Department Assessment Plan: Chris explained that the assessment project report
should be viewed as a pilot project which may need further review in the future.
Peter agreed to provide a sample for the global section of the report as a part of
the senior exit survey assessment. It was suggested that the assessment of global
knowledge should include current events. A motion for the adoption of the Report
as the new framework for the Department of Political Science Assessment Plan
was moved and supported by Jolly/Ted respectively. The motion passed
4. Adjournment:
A motion for adjournment was moved and supported by Zohreh/Chris respectively.
The meeting was adjourned at 3.30pm.
Respectfully Submitted by
Paul G. Adogamhe