Agenda: Educational Foundations Department meeting 9/5/12--UC 268 1-3 PM Welcome

Agenda: Educational Foundations Department meeting
9/5/12--UC 268 1-3 PM
In attendance:
Approval of minutes (from 5/2/12)
Items for decision
 Working groups and committees: reports/updates, review list (focus on college
 Melanie Agnew will report on ideas about a new major to be housed in Ed Found
Items for discussion
 Adolescent Development—work this year to apply for gen ed credit for this class
 Teacher Performance Assessment workshop—end of September—Mark S. and
Anne to attend—will provide information at meeting after that—changes to
portfolio to result
 Ongoing block meetings—next one on 9/12?
 Brief report on summer curriculum redesign work—Scott, Mark, Greg, and Anne;
to be followed by sharing of redesign document at next meeting (9/17)
Announcements and reminders:
Thanks to Greg for serving as summer chair, to Alicia for hosting us for the
barbecue, and to Mark and Beth for organizing the barbecue
Grants—if course release, need funding to support
Interviews for position this year—important for all to attend as many talks,
lunches, etc., as possible
Search committee for tenure-track social foundations position—Greg, Mark J.,
Anne, fourth person outside of department; meals for committee members not
covered this year
Department tenure and promotion standards—to be completed this semester—to
tenured group by 9/26, to be discussed at 10/3 department meeting
NCTQ request for syllabi—to Alicia by 9/10
College budget tighter this year than last
Information for first year faculty—let me know items we need to add
Other announcements?
Next meeting: September 19, 2012 1-3 in UC 268