AGENDA Meeting #1 of 2012-2013 Academic Year August 27, 2012

Meeting #1 of 2012-2013 Academic Year
Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice
August 27, 2012
12:45 pm - 4:30 pm
(note: go through Esker Lunch Line 12:30-12:45, and bring lunch to meeting)
Approve Minutes of Meeting #10, May 1, 2012 of 2012-13 academic year (attached??)
1. Announcements
a. Welcome new faculty staff, and recruitment update
New Faculty Hires: Nick Pedriana, Charles Zhang,
New Academic Staff: Tomas Garrett, Roma Tenorio (in Mexico)
Handout 1: List of current faculty and instructional academic staff
Handout 2: Program Array of Department
b. Annual report, new goals & last year’s report summary
Handout 3: 2011-12 Annual Report, Annual Report Appendix
Handout 4: 2012-13 Department Goals
c. Reminders,
Hadley Klug scholarship fund
Reminder, Credit for Prior Learning Program
Undergrad Research, Leda
Career Night, Graduate School Night
New Law Enforcement Student Organization, Non-Credit Law Enforcement Workshop,
Madison Police Department on-campus written applicant test, November 2012
New, Global Engagement Certificate – September 2012
g. Update Move to Lauentide Hall
h. Updates from meetings with Provost & Dean, New Tenure-track Searches
- Governor’s Flexible Degree plan
- PIE, Partner’s in Education – HS teachers and UW courses
- Replacement, Race & Ethnicity (Grigsby) position
- 2 possible new tenure-track faculty positions, Criminology, Gender & Family
Handouts 5: Position Descriptions
Old Business
1. Quick review of Department By-Laws
Handout: Bylaws
2. Audit & Review Update & Assessment Committee Report (Leda)
Audit & Review of SOCIOLOGY Major & Minor – assessment required
Audit & Review of CRIMINAL JUSTICE Minor – probation/delay
Audit & Review of FORENSICS SCIENCE Minor – probation/major questions
Audit & Review of FAMILY & HEALTH STUDIES Minor – probation/major revision
Handout: Assessment
New Business
1. Spring Timetable
Review of scheduling policies/enrollment caps and office hour policy, field trip fees,
course rotation plan.
Handout 6: Office Hour Policy
Handout 7: On Campus Policy
Handout 8: Hybrid Course Policy
Handout 9: Draft 1, Spring 2013 Timetable
2. Curriculum proposals and actions
a. New Certificate, Disability Studies (Housed in Department)
b. New Certificate, School Violence (Housed elsewhere, the department will support 2
of 4 courses required in the program)
c. Proposal to abolish Sociology-Criminal Justice Emphasis Major & CJ Minor, and
create a new Criminology Major and Minor
Handout 10: Proposed Criminology Major/Minor programs
d. Revision of Minor, Family & Health Studies. Delayed
3. Committee Appointments and Reports
Recording secretary ???
Search Committee Appointments (proposed)
Tenure Track Assistant Professor (Criminology)
Berger (Chair)
Neuman (voting ex-officio)
Tenure Track Assistant Professor (Gender-Family-Global)
Flad (Chair)
Neuman (voting ex-officio)
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor (Grigsby Replacement)
Free (Chair)
Neuman (ex-officio)
Social Committee (Gregory and Jeffers)
Assessment Committee (Nath and ?)
Student Awards and Recognition Committee (Flad)
New Health & Family Studies Advisory Committee (Oldani) repeat of last year
New Criminal Justice Advisory Committee (Ron/Marv) repeat of last year
4. Departmental appointments to college and university level committees
Library Rep.
College Curriculum Committee
College International Education Committee
College Assessment Committee
College Promotion & Standards Committee
Graduate Council
5. Department budget (travel to professional conferences) Review
Change from $250 for faculty with full-time appointments, attend or present at
conference to $300
$150 for academic staff with full-time appointments, attend or present at conference
5. Grade distribution results, Advising survey results
Handout 11: Grading Distribution
Advising survey results - delayed
Plan to develop courses for Online Sociology Major
Handout 12: Course Array
Academic Year Schedule of performance reviews for faculty/staff
On-line Teaching Evaluations Update
Gateway Courses and Required Courses Subcommittees
(a) Principles of Sociology (Bentel, David, Flad & Pedrianna)
(b) Introduction to Criminology (Berger, Deller, Greene & Free)
(c) Social Research Methods and Statistics (Nath, Yoshida, Zhang)
(d) Theory, Social or Anthropological (Bentel, Flad, Oldani & Pedriana)
(e) Diversity Courses (David, Denning, Jeffers, Garrett, Neuman, Free)