Whitewater Student Government Senate Meeting Minutes – 2/27/12 I. II. III. Call to Order at 7:01pm Pledge of Allegiance-Sen. Holthaus led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call Senator Elizabeth Becker (AL) Brittni Begale (E) James Brady (O) Daniel Bristow (O) Samantha Casper (O) Bryce Chinault (O) Jordan Dominiak (O) Katelyn Dudley (O) Joe Gaudet (O) Gretchen Genrich (D) Hannah Goreta (O) Adam Grassnickle (D) Shannon Hagan (O) Jordan Holthaus (D) Taylor McDarison (O) Max McKendry (O) Mary Morris (E) Justin Murphy (O) Michael Rajsich (D) Tim Runyard (O) Keenan Sumlin (O) Jeff Winter (O) Thomas Ziolkowski (O) IV. V. VI. Roll Call Present Excused Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Excused – Tardy 7:03pm Present Present Present Present Unexcused – Tardy 7:03pm Present Present Approval of Agenda and Minutes A. Agenda i. Move to Approve the Agenda by Sen. Brady, 2nd by Sen. Murphy A. Voice Vote-Motion Passes B. Minutes i. Move to Approve the Minutes by Sen. McDarison, 2nd by Sen. Murphy A. Voice Vote-Motion Passes Special Orders A. Appointment to Esker Seat (2 Open Seats) i. Kyle Manske (ballot vote 10-10-2) B. Oath of Office – New Senators i. Sen. Holthaus administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Manske Student Issues and Concerns Under this section no formal action will be taken, although issues raised may become a part of a future agenda. Participants will be allotted a 3 minute speaking period. Topics on this agenda may not be discussed in this section; however, participants are welcome to speak to agenda items as they appear in subsequent sections. A. Sen. Brady discussed disapproval with the inability to use meal plans before 6pm in the Down Under Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Jordan at wsgspeaker@uww.edu as soon as possible. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. B. Sen. Gaudet inquired about housing for non-traditional students with families C. Sen. Sumlin inquired about the ability to use personal media players in the weight room D. Sen. Goreta urged anyone feeling sick to get checked out at the University Health Center Speakers Reports A. Internal Committee Reports B. External Committee Reports i. S.P.B.C. – President Johnson ii. Educational Revision Committee – Sen. McDarison C. Officer Reports i. President Johnson ii. Vice President Jensen iii. WSG Adviser – Ms. Jan Bilgen iv. E-Board Reports A. Student Affairs –Ms. Jordan B. Academic Affairs – Mr. Jamar C. Public Relations –Ms. Rogers D. University Services – Ms. McFarland E. Legislative Affairs – Ms. Dantzler v. WSG Clerk – Ms. Selck vi. Deputy Speaker – Sen. Chinault vii. Parliamentarian – Sen. Grassnickle viii. Speaker – Sen. Holthaus Unfinished Business New Business Issues Committee Appointments Announcements Adjournment A. Move to Adjourn by Sen. McKendry, 2nd by Sen. Sumlin i. Voice Vote-Motion Passes B. Meeting Adjourned at 7:50pm Respectfully Submitted, Jamie K Selck Whitewater Student Government-Clerk Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Jordan at wsgspeaker@uww.edu as soon as possible. Reports: President Johnson: Last week I enjoyed a week full of meetings. VP Jensen and I meet with chancellor Telfer regarding 30-4. We are going to clarify further but it seems our 4/5ths majority will stand. Also had spent some time with SPBC. I also am continuing meetings with non-allocables last week and this week. And we got a good start to elections committee. Congrats to Sen. Grassnickle for chairing the committee, I think he will enjoy it. This week, I will continue to work on some projects that are coming up. John and I are going to sit down and talk things UC related, and also roll out some more things we want to accomplish. I was asked to attend a Policy Conference in Washington D.C. next week so pending some things i may be giving my report from our nation’s capital. Thanks and have a great week. [Hours Last Week: 10 hours] Vice President Jensen: Hello Everyone! I hope you all had a great week last week. The best news I heard all week was that the 4/5 clause in our Constitution will stand for the time being, so I am extremely excited about that. We also had lunch with Provost Kopper on Friday, we had a nice conversation on things going on around campus. President Johnson and I were approached by a student about the potential of a smoking ban on campus. If anyone would like to see the data from the survey that they sent out, please find me in the office and I will go over it with you. Other than that, I have nothing else to report. Also, if you ask me a question about the results of the survey I will buy you a smoothie at Freshens for reading my report. PLEASE be sure that you are reading through the WSG Constitution, Standing Rules, and Robert's Rules of Order. Several of you admitted to me this week that you still have never read these documents, which is a violation of the Senator Oath of Office. Also, if you attend an external committee meeting, you NEED to e-mail Speaker Holthaus (WSGSpeaker@uww.edu) before noon on Friday to tell him that you have a report for the next agenda. Have a great week!!!! [Hours Last Week: 11 hours] Student Affairs—Ms. Jordan: Hey everyone, I hope you all had an awesome weekend! So last week Patrick Jamar and I hosted the first session of the Teacher Voice Project, and it went great. The teachers gave several responses and were very positive and thought this was a great idea and I got about five pages worth of notes from the first session. I would like to give a special thanks out to Adam Grassnickle for coming and Gretchen Genrich, they provided a lot of help and interesting point of views. I also have begun to look up dates that I think would be good for Adopt-A-Lot, and so far I have found two dates that I think would work nicely, I just have to talk with Jan to make sure they are ok and then I will start sending emails out to organizations. Other than that, as of right now there will be a student affairs meeting at 6:15 this Wednesday and I hope you all have a fabulous week! [Hours Last Week: 12 hours] Academic Affairs—Mr. Jamar: Hey guys, there are just a few updates for this week. The Teacher Voice Project was a raging success. The professors that showed up had a lot of interesting input. I want to thank Senator Grassnickle and Senator Genrich for their input at the last session and say that I look forward to next month’s session! If anyone has any teachers interested, please have them contact either me or Ms. Jordan! Also, if you guys are having any issues or concerns with academics and/or advising please let me know. Thanks everyone and have a fantastic week! [Hours Last Week: 17.25 hours] Public Relations—Ms. Rogers: Hey everyone! I hope you all had a great week and weekend. Last week I continued working on the senator and e-board spotlight projects, worked on my campaign Why I Love Whitewater, which I will be presenting in upcoming meetings, and ordered samples of promotional items. This week I will be working on promoting constituent meetings, the Business Fair, and the Be Smart initiative. I will also be contacting SEAL to schedule when the WSG preview will be shown at Summers Auditorium. If you have any questions or concerns, let me know! I hope you all have an amazing day and rest of the week :)[Hours Last Week: 12 hours] University Services—Ms. McFarland: My committee and I have been sending out the invites to the businesses for the Business fair. We will be meeting this Tuesday in the WSG office at 1:00 PM to discuss Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Jordan at wsgspeaker@uww.edu as soon as possible. the progress of the fair. We will go over any confirmed businesses and what steps we need to take to make this a successful event. If you have any suggestions please let me know. Besides the business fair I will continue to look for the police reports and send out emails to the student on there. Thank you [Hours Last Week: 10.5 hours] Legislative Affairs—Ms. Dantzler: Greetings all, not too much new since my last report so I hope you all read it. Committee please be prepared to meet next week Monday. By this day I will have contacted individuals who could assist with efforts of our "Recall" debate. I also have to reschedule a meeting with Jan. to get further contacts for the debate. Welp, that's all for now. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. [Hours Last Week: 10 hours] WSG Clerk—Ms. Selck: Last week I finished verifying signatures. Sen. Genrich, Sen. Hagan, Sen. Rajsich, Sen. Sumlin, and Sen. Casper, you are all verified! Senators approved on February 6: I should have your signature sheets already. Senators approved on February 13: your signature sheets are due IN ONE WEEK (3-5) by the start of the meeting. Senators approved on February 20: your signature sheets are due IN TWO WEEKS (3-12) by the start of the meeting. I hope you all have a wonderful week! [Hours Last Week: 17 hours] Speaker – Sen. Holthaus: Hello everyone, I hope you had a great weekend. This week Sen. Genrich and I will be making a banner for the office to be put up, so if you are interested in helping let me know. If you haven’t contacted your external chairs yet please do so, If you don’t know how your chair is there is a sheet in the office that has the names of the chairs. [Hours Last Week: At least 1 hour] Individuals in need of accommodations should contact Jordan at wsgspeaker@uww.edu as soon as possible.