Lane Departure Warning System with Optical Detection of Vehicle Location,

An Onboard Virtual Rumble-Strip Based Operation
for Road Departure Warning
During of Project: 18 months
July 1, 2010- December 31, 2011
Progress Update
presented at the
NATSRL Research Advisory Panel Meeting
Jiann-Shiou Yang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Minnesota Duluth
Project Goals/Objectives
The proposed research focuses on developing an onboard
electronic virtual rumble-strip based technique for road departure
warning (RDW) where the rumble-strip warning threshold is
allowed to vary according to the risk of the vehicle departing the
Development and implementation of the fuzzy logic-based RDW
system requires less sensor information, making it more feasible in
a vehicle application.
Project Goals/Objectives (Continued)
We evaluate the current vehicle status and decide if the rumble-strip
threshold needs to be adjusted. If no adjustment is needed, the
system would act as a standard rumble-strip warning system at the
preset threshold level. Just like the road-based rumble strip, the
onboard rumble strip would send (sound) a warning signal when the
vehicle crosses a specified threshold and the threshold can be
widened or tightened.
Expected Benefits
Even though vehicle-based RDW can incur a cost to equip the vehicle,
but once installed the RDW will be potentially available for the driver
while driving on all roadways.
The onboard electronic implementation of the variable rumble strip for
the road departure warning systems allows the rumble-strip threshold to
vary according to the risk of the vehicle departing the road.
The system developed will require less sensor information as compared
to the TLC approach, making it more feasible in a vehicle application.
“Roadside rumbles cause a grumble”, “Rumble strips unpopular in other
Minnesota counties, too” (September 12, 2010 articles, Duluth News
Vehicle Lateral Position
Estimation and Testing
A brief Overview of the
Research Methodology
(Real-time feature tracking using
Main Tasks:
RDW System Development
and Implementation
(Rule-based fuzzy logic decision making
will be developed to provide RDW)
Performance Evaluation
The project focuses on
using the vehicle’s relative
lateral characteristics as input
while the vehicle traveling on
the road. The decision-making
mechanism and operation
algorithm will be developed
based on the input space
information to produce an
adjustment to the rumble-strip
threshold. The linguistic “IFTHEN” rule-based approach
is our focus when developing
the operation mechanism.
Vehicle Lateral Position Estimation
Since our proposed virtual rumble-strip operation focuses on the
development and implementation of a linguistic fuzzy-logic rulebased approach with a hierarchical structure, we don’t actually
need a very accurate vehicle’s lateral position information, a
rough estimate will be sufficient. The Plane Projective Transform
(PPT) technique will provide the lateral characteristics we need.
Initialization (Initial vehicle lateral position,
heading angle θo, camrea intrinsic parameters,
Front-view image
Top-view image
Image comparison and
calculation to determine Δθ
Update θi+1= θi + Δθ
Calculate lateral displacement (relative to its previous lateral
position; speed × time (# of frames) × sin (θi+1)+ yi)
Lane markers available?
Vehicle Lateral Position Estimation (Continued)
Conversion of front-view images to top-view images via the
OpenCV 2 (Open Source Computer Vision)
First alpha version released in 2000 (at the IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition); the second major release
was in October 2009
OpenCV was designed for computational efficiency and
with a strong focus on real time applications.
One of OpenCV’s goals is to provide a simple-to-use
computer vision infrastructure that helps people build fairly
sophisticated vision applications quickly.
Vehicle Lateral Position Estimation (Continued)
Vehicle’s heading angle (orientation) update via consecutive topview images feature selection and tracking
Timeline to complete this task: January 31, 2011
Vehicle Lateral Position Estimation
Vehicle Lateral Position ( y ) Estimation (Continued)
The position of the camera is obtained by the following sequence
Registration of two consecutive images (by accumulating the
movement between two consecutive frames)
Conversion to top-view images via the planar projection transform
To obtain the homography between the ground and the image plane at the next frame, the computation of a
rotation matrix is required which is based on the vehicle’s speed and the angle of direction. In short,
homographies are obtained mainly based on the information of the calibrated camera and the vehicle’s speed.
Feature selection, tracking and threshold checking (between
consecutive top-view images obtained from the previous step and
compare it with the preset threshold)
Basic Approach: Compare successive converted top-view images to
determine how far in which direction the vehicle moved relative to the
previous frame.
Vehicle Lateral Position ( y ) Estimation (Continued)
If the road curves while the vehicle is still moving straight, this will
immediately produce a “mismatch” of the present and the previous
top-view images (i.e., produce a high SAD value about a preset
threshold), and this “beyond the threshold mismatch” will
immediately trigger a warning signal (vibrations, sound) to the
The detection of the variations of the SAD value (whether above the
threshold or not) between consecutive top-view images (matching)
can deal with the road curvature issue.
Vehicle Lateral Position (y ) Estimation
The PPT approach calculates the vehicle’s lateral displacement by
accumulating successive movements of the camera. Then, it determines
the vehicle’s current position relative to its “initial” position. How to
determine its “initial” position?
Approach # 1 – The driver starts driving the vehicle to the lane he is
heading. Once the vehicle moves close to the center of the lane (i.e., its
“initial” position), the driver then activates the RDW system and leave
it on while traveling on the roadway.
Approach # 2 – In this approach, the “initial” position will be
determined by any road edge detection method (several techniques are
available). However, this information is only needed once (to locate the
vehicle’s initial position). Then, the driver activates the RDW system
(without the initial driver’s visual maneuvering close to the center of
the lane) and leave it on while traveling on the roadway.
Vehicle Lateral Speed
The assumption of small heading angle and constant forward
speed are justifiable for highway driving conditions.
y  u sin( )
u: forward speed
y  u
u u
For small 
u: average forward speed
y and y are sufficient to describe the vehicle’s relative
lateral characteristics
Thus, for normal highway driving, the vehicle state can be
specified by knowledge of relative lateral velocity
( y ), and the measurement of the relative lateral position (y )
Rule-Based Fuzzy Logic Decision Making
Variable Rumble Strip (VRS) Approach (Continued)
Fuzzy-Logic Decision Making
The decision-making part of the VRS system is to take y and y inputs
and produce an adjustment to the rumble-strip threshold
IF-THEN rules:
. 2
Example: If ( y is far) and ( y is small) then (∆VRS = 0)
The rule generation represent heuristics of how the VRS is to behaved.
The rule base, simply a set of linguistic descriptions, is complete in the
sense that, at any point in the input space, at least one of the rules
developed is active.
Fuzzy-Logic Structure for Decision Making
The rule-based approach will be implemented using a fuzzylogic structure. The implementation includes input range, I/O
membership function formation, Mamdani-style inferencing,
and aggregation methods. Centroid defuzzification will be
performed on the aggregated outputs.
Fuzzy rule base and rule generation
Input/output membership function formation
Fuzzy VRS system output
Performance Evaluation via Driving Simulation
Investigation of the performance of any RDW system still requires
access to realistic data on road departures. However, due to the
safety concern of directly putting drivers at risk to collect road
departure events, driving simulator experiment seems to be a better
and more realistic way to conduct such a study.
Driving simulator experiments also have flexibility to safely
generate road departure events, as opposed to onboard system using
computer-vision techniques (weather conditions such as snow, fog,
and glare may inhibit widespread functionality and adoption).
Performance evaluation, in terms of hits, misses and false alarms,
will be conducted via simulator experiments.
Performance Evaluation via Driving Simulation
Experiments (Continued)
Driving simulator UC-win/Road, available in the NATSRL lab
(207 Engineering Building), will be used to conduct experiments.
Implementation of a “built-in” warning mechanism to the system
(when the vehicle crosses a specified threshold) will be developed.
The virtual rumble-strip based operation will issue a warning
signal in the form of
♦ Sound (alarm)
♦ Vibrating seat
Integration and interfacing of the hardware and software to
implement the above two modes will also be developed.
Concluding Remarks
Shoulder rumble strips have proven to be very effective for
warning drivers that they are about to drive off the road.
However, rumble strips require an infrastructure and do not exist
on a majority of roadways.
Even though vehicle-based RDW can incur a cost to equip the
vehicle, but once installed the RDW will be potentially available
for the driver while driving on all roadways.
The proposed research will investigate and develop an onboard
electronic implementation of a virtual rumble-strip based road
departure warning system, where the warning threshold is
allowed to vary according to the risk of the vehicle departing the
Concluding Remarks
Our proposed system will require less sensor information as
compared to the TLC approach, making it more feasible in a
vehicle application.
The RDW system to be developed will capitalize on the
simplicity of the fixed threshold rumble strip and enhance
performance by allowing the effective threshold to be closer to
the road edge without incurring an increase in false warnings.