
2011/2012 University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Faculty Senate
Tuesday, November 08, 2:15 p.m.
University Center 259 A&B
1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:21 p.m. by Chair Kumpaty.
2. Roll Call
1. Senators present: Albrechtsen, Ambrose, Brady, Bren, Ciganek, Cook, Devore, Dugan,
Glosser, Gulig, Hartwick, Kumpaty, Kolb, Leitheiser, Lollar, Lueck, Mandell,
Mukherjee, Munro, Porter, Portman, Schneider, Skelly, Smith, Tobeck, Veldkamp,
2. Senators absent: Ahmadi*, Collet-Klingenberg*, Emrey*, Hanson*, Molloy*,
Niemeier*, Samaranayake*, Robinson*. (*informed Secretary)
3. Approval of Minutes: Approved with amendments on a Leitheiser/Brady motion.
1. 2011/2012 Faculty Senate Meeting, Oct 11, 2011 available at
4. Reports of Committees: Approved on a Smith/Bren motion.
1. University Curriculum Committee: Transmittal of actions of Oct 28, 2011 available at:
5. Senate Executive Committee: Approved on a Weston/Tobeck motion.
1. December 2011 “Graduate Resolution”
Resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater recommends
to the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents that the University of WisconsinWhitewater students who have applied for graduation in December 2011 and who have
been certified by the University Registrar to have met all academic requirements and
completed all of their courses of study be granted their degrees at the December 2011
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater commencement exercises.
2. 9/12 Pay Plan resolution
Approved with much discussion and an amendment to the last paragraph (see
highlighted below) on a Smith/Kolb motion after a Smith/Hartwick motion to call the
University of Wisconsin Whitewater Faculty Senate
Payment Resolution
WHEREAS the UW-Whitewater faculty are paid for nine months and currently do not have an
option to be paid in 12 installments; and
WHEREAS the UW-Whitewater faculty must prepay their summer healthcare contributions
resulting in four months’ worth of deductions being taken from one paycheck; and
WHEREAS the UW-Whitewater faculty have seen a significant increase in their healthcare
contributions and this increased contribution will substantially reduce the paycheck from which
the summer prepay is deducted and cause undue hardship;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Faculty Senate of the University of WisconsinWhitewater requests that UW-System develop a means for spreading out the summer
prepayments by providing faculty the option of dividing the salary payments for all nine-month
contracts into twelve equal payments.
BE IT THEREFORE FURTHER RESOLVED that the UW System and/or UW-W provide
faculty the option that health insurance premiums be deducted in nine equal installments until a
twelve-month option is available in 2013.
6. Old Business:
1. Discussion of Goals and Priorities for 2011-2012 year
Regarding the suggestions made at the last meeting, the Chair and Mandell provided their
own ideas for approaches to pursuing many of the suggestions. Suggestions included
determining which of the standing committees could be charged to consider individual
suggestions (e.g., suggestions about benefits, the Budget Committee) and creating ad hoc
committees to pursue specific suggestions.
New suggestions:
From Hartwick’s constituency:
a. Investigate the implications of changes in workload and teaching
b. Examine the procedures for awarding campus-wide food service contracts
7. New Business:
1. Retirement Resolutions:
1. Jeff Barnett-Math and Computer Science Approved with friendly presentation
suggestions on a Portman/Hartwick motion
2. Appoint two members-at-large to the Faculty Appeals, Grievances, and Disciplinary
Hearing Committee; (for the list of current members, please see
http://www.uww.edu/facsenate/fac_committee.html#fagdhc ; for the by-laws, please see
http://www.uww.edu/uwwhdbk/committees/FC-FacAppeals.htm ; a member shall
continue until he or she has served on at least three panels.
No volunteers or nominees.
3. UC Center Board: Appoint one member at-large
Jalal Nawash, Physics was appointed by acclamation.
4. UW-Whitewater Faculty Senate statement concerning disproportionate cuts to the UWSystem- (to be distributed) Approved on a Leitheiser/Lueck motion after discussion and
a correction to paragraph 4. The correction was to change “between $2.0 million and
$850,000” to “at least $2.8 million.”
Mandell introduced an amendment to the above resolution that was withdrawn. It was
suggested that the item be considered on its own in a future meeting. The suggested
amendment is as follows:
Be it resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, which
by State statute has “primary responsibility for academic and educations activities” calls
for a full and immediate suspension of the Growth Agenda until per capita funding
levels are restored to the already inadequate pre-2011-2013 biennium levels.
8. Announcements and Information (no action unless noted otherwise)
1. Report of the Chancellor
During the meeting the Chancellor provided much information about the budget and
other issues of current interest. In addition to those discussions, he discussed the State’s
proposed budget lapses and provided a handout that lists proposed lapse’s by agency. He
described the legislative procedures regarding budget decisions. He also mentioned the
Office of State Employment Relations and a plan to raise the salaries of certain
unclassified staff to the minimum salary level (floor) that has been set by that office.
2. Report of the Provost
The Provost discussed the current investigations of class scheduling that Jodi Hare,
Registrar and Matt Aschenbrener, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Enrollment and
Retention are coordinating. The objective of the investigation and the resulting actions
are expected to facilitate class scheduling that supports students’ interest in arranging
their class schedules in a way that will allow them to complete their degrees as
efficiently as possible.
The Provost provided her findings on the question of online syllabus requirements. In
95-96 the Faculty Senate passed a resolution that stipulated that instructors should keep
updated syllabi in hardcopy on file at the University library. However, she found no
State rules requiring providing public access to syllabi. She has instructed that any
postings on site that suggest such State requirements be stricken. The ICIT provides a
syllabus site that can be used, individual constituencies may require presentation of
syllabi, and there are also some accrediting bodies that require presentation of syllabi.
The Provost also mentioned that UW-W’s Pathways for Success has won the Ann
Lydecker Educational Diversity Award.
Finally, regarding the last Diversity Forum, the Provost asked for suggestions on how to
increase attendance in the future. Suggestions from the Senate included advertising
methods and the difficulties with maneuvering within the University calendar.
3. Report of the Senate Chair
The chair mentioned the need for a volunteer to sponsor a tobacco use awareness
There is an academic program working group of the Joint Session of Faculty and
Academic Staff that is examining the policies for reviewing new programs to
determine how to make improvements to the policies.
Faculty are urged to keep current with the ongoing budget activities. We can be
involved while being mindful of the UW System’s rules regarding political action at
our workplace.
Additional Items:
Portman provided an update on what the Personnel Rules Committee is doing
regarding the Purple Book. Specific items mentioned were the rules concerning the
Chair’s letter and the Record of Review.
Hartwick asked that a discussion of the Purple Book rules be placed on the next
meeting’s agenda.
1. from the Sept 13, 2011, Senate meeting
FS1112-01: 09/13/11: Faculty Senate accepted Faculty Senate Resolution FS1112-01,
Audit and Review committee’s report, agenda item, 4.2. Transmitted to the Chancellor
on 09/16/11; Approved by the Chancellor on Sept 20, 2011.
FS1112-02: 09/13/11: Faculty Senate passed Faculty Senate Resolution FS1112-02,
approval of the agenda item, 5.2, Fall faculty meeting. Transmitted to the Chancellor on
09/16/11; Approved by the Chancellor on Sept 20, 2011.
2. from the Oct 11, 2011, Senate meeting
FS1112-03: 10/11/11: Faculty Senate passed Faculty Senate Resolution FS1112-03
approval of all actionable items of the University Curriculum Committee meeting of
September 13, 2011 (available at http://www.uww.edu/acadaff/ucc/201112/ucc_amt.html;). Transmitted to the Chancellor 10-14-11; Approved by the Chancellor
on October 19, 2011.
FS1112-04: 10/11/11 the Faculty Senate passed Faculty Senate resolution FS1112-04,
Faculty Personnel Rules. Transmitted to the Chancellor 10/14/11; Not Approved by the
Chancellor on October 19, 2011.
WHEREAS the UW-Whitewater 2011-2012 Faculty & Academic Staff Personnel
Policies, Procedures, & Sample Forms handbook states on page B-2 regarding the
performance review with Decision that "the Department submits the Report of Decision,
which includes the standards-based reasons supporting the decision, and the Notice of
Review [III,C4,f] to the dean. The Chair may also provide her/his own statement to be
forwarded with the Report of Decision" and
WHEREAS the UW-Whitewater 2011-2012 Faculty & Academic Staff Personnel
Policies, Procedures, & Sample Forms handbook states on page I-1, "Provost's Checklist
for Purple Books," that "The following items are not included in the purple book but are
requested by the Provost. ____Copy of Record of Review _____Chair's memorandum to
the Dean,"
The FACULTY affirm that the faculty personnel rules are the only rules to follow in
appointment, review, retention, and tenure and promotion decisions, and
The FACULTY affirm that the record of review remains in the department and that the
chair's voice is reflected only in the single decision of the department in the Report of
The FACULTY request that this resolution be passed to all department chairs in a timely
9. Senate Meeting Dates and Times
Faculty Senate: September 13, 2011; October 11, 2011; November 8, 2011;
December 13, 2011; February 14, 2012; March 13, 2012; April 10, 2012; May 1,
2012. Meetings begin at 2:15 p.m. Faculty Senate meetings continue until
business is finished, potentially 5 PM or later. The location(s) of the Senate
meetings for 2011-2012 are available at the faculty senate website.
Faculty Senate Executive Committee:* August 30, 2011; September 27, 2011;
October 25, 2011; November 29, 2011; January 31, 2012; February 28, 2012;
March 27, 2012; April 17, 2012. Meetings of the Executive Committee are
typically at 2:15 on Tuesdays two weeks before Senate meetings and as needed.
The Senate Executive Committee meetings for 2011-2012 are conducted in
Upham 222.
10. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. on a Glosser/Munro motion.