5/6/14 14-15 Organization Meeting

Organizational Meeting 2014/2015
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Faculty Senate
2:15 p.m. Tuesday, May 06, 2014
University Center 275B
1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 2:19 PM by 2013/14 Faculty Senate
Chair David Munro.
2. Roll Call:
1. Welcome to Newly Elected Members by Rank: Term 2014-2016
1. Representing the Rank of Professor: Mohammad Ahmadi; Zoreh
Ghavamshahidi; Maxwell Hsu; Hephzibah Kumpaty; Elena
Levy-Navarro; Penny Portman
2.-Representing the Rank of Associate Professor: Eric Compas;
Jonathan Ivry; David Munro; Christopher Veldkamp;
3.-Representing the Rank of Assistant Professor: Andrew Ciganek;
Alena Holmes; Loppamudra Mukherjee; Wade Tillet;
2. Welcome to Newly Elected Members by Constituency: Term 2014-2015
1. Representing the College of Arts and Communication: Xiaohong
2. Representing the College of Business and Economics:
Manohar Madan, Information Technology and Supply Chain
3. Representing the College of Education and Professional Studies:
Tia Schultz, Special Education
3. Continuing Members by Constituency: Term 2013-2015
1. Representing the College of Arts and Communication: Kathy
Brady, Communication ; Barbara Bren Library; Michael Dugan,
Music; Karen Weston, Library;
2. Representing the College of Business and Economics: Paul
Ambrose, Information Technology and Supply Chain
Management; Victor Barger, Marketing; Dennis Kopf,
Economic; Yushan Zhao, Marketing;
3. Representing the College of Education and Professional Studies:
James Hartwick, Curriculum and Instruction; Brooke Winchell,
Special Education; Ozalle Toms, Special Education; Liesl
Gapinski, Curriculum and Instruction
4. Representing the College of Letters and Sciences: Yiyoon
Chung, Social Work; Xueqing Chen, Mathematical and
Computer Sciences; Anthony Gulig, History; Nikki Mandell,
History; Jiazhen Zhou, Mathematical and Computer Sciences
4. Senators present: Ahmadi, Ambrose, Barger, Brady, Bren, Chung, Ciganek,
Compas, Dugan, Gapinski, Ghavamshahidi, Gulig, Hartwick, Holmes, Hsu,
Ivry, Kumpaty, Kopf, Levy-Navarro, Mandell, Mukherjee, Munro, Portman,
Schultz, Veldkamp, Weston, Winchell, Zhang, Zhao, Zhou
5. Senators absent: (*informed Secretary) Chen, Madan*, Tillet, Toms*
3. Election of Senate Officers
1. Elect a Faculty Senate Chair No nominations were received from the floor.
David Munro and Nikki Mandell each spoke about their reasons for seeking the
post. David Munro, Information Technology and Supply Chain Management,
was elected for a second term as chair.
2. Elect a Faculty Senate Secretary Kumpaty/Ghavamshahidi nominated
Karen Weston for Secretary. Weston was elected on a unanimous vote; motion
passed. Karen Weston, University Library, re-elected as Secretary.
3. Select the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, representing:
1. College of Arts and Communication (chosen in caucus)
Kathy Brady, Communication
2. College of Business and Economics (chosen in caucus)
Andrew Ciganek, Information Technology Supply Chain
3. College of Education (chosen in caucus)
Penny Portman, HPERC
4. College of Letters and Sciences (chosen in caucus)
Nikki Mandell, History
5. Two At Large (elected by Senate by written ballot)
Zoreh Gjavamshahidi, Political Science, and Hepsi Kumpaty,
Chemistry, were nominated. Ahmadi/Hsu moved to close
nominations; passed. Portman/Hartwick moved to elect by
acclamation; passed.
4. Announcements:
2014-2015 Senate Meeting Dates and Times
1.Faculty Senate: Meetings begin at 2:15 p.m. Faculty Senate meetings continue
until business is finished, potentially 5 PM or later. The location(s)of the Senate
meetings for Fall-2014 have not yet been determined.2014-2015 Faculty Senate
meeting dates: Sept. 9, 2014; Oct 14, 2014; Nov 11, 2014; Dec 9, 2014; Feb 10,
2015; Mar 10, 2015; Apr 14, 2015; May 5, 2015
2.Faculty Senate Executive Committee: Meetings of the Executive Committee are
typically at 2:15 on Tuesdays two weeks before Senate meetings and as needed.
The location(s) of the Senate Executive Committee meetings for 2014-2015 have
not yet been determined. 2014-2015 Faculty Senate Executive meeting dates:
Aug.26, 2014; Sept. 30, 2014; Oct. 28, 2014; Nov. 25, 2014; Jan. 27, 2015; Feb.
24, 2015; Mar. 31, 2015; Apr. 21, 2015
5. The UWW Faculty Constitution Sec. 4 A. 2. specifies that "During the intervals between meetings
of the Faculty Senate the Executive Committee shall conduct the business of the Faculty Senate
subject to the constraint imposed upon it by the Senate." Hence, those who serve on the Executive
Committee should be prepared--if not actually to meet during the summer months--at least to be
available for communication with the chair throughout the summer months.
6. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 2:49 PM.