
Minutes 041216 (approved by the Faculty Senate on 5.3.16)
2015- 2016 Faculty Senate
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
Tuesday, April 12, 2016 @ 2:15 p.m.
UC 259
1. Call to Order 2:17pm
2. Roll Call
Senators present
Paul Adogamhe, Kathy Brady, Andrew Ciganek, James Collins, Eric Compas, Zohreh
Ghavamshahidi, Anthony Gulig, James Hartwick, Jonathan Ivry, Hephzibah Kumpaty, Kathleen
Ksobiech, Elena Levy-Navarro, Nikki Mandell, David Munro, Brandi Niemeier, Manuel Ossers, Penny
Portman, Balaji Sankaranarayanan, , Ozalle Toms, Karen Weston, Victor Barger, Maxwell Hsu, James
Collins, John, McGuigan, Dale Splinter, Arjan Premti, Aditya Simha, Christopher Veldkamp, Linda
Robinson, Zaifeng (Steve) Fan, Brooke Winchell, Alena Holmes, Sandra Street,
Senators absent (**informed Secretary):
**Rowand Robinson, **Wade Tillet, Lopamundra Mukherjee,
3. Approval of Minutes
1. Minutes of the 2015-2016 Faculty Senate Meeting, March 8, 2016 (attached)
Motion to accept the minutes; Anthony Gulig
Seconded by David Munro
Question was called by James Hartwick, all were in favor. Acceptance of minutes passed
4. Announcements:
1. Reminder about grading resolution (FS0506-28) (see handout)
2. Faculty Senate Chair and Executive Committee Elections at the May Faculty Senate meeting (see handout)
Anyone who’s interested in running for faculty senate chair needs to submit a request and bio to
James Hartwick. James Hartwick is willing to serve as senate chair another year if needed. The
faculty senate secretary position is also available.
3. Faculty Elections (Note: The election of representative from each college to the Academic Plan Committee)
4. Seniority Policy Seeking Feedback – To be discussed further in May (see handout)
5. Old Business:
6. New Business:
University Curriculum Committee:
a. Transmittal of actions of the University Curriculum Committee March 18, 2016 (action item,
attached) (For more information refer to: http://www.uww.edu/acadaff/facstaff/ucc)
Motion to accept the minutes; Anthony Gulig
Seconded by David Munro
Question was called by James Hartwick, all were in favor. Acceptance of minutes passed
Minutes 041216 (approved by the Faculty Senate on 5.3.16)
Graduation Resolution – Spring 2016 (action item, see handout)
Resolved that the Faculty Senate of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater recommends to the University
of Wisconsin System Board of Regents that the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater students who have
applied for graduation in May 2016 and who have been certified by the University Registrar to have met all
academic requirements and completed all of their courses of study be granted their degrees at the May 2016
University of Wisconsin-Whitewater commencement exercises.
Motion to accept the resolution; Anthony Gulig
Seconded by Hephzibah Kumpaty
Question was called by James Hartwick, all were in favor. Acceptance of resolution passed
Resolutions Conferring Emeritus Status (action items: attached)
a. Nikki Mandell – History
Motion to accept the minutes; Anthony Gulig
Seconded by Manuel Ossers
Corrections with corrections
Question was called by James Hartwick, all were in favor. Passed
b. Donald Norman – Counselor Education
Motion to accept the minutes; Karen Weston
Seconded by Kathleen Ksobiech
Question was called by James Hartwick, all were in favor. Passed
Faculty Senate Representative University Outreach Committee– Nominations and election (action item, see
Made a motion to close the ballot: Brandi Niemeier
Seconded closing the ballot: Kathy Brady
Question was called by James Hartwick, all in favor
Carol Brunt
Kate Ksobiech
Kristi Law
Jonah Ralston
Two were tie and there was a need for a revote for Kate Ksobiech and Jonah Ralston
The elected winner is Jonah Ralston
Proposed Faculty Personnel Rule Change
a. UWW Chapter VI
Made a motion to approve adjustments made to UWW Chapter VI by Penny Portman
Seconded by: Zohreh Ghavamshahidi
Question called by James Hartwick, 1 abstention
Minutes 041216 (approved by the Faculty Senate on 5.3.16)
Chancellor Listening Session with Faculty Senate - Open discussion with the Chancellor
Final Scenario the Chancellor decided to use
352 total faculty members
192 faculty will receive an adjustment (faculty making it through the 4 th year review period)
54.55% of faculty will receive an adjustment
CUPA average salary by department and rank, two tiers with all ranks being treated the same.
It was suggested that notification go to all faculty with detailed information about how the money was
Faculty Resolution on Shared Governance, Post-Act 55 ( FS 1516-14).
What is the status on the document on what consultation means? The Chancellor was waiting for a
final document to be sent to her. James Hartwick indicated that she has received the document, when
the Faculty Senate Executive Committee met with her to discuss it on February 25. James Hartwick
indicated he will send the final document to the Chancellor in the near future.
One area that appears to be viewed differently is what faculty representative means.
When a Dean appoints a faculty member to represent the college there’s not a way for the faculty
member to give feedback to the college.
There needs to be adjustments made to the way faculty members report back
Page 32 of the document 3b
Faculty Senate elects who they want to represent them
The Academic Planning Committee can be reconfigured per the Chancellor and there will a
subcommittee of all faculty
The Strategic Planning Committee are representative from each colleges but not faculty.
The BoR has made some strong moves in the point of tenure. Madison brought forth their policy and it
was modified greatly by the BoR. James Hartwick has asked that he Chancellor make public statement
on tenure similar to that issued by the UW-Madison Chancellor Blank (i.e., “That means we don’t
layoff tenured faculty. Period.”).
Consider a Second Diversity Learning Requirement – Lauren Smith & Kim Clarksen
Learning should be throughout the student’s education starting in New Student Seminar then also
infused in into courses such as GenEd 130, DIV-S and DIV-IE.
There needs to be a another diversity committee developed by Faculty Senate
Maybe not requiring a second diversity course but infusing more diversity into existing courses
Will a second diversity course be a means to dealing with the racial negativity campus climate?
One concern of a second diversity requirement is that students already have many required courses.
This will limit student’s choice.
Tobacco Task Force Presentation - Whitney Henley- Chair
Minutes 041216 (approved by the Faculty Senate on 5.3.16)
Current Challenges: having a smoking area is fizzy, current policy doesn’t include e-cigarettes.
Majority of students are in favor of a smoke free policy.
Health benefits being seen with the adoption of smoke free campuses
Smoke Free Policies without consequences are effective
10. Strategic Plan – Report from Interim Provost Stone
Draft April 2016
Four major goals areas with objectives under them
1. Student Success: Enrollment, Retention and Graduation
2. Academic Programming
3. Revenue Growth and Operational Effectiveness
4. Engagement and Awareness
For each objective there will be three proposed actives.
7. Reports of Committees:
1. Committee Reports: Continue this year with summary reports and calls for potential actions by Faculty
Senate Committees (See: http://www.uww.edu/facsenate/committees)
a. Faculty Budget Committee – Nikki Mandell
Almost ready to present pie charts of expenses and revenue. Still waiting for information
from the budget office. Will be meeting later to discuss the budget and welcome feedback
from faculty.
Landscape & Planning Committee – Tony Gulig
The committee chair is Peter Jacobs, meets monthly unless no business. Continued
beautification of campus and snow removal. Talking about a memorial for Mary
Beth Mackin.
University Standards Committee – Hephzibah Kumpaty-Chair
Meet one time in the fall (December). Have approved standards from all four colleges. The
committee held off until new tenure policies were out and now can move forward.
Need a list of departments who don’t currently have approved standards
General Education Review – Jonathan Ivry
Beth Olsen- Chair
Meets once a month
Get GenEd learning outcomes updated and approved by Faculty Senate
Looking at a Signature Assignment, currently working on the certification process
Currently thinking about a different title for General Education requirements
8. Announcements and Information (no action unless noted otherwise)
1. Chancellor’s Report
The BoR heard from a student panel on campus climate and had a luncheon with students and the
Chancellors. Our UWW students represented us well.
Minutes 041216 (approved by the Faculty Senate on 5.3.16)
The Chancellor met with the campus climate work group. They have identified immediate/short and
long terms goals
Innovation Task Force have met and are talking about ideas that have been submitted, stay tuned to
hear about their work.
We have a beautiful campus and I always stop and thank the grounds workers for the good work
Thanked Greg Cook for LEAP Day
Report of Provost
Thinking about how we are doing graduation starting spring 2017. Thinking about breaking
graduation into two sections to accommodate the number of graduates, attendees, and safety
Two colleges 10:00am and 2:00pm
D2L contract is ending soon. Doesn’t support STEM areas, not as mobile or good at tracking
student’s process.
Madison is looking at another LMS called canvas. We don’t know if we will go to a system contract or
move to individual campus contracts. July 2018 would be the earliest we would move to a new system.
Report of the Faculty Senate Chair
a. BoR rejected all three Faculty Reps Amendments to the Tenure Proposals
b. Faculty Senate meeting schedule for 2016-17 provided below
c. Chancellor’s response to:
Faculty Base Salary Adjustment Fund Distribution (FS 1516-13)
Status of Faculty Resolution on Shared Governance (FS 1516-14)
d. Events:
Nikki Mandell - Freedom Fighters for American Democracy – 4/12, 5pm, Hyer 322
Whitewater Dream Fund Potluck (Suggested Donation $10)– 4/13, 11am-2pm, Winther 3003 –
register you dish with Annie Stinson (stinsona@uww.edu)
Jim Winship – The Last Lecture:
Storying a Higher Education Life – 4/20, 11:30am-2pm, Lecture
12-1pm, UC 259
AAUP Valedictory Celebration - Nikki Mandell & Zohreh Ghavamshadi, 4/21, 3-4pm, Hyland 2203
9. For the Good of the Order – Please share ideas that you recommend we address at a future Faculty Senate meeting.
Please also feel free to contact me or a member of the Faculty Senate Executive Committee to suggest agenda items.
10. Senate, Executive Committee, and All-Faculty Meeting Dates and Times
The schedule for the remaining Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate Executive Committee meetings are provided
Meetings for 2015-16 (Also found at: http://www.uww.edu/facsenate/meeting-dates )
 Faculty Senate Meetings: 3/8 (UC 259), 4/12 (UC 259), 5/3 (UC 259)
o Faculty Senate: Meetings begin at 2:15 p.m. Faculty Senate meetings continue until business is finished,
potentially 5 PM or later.
 Faculty Senate Executive Meeting: 3/29, 4/19 (Hyland 3303, 2:15-4:15)
The Faculty Senate, Faculty Senate Executive Committee, and the All-Faculty meeting schedules for 2016-17 are
provided below.
Meetings for 2016-17 (Also found at: http://www.uww.edu/facsenate/meeting-dates )
 Faculty Senate Executive Retreat: 8/23/Tues. (Hyland 3303; 9:00am-2:00pm)
 Faculty Senate Governance Reception 8/29 Mon. 12:00-1:00pm (Young Auditorium, Fern Young Terrace)
Minutes 041216 (approved by the Faculty Senate on 5.3.16)
 Faculty Senate Meetings: 9/13 (259 UC), 10/11 (259 UC), 11/8 (259 UC), 12/13 (259 UC),
2/14 (TBD), 3/14 (TBD), 4/11 (TBD), 5/2 (TBD)
o Faculty Senate: Meetings begin at 2:00 p.m. Faculty Senate meetings continue until business is finished,
potentially 5 PM or later.
 Faculty Senate Executive Meeting: 9/27, 10/25, 11/29, 1/31, 2/28, 3/28, 4/18 (Hyland 3303, 2:15-4:15)
 Fall Faculty Meeting 10/18 @ 3:30-5:00 (275b UC)
 Spring Faculty Meeting 2/21 @ 3:30-5:00 (TBD)
11. Adjournment 5:00pm
Made a motion to adjourn: Dale Splinter
Seconded by: Eric Compas