ID # ____________________________ 2006 Final Animal Physiology 2006


ID # ____________________________ 2006 Final

Animal Physiology 2006

Exam III

Name ____________________________________

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

Part VI

Part VII

___________ (10 pts)

___________ (19 pts)

___________ (26 pts)

___________ (17 pts)

___________ (18 pts))

___________ (10 pts)

Total ___________ (100)

Please read each question carefully. Make sure you completely answer each question. In each section, you may be able to choose which questions you would like to answer. Please clearly indicate which of these questions you have chosen. You are more than welcome to use graphs, diagrams, illustrations to support your conclusions

This exam has 10 pages including this title page.

Electronic devices may not be accessed during this exam.


ID # ____________________________ 2006 Final

Part I

Section I: Who or what am I? 1 pt each

A) I determined that animals and flame die in a vacuum and that something in the air is required for life and to keep the candle burning

B) I recently confirmed that the tactile cells on the wings of bats play an important role in flight. I used nair to help me determine this

C) I am a famous physiologist that has a statue of myself and a camel outside the Duke Biology department.

D) I championed the theory of Isometry and the proportionality of shape regardless of size

E) I am the general name for the enzyme that catalyzes bioluminescent reactions

Section II Name the animal

F) I am the luminescent animal that you would see if you went black water rafting

G) I am a fish that excretes nitrogenous waste in the form of urea

H) I live in the swamps of the SE USA. I come to the surface only once per hour to breathe and therefore have evolved a tidal volume greater than 50% of my lung capacity

I) I have an ocular muscle that provides heat to my brain tissue

J) I am isosmotic with my environment although I do regulate individual ions and will produce copious amounts of slime when disturbed


ID # ____________________________ 2006 Final

Part II) Short answer

A) I am an ancient fish whose plasma is iso osmotic with the environment and my plasma contains TMAO and one other substance (3 pts)

Who am I?

What is the other component of my plasma?

What is the functional significance of TMAO?

B) Name 5 adaptations that the kangaroo rat has evolved to conserve water (5 pts)

C) What was the name of the frog can freeze over 50% of its body (2 pts)

What mechanisms (or substance produced) does the frog employ to allow partial freezing

D) Why would many midwater fish have black stomachs (1 pts)

E) What is the primary source of fresh water for marine mammals (1 pts)

G) Many bioluminescent organisms inhabit deeper depths during the day and vertically migrate higher in the water column at night to feed. However, if luminescence is such an advantage, why do they not remain at shallower depths during the day where there is usually plenty of food. (2 pts).

H) Htot =Hv + Hc + Hr + He+ Hs

Identify any two of the variables from the equation of total heat to the right of the = sign. (For example, define Hv) (2 pts)

I) What phenomena were illustrated by the following (3 pts)

Glow stick

Glow in the dark sticker

Whiter than white laundry detergent


ID # ____________________________ 2006 Final

Section III

A) Explain what a counter current system is including its functional significance (3 pts)

Give two examples of counter current systems that were discussed in animal physiology (2 pts)

B) What is ADH ( 1 pt)

Draw the circuit showing how ADH works. Be sure to indicate where necessary whether the portion of the circuit has a positive or negative effect (4 pts)


ID # ____________________________ 2006 Final

C) Freshwater fish get rid of their Nitrogenous waste in the form of a specific compound (call it X) that was discussed in lecture. Please remember that compound X is excreted by passive diffusion and not active transport. In home aquaria, compound X is broken down by nitrifying bacteria A into nitrite and then by nitrifying bacteria B into nitrate. Nitrate is significantly less toxic to the fish than the original form of nitrogenous waste. However, both bacteria A and B need several weeks to establish themselves to have an effect on nitrification process as they need the presence of X for their own metabolism and growth. Therefore, a common problem with hobbyists is new tank syndrome when a large number of fish are placed in a new aquarium and suddenly die within a few days. a) What is X (1 pts) b) What is the advantage of excreting nitrogenous waste in the form of X compared to how terrestrial animals excrete nitrogenous waster (2 pts) c) Explain how new tank syndrome will kill fish ( 2 pts) d) Would the application of a broad spectrum antibiotic into the water prevent new tank syndrome?

Explain. ( 1 pts)

D) Draw a nephron from bowman’s capsule to the collecting duct. Label the tubules, loop of Henle and collecting duct. Indicate where in the path of the urine formation would the a) active transport of NaCl and b) passive diffusion of urea occur (5pts)

E) You go visit your buddy that has just purchased a new ice shack. The shack is well insulated and therefore has poor ventilation. Your buddy is about to fire up the barbie in the shack to cook the minnows that you just caught. However based on your animal physiology experience, you quickly extinguish the barbeque and explain to him that you just save his life. Explain what the physiological consequences would have been if you had not extinguished the fire (5 pts)


ID # ____________________________

Section IV)

A) Explain what the graph on the right is showing ( 2pts)

What is the functional significance of this graph for smaller animals (2 pts)

B) What type of animals were tested in the above figure (1 pt)

What were the two specific environments of the two animals (2 pts)

Which of the two animals’ Q10 would be very close to 1, Why? (2 pts)

C) What intra and inter specific phenomena does the graph on the right demonstrate (2 pts)

If Trematomus surfaced, would it be more likely to see a polar bear or penguin (1 pts)

2006 Final


ID # ____________________________ 2006 Final

D) What is the main point of the graph on the left (2 pts)

E) The solid line is showing the locomotion characteristic of what animal ( 1 pt).

Explain why the slope plateaus at speeds greater than 3 m sec. (2 pts)


ID # ____________________________ 2006 Final

Section V

A) Three major pathways have evolved for the excretion of nitrogenous waste. For each pathway, indicate what form of nitrogen is secreted and an example of an animal or group that uses that strategy. Then rank the pathways in the order of water conservation, with the #1 indicating this pathway uses the LEAST amount of water to excrete nitrogen and #3 is the pathway that requires the MOST expenditure of water. ½ pt 5 pts total if all correct

Pathway Nitrogen form Animal example Rank (1,2 or 3)

B) Compare/contrast/describe the osmotic challenges facing fresh AND salt water fish. ( 4 pts)


ID # ____________________________ 2006 Final

C) Compare and contrast the cost and benefits of being an endotherm vs an ectotherm ( 4 pts)

D) Sensory cell A synapses to Neuron B which synapses to Neuron C which synapses to interneuron D which synapses to neuron E which synapses to muscle F (5 pts)

For every 10 quanta of energy absorbed, the sensory cell A will change the membrane voltage of its postsynaptic target by +5 mV. Anytime the membrane is depolarized by +25 mv, an Action Potential will be generated by the neuron. Assume each action potential (AP) lasts 2 ms. Neuron B has an absolute refractory period of 5 ms. During the action potential and refractory state, any quanta absorbed by the sensory cell is lost

(you cannot add quanta during this period). Assume for this exercise there is no relative refractory period.

Neurons C will only fire an AP when stimulated. Neuron C needs 2 APs from Neuron C to fire one AP. All the neurons have no spontaneous activity except Inter neuron D which has a spontaneous discharge rate of 5

Hz. For every 5 APs from D, neuron E will fire one AP. For every two action potentials it receives from neuron F, it will generate one AP. 1 AP = 1 muscle twitch for muscle F

Sensory cell A receives 10 quanta simultaneously every 5 ms for 500 ms. How many action potentials will be generated in neuron C.


ID # ____________________________ 2006 Final

Section VI.

You are conducting an experiment on a new species of sea bird. You discover that the salt gland in the bird can produce a concentrated salt solution of 6%. Its urine is approximately iso-osmotic with seawater. The seawater which is its only source of water is 3%. The average air temperature is 25 o C and the average water temperature is 15 o C and the bird weighs an average of 500 gm.


Species A

Species B

Species C

Salt % of tissue

25 %

50 %

75 %

Metabolic cost of processing 1 g of tissue

3 calorie

2 calories

1 calories

Metabolic gain of 1 g of tissue

9 calories

8 calories

5 calories

A) If the birds drinks 100 ml of sea water, how much freshwater will be available for metabolic needs ( 2 pts)

B) The bird preys exclusively on three species of fish. The salt percentage of each tissue is given. The bird needs 2 ml of free water to process 1 g salt contained in each fish species though its urinary pathway. What is the minimum about of seawater it will have to drink to have sufficient free water to eliminate the salt gained from the ingestion of its food via its urinary pathway if it eats 40 g of species A, 100 grams of species B and

200 grams of species C. Assume that the water gained from the ingestion and metabolic reduction of the fish is negligible ( 2 pts).

C) For every 100 ml of seawater ingested, it costs the bird 100 calories to make the concentrated salt solution and the corresponding free water. It also costs the bird 1 calories for each ml of urine produced. The metabolic cost of processing each g of tissue and the metabolic gain that each g of tissue gives is shown in the table. The bird needs 2 ml of free water to process 1 g salt contained in each fish species though its urinary pathway. Assume that the salt from the seawater can only be processed through the salt gland and that the salt from the food can only be processed through the kidney. The bird must remain iso-osmotic with its environment and also get rid of all the salt it acquires through its diet and drinking. (Note: please show all calculations for full credit)(6 pts) i) Taking this into consideration, what species of fish would provide the greatest metabolic gain per

100 g of fish weight? Please be certain to demonstrate how you arrived at this answer ii) Should the bird avoid any of the fish species. Please be certain to demonstrate how you arrived at this answer

