Haiti: 2010 Quak e

Haiti: The Worst Earthquake in 200 Years
January 12, 2010
Aid Arrives from Many
Governments and NGO’s
The Event
• A 7.0-magnitude earthquake, the largest ever
recorded in the area, rocked Haiti on Tuesday.
• Haitians piled bodies along the devastated
streets of their capital Wednesday after a
powerful earthquake crushed thousands of
structures, from schools and shacks to the
National Palace and the U.N. peacekeeping
headquarters. Untold numbers were still
• The Roman Catholic archbishop of Port-auPrince was among the dead, and the head of
the U.N. peacekeeping mission was missing.
• Hundreds of criminals on the streets after
prison collapses
• 7,000 corpses are dumped in Haiti's first mass
• Aid workers pour on to island as emergency
fund launched
• Fears for British woman Ann Barnes who
worked in collapsed building
• Britain pledges £10m in aid as Brown
describes 'tragedy beyond imagination’
More Statistics
Total area: 27,750 sq km (size of Maryland)
Age Structure: 0-14 years: 38.1% of pop.
Infant Mortality Rate: 59.69 deaths/1,000 live births
Life expectancy at birth: 60.78 years
GDP - real growth rate:
– 1.3% (2008 est.)
– country comparison to the world: 168
• Inflation rate (consumer prices):
– 15.5% (2008 est.)
– country comparison to the world: 194
Jerry-built slum dwellings.
Pre-Earthquake Haiti
Pre-Quake Slum Area
Deforested Haiti
Dominican Republic
Centuries of deforestation have destroyed Haiti’s soil
the consequences of runaway
The Presidential Palace: Before & After
An aerial view shows a ruined
cathedral after Tuesday's earthquake.
Brazilian peacekeepers check the
damage to the U.N. headquarters.
UN Headquarters
Survivors walk
next to a body.
Many Dead Bodies – Officials
Estimate More Than 100,000
Bodies fill the front yard of the
morgue in Port-au-Prince
Residents help an injured man.
Survivors check in.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Despair: Shocked crowds throng
the ruined streets,
Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Mass Destruction
Shanty towns on the outskirts of the
Haitian capital were flattened by the
A fire breaks
out near a
building, which
was damaged
after a major
struck, in Portau-Prince.
Rescue team members from Taiwan
A woman lies on the ground as others
stand outside a market that collapsed
An injured resident waits for medical
Searching for Survivors
Searching for Survivors
Members of a Dominican rescue team
attempt to save a victim trapped amid
the rubble
A survivor is removed after 50 hours
U.N. Vehicle
People look at the remains of a sixstory communications building.
Man Searching for Relatives
Survivor Being Removed from
Collapsed Building
Man with dead daughter
Praying for the Victims
Three Days After
• Desperate Haitians have set up roadblocks
with corpses in Port-au-Prince to protest at
the delay in emergency aid reaching them
after the devastating earthquake.
• Thousands of injured people spent a third
night twisted in pain, lying on pavements
waiting for help as their despair turned to
The Human Reality
• 'We've been out here waiting for three days
and three nights but nothing has been done
for us, not even a word of encouragement
from the president,' said Pierre Jackson,
nursing his mother and sister who lay
whimpering with crushed legs.
• 'What should we do?'
• Aid began arriving from a dozen or more
countries. There’s a major problem getting
the aid to the affected areas.
U.S. ship saves lives, Haiti not
ready for amputees
• Doctors on the U.S.
Navy's hospital ship
Comfort are fighting
gangrenous infections
in broken limbs as they
try to save the lives, if
not the arms and legs,
of Haiti's earthquake
Haitian Earthquake Relief: Obama
Taps Bush, Clinton For Help
Getting ready to airlift young girl
Airlifting the injured
Finding and removing survivors
Red Cross Shelter
The Red Cross is There to Help
Setting up tent cities
Thousands of homeless people have
set up tent cities as they wait for aid
to arrive
Removing the dead
People line up to receive water
from a fire truck in Port-au-Prince.
victims carry food aid back to their
We hope to avoid the results of
past efforts to aid Haiti