Denise Ehren, chair, called the meeting to order at 9:33... Present: Karen Brueggeman, Denise Ehren, Wes Enterline, Liz Woolever, Mary...



University Staff Council

Thursday, February 4, 2016; 9:30 a.m.

UC 264

Denise Ehren, chair, called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m.

Present: Karen Brueggeman, Denise Ehren, Wes Enterline, Liz Woolever, Mary Kaster,

Dean Look, Jody Marquardt, Amy Sexton, Ruth Stradinger, Hermie Snorek

Quorum present: Yes

Absent: Linda Marx

Unfinished Business


Guest Speakers: Budget Office (Compensation Administrative Tool)

The budget office presented information on changes to pay plan for university staff. The new system will allow for more accurate budget. HRS will have the new tool in their next upgrade. This does not change anyone’s pay, just budgeting for the departments.

They hope to also have a new budget forecasting tool in place by the 18/19 budget. This will only change the way a university staff pay is calculated in the budget, changing from 2088 to 2080 hours. There may be a small pool of money for staff salary increases but this is yet to be determined. Council will disseminate this information to university staff.

New Business

Jody motioned to approve the December 3, 2015 council minutes, Hermie seconded the motion, approved unanimously.

Chair’s Report:

UWW Strategic Plan:

UWW hosted two town halls and survey was sent out.

Website has been created.

Committee meets on Feb. 11 to discuss themes and goals

They will be focusing on a five year strategic plan

UW-System Strategic Plan:

Denise has been asked to sit on Institutional Expert Group.

Surveys and shareholder group was held in the fall.

Scheduled to meet on February 10 and 17.

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University Staff Council

Thursday, February 4, 2016; 9:30 a.m.

UC 264


They are reading assessment reports

LEAP day is 2/19 here on campus for all UW-System. Please attend if possible.

Academic Plan:

On hold for now, they presented their findings so far, waiting on college representatives.

Tobacco Task Force:

Tabled until March due to time constraints

UW-System Representative Update:

Next telepresence meeting on February 10 th is cancelled

Representatives met in Madison on 1/29. o Discussed shared governance principles, hope to have common principles put into place. o HRS will be doing a compensation and title study for all positions in the system. o There is a cap on student worker hours at 25 hours a week due to the

Affordable Care Act restrictions. This greatly impacts students and departments.

Vice Chair Report:

Inclusive Excellence: Has not met

Innovation Task Force:

Launched their web portal for submissions and feedback on proposals.

Anyone can submit an idea on the web portal.

Treasurer Report:

Jody reported on current budget. Ruth motioned to approve Treasurer’s report,

Wes seconded the motion, approved unanimously


Vendor fair is this Saturday

33 vendors have signed up and advertisements have been done.

If event goes well they may offer a similar event in November.

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University Staff Council

Thursday, February 4, 2016; 9:30 a.m.

UC 264

They hope to raise $800 for programs.


The committee is working with Matt Baier on a survey for programming, almost ready to send out.

Will direct staff in need of help with requesting professional development funds to email USC.

Spoke with Kari Borne re: program.

Dealing with Difficult People program will be offered on campus in March, there is a fee to attend.

The committee will continue to work on fall conference.

Employee Recognition:

The committee met this week.

Nominations received for award, they will email names of the winners to the council.

Retirement and Recognition dinner scheduled for May 11.


Working on the tour survey.

Ruth distributed the December and January personnel updates.

UPS Policy:

Three policies are currently with administration o Performance Management o Voluntary Reassignment o Shared Governance Participation

Hope to hear next week if chancellor has had a chance to review.


Will be electronic balloting like last year.

Hermie and Amy will spearhead the elections.


Need to set up meeting.

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Chancellor Liaison Report:


University Staff Council

Thursday, February 4, 2016; 9:30 a.m.

UC 264

Nothing to report

Worksite Wellness:

Liz would like to step down, Karen will attend the meetings as USC rep.

HR Liaison Report:

If anyone has questions regarding the restrictions on student employment, please direct them to speak with someone in HR.

Website Comment:

One comment received re: DMC o Ruth and Amy addressed this concern.

Other Business:

Faculty/Senate resolutions: Tabled until March

Provost Forums: Open forums for finalists will be held this week and next.

Campus Calendar: Jodi Hare will join us in March to discuss.

General Members Meeting: Scheduled for February 23 rd , Karen will send out powerpoint for committee chairs to add their bullet points to. We will have announcements at the beginning on the meeting.

Building Name: Tabled to March

Board of Regents: Today and tomorrow, livestream available to view

Mary motioned to adjourn the meeting, Amy seconded the motion, meeting adjourned at 11:38 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Karen Brueggeman, USC Secretary

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