TRANSLATION LECTURE 26/3/1437 FROM P:106 By Dr. Faiza Abdalla WHAT IS TRANSLATION? P:1 It refers to all the processes and methods used to render or transfer the meaning of source language (SL) into target language, completely and accurately Using: word phrase that have direct equivalent Word with no ready made equivalent in Arabic 3. foreign words but written in Arabic pronounced as in native origin 4. words made to fit Arabic pron, spelling and grammar. TRANSLATION L1(107-117) 2.9- TRANSLATION AND CULTURE Is the most difficult area of translation What is culture? “all socially conditioned aspects of human life’ Or” What people should learn something differently form his/her biological heritage, it is not material phenomenon but, it is Organization of things, people, behavior, or emotion” THEY CONCENTRATE FINALLY ON CULTURE AS: Knowledge, proficiency and perception Behavior, action and events norms of social behavioral language usage Some say it is the language because it uses to translate of one culture to another. P 107 PROCEDURES OF :TRANSLATION OF CULTURE(P:109) 1. Cultural Equivalent مرادفات 2. Cultural correspondence التطابق الثقافي 4. Naturalization التطبيع 3. Accepted standard translation التردمة المعيارية المقبولة 5. General Sense المعني العام 2.PROCEDURES OF :TRANSLATION OF CULTURE(P:109 6. Transcriptionنسخ Transference النقل Transliteration اللفظية 8. Translation Couplet الثنائية 7. Literal translation of meaning الترجمة الحرفية للمعني 9. Translation Triplet الثالثية 10. Classifier الكلمة-المصنف الشارحة 9. translation triplet الثالثية is frequent-logical- valid- and favorable What is it; Is to use 3 types of operations in one time Transcription translation نسخ paraphrase ترجمة اعادة صياغة EXAMPLES: UES: الترجمة النسخ او اعادة الصياغة words translastion Love virus في الحاسب االلي- فيروس الحب--------ttp Pasta dish الباستا- طبق معكرونه-------------------------tnt Acid rain ملوث- مطر اسيدي-----------------------------tnc Pall Mall شارع بال مال في لندن----------------- -------tnc Jeans Jacket سترة جينز امريكي-------------------------------ttc ============ ========================== (t)-Trascription(t) transcription (n) naturalism © classifier 10- CLASSIFIER ) الشارح- ( المصنف like couplet and triplet use for unknown cultural expressions as practical applicable short one IT USES simple , general term. Demonstrate its type and categories EXAMPLE OF USING CLASSIFIER Cultural expression Sake سيك Baseball Lincoln شراب الساكي لعبة البيسبول لنكن Rock Steppes translation مدينة لنكولن االنجليزية موسيقي الروك استيبس سهل ستيبسي الروسي SOME PURE CULTURAL TERMS ARE: Translated into English such as: 1 5 And then transferred to Arabic…how. .by modifying words to show their types 11. NEUTRALIZATION ........... حياد It called Declturalization التحييد Functional الوظيفي Is to take the form of paraphrase TL No sign to SL cultural sign It is a descriptive equavilant Descriptive وصفي Equivalent المكافئ EXAMPLES P: 107 )these words translated direct into literal translation words Neutralization translation Kermlin القصر الرئاسي الروسي westminister مبنير البرلمان االمريكي Catch 22 في مازق ال/ في ورطة كبيرة/في حيص بيص مخرج منه Parkinson’s disease الشلل الرعاشي A can of worms مشكلة عويصة DISCUSSION May be strange for you as Arab and Arabic readers -Kremlin and Westminster my be acceptable from pronunciation - but what about the 3 rd word …..Catch 22 it is unclear, it is a title of American novel (means impasse- dilemma مازقthat is no way out is available.(cultural translation) may confused Arabic readers) - it translated literary translation Parkinson is translated to noncultural version and it is acceptable and unclear, but specialist only know what does it mean. The last one about fishing--- direct tra. Means علبة الديدانin Arabic But for SL culture it is unacceptable 12. COMPONENTIAL ANALYSIS تحليل مكونات is to analyze semantic components of words Componential analysis differ from linguistics analysis In linguistics it means to analyze all senses of the words in to its meaning component. Educate for example (educated- educationeducational- educationists) Translation analysis is to compare bw SL and TL. Words in term of sameness or differences to get a close possible equivalent. EXAMPLE TO DIFFERENCES BETWEEN TWO T YPES In linguistics analysis In componential analysis House- means homeaccommodation- residence-cottage God means lord in English It translated to the House of God God- means Allah(part of Islamic culture And semantic component not found in English culture. Al-Kaba not in English equvalentQiblah- finally the definition of componential analysis is It is a kind of paraphrase that can describe as something economical the original procedure of paraphrase and glossary, Translation into SL that means describe it with details to be clear in Arabic see examples(open P: 107) That mean explanation is important for Arab reader to understand cultural terms 13:PARAPHRASE ) ( شرح Is a kind of short explanation when to understand a word you need many words to get it. It is long procedure But it use if there is no other way to illustrate unclear cultural terms )LOOK EXAMPLE P(107 SL محرررررم Prohibited in Islamلو شرحت شرائح فخذ -مشكلة مع المسلم TL Ham شريحة لحم بقر Steak عرفة خفيفة مكشوفة Tilbury غابة امطار استوائية Selva Bernard show shavian THE LAST 3 WORDS Need paraphrasing اعادة صياغةfor Arab readers to understand them to know the relationship. Shavian شوويrelated to Bernard Show style of sarcasm So, paraphrase is the solution in words like this rooted in culture.