MODULE 1- LECTURE 5- (P:55) AL as you studied in last units focused on: (how we can teach language better-What type of individual differences in LL) This unit focuses on: Social Influences on Language Learning: SOCIAL INFLUENCES : 1.0 introduction: 1.1 Objectives is to : 1.1.1 know the types of learners. 1.1.2 Know the social factors affect learners’ understanding of a L. 3.0 MAIN CONTENT 3.1 Act of L. Learning: This act needs to know; 1.Grammatical system 2.How to use it in real situation(in class or work in conversation) The Applied Linguistics tries to examine: what goes on in the mind of learners in relation to environment. WHAT GOES ON IN THE LEARNERS’ MIND?? Many go on in the same time in learners’ minds’, but linguists couldn’t see that physically, but they try to arrive to information about the different matters affect L learning to solve the real world problem. THE WORD:(( SOCIAL)) Has two contexts: () social context () social factors (both has social factors influence learning outcomes) As stated by Ellis 1994: STUDIES LIKE: ELLIS’ SOCIAL FACTORS ARE: 1. Age 2. sex 3. social class 4. ethnics identity 5. Natural settings ( or education settings ) where informal learning occurs ()- Ellis’ social Aspects:1997 *social determinants – situation domains (field)situational contexts- situational variables (changes)learning environment- external constraint (barriers) Brown & Fraser1979: use the term situation, but “they divided in to two: scenes and participants. Later they divided it into setting& purposes” Long(1998:9): Uses social setting and environment. Other scholars like: Stern(1983) and Spolsky (1989) use same terms ALL THESE STUDIES POINT TO THAT FACT: That language learning takes place in social contexts that contain many social factors. Krashen(1981) describe language learning that is consciously studying the language and acquisition is subconscious internalizing it(accept it) Learning language is revealed(show) through the interlanguage PRODUCT OF LEARNING FORM IN: () the Actual language used by learners () Process of learning (psychological factors+ social context factors) Barkhuizen 2004:554) separate bw : a) Language products and b) language education Saying: )Language education refers to: practice- proecedureprovision(item). He notes that: There is a connection bw : social context and language learning and learning cannot take place in a social vacuum (blank) ND L- LEARNING- as Barkhuizen 2006 L2(2 3.2 input learners Inter-language output Social context Self Assessment question P: 58 Mention some variables that affect language learning: 1. Age, sex. Social class , ethnics ID( as Ellis:1994) 2. learning environment+ external constraints (restrictions) as Ellis& Robert(1989) 3. Others call it social setting and situations. Other say interchangable(cross) 6. Barkhuinzen 2006 mentions five factors affect LL(input- learners (interlanguage) output- social context 3.2.1 Learners: Ellis state ssocial factors as you know as : Social class L age sex Ethnic ID THE ABOVE as he claims never determine language proficiency L2…but social conditions. Finally he adds: 1. Youngers are more successful at learning languages 2. Men: Use high frequency of no standard form than women. 3.Women: are better than men in learning L2, bcz they are open to new linguistics form and rid of interlanguage form other than target Language. Ellis Sum up THE STUDIES FINDINGS about social Class & Learning: 1.Middle class children achieve highly levels in L2 proficiency 2. More positive attitudes than working class children in formal learning.9due to de/context/ualized SOCIAL CLASS Being in high class helps to qualifies you for a life affluences (rich) as: Educate in good school. (but lower class go to weak government school) as in Nigeria. In USA: as stated by Hood(2000) () The social stratification(classes) of school children begins from first grade as follows: () High class children monitored into college-bound course in secondary school () Lower level reading groups are tracked into industrial and technical classes. () Middle class achieve higher level are working class tracked in linguistics and cultural homes. () some are dropped from school while some proceed to college. () L2 students may be classified as intellectually deficient bcz of low English proficiency then tracked to inappropriate courses. Ethnicity Ellis 1994 states that there is an agreement that ethnicity play important role in LL 3.2.3 Input/ output INPUT(P:60) input Is the type of language input received by learner when: listening/ reading inTL. Setting: may be in: classroom- natural setting or SLA lab. ()input: part of social context Input/ output work together in interlanguage. Output: reflect that acquisition may occurs when the learners have to make efforts to ensure that out put is comprehensible (Swain:1985) Discuss Self assessment: explain the diagram to show the relationship bw some variable inLL 3.3 L Learners LL GOALS: 1. Construct a mental system 2. Effective comm. Learners’ system: Fall and Mixed bw: L1 & L2 Brown:1994 William Pellowe (1986)states that : Errors and strange L exist not as bad habits but as hypotheses while L exploration and formation HE ADDS There is interaction bw language forms in a learner’s system When learners starts to learn new forms, formerly mastered forms becomes destabilized (زعزعهupset) and the rule in the new context temporarily destabilizes the learners’ understanding of the rule. But Pellowe notes that learners interlanguage system develops is when: - When learners recognize The diff. bw what they produce and what native speaker produces.. - when they don’t speak the way native speakers speak - When notice the gap bw their own language and that native speakers then Improvement occur P: 61 P: 61 homehh P: 61 3.4.4 IDENTITY P: 62