eW/FS/WE/001 The water environment WATER RESOURCES: Groundwater Impacts AD2.3 South African groundwater resources are at risk from the following threats: Groundwater abstraction and de-watering, such as the: depletion or damage to the reserve temporary or permanent loss of the use of aquifers through overabstraction or unnecessary de-watering loss of surface water base flow or damage to wetlands and riverine environments which depend on groundwater deterioration of groundwater quality intrusion of saline or contaminated groundwater into otherwise uncontaminated aquifers. Disturbance of aquifers by mining and related activities e.g. opencast mining and quarrying underground mining land drainage mine de-watering Damage to aquifers by waste disposal and related activities: mining and industrial residue disposal (waste deposits) power generation ash disposal irrigation with waste water, evaporation and storage of mining and industrial effluent and sludges land-based disposal of sewage sludge domestic waste landfills stockpiles of potentially polluting substances hazardous waste landfills animal wastes and feedlots hydrocarbon storage tanks Diffuse sources, such as: urban development farming practices peri-urban development spills and illegal dumping Rapid urbanisation and increasing density of residential development in rural environments pose a significant threat to groundwater quality in terms of: pit latrines, septic tanks and soakaways leaking and overflowing sewers domestic waste inappropriate land use around wellheads PTO Pollution pressures on groundwater (adapted from Braune 1994) Contact: ewisa@wamsys.co.za URL: www.waterinfo.co.za Prepared by: eWISA Copyright: All right reserved Sponsored by: ACTIVITY SOURCE TYPE RISK CONTROL AGRICULTURE - irrigation (return flow) diffuse low difficult - fertilizer application diffuse low difficult - pesticide usage diffuse high easy - manure application diffuse low difficult - extensive stock farming (Kraals) diffuse moderate difficult - intensive animal feeding units diffuse high difficult - afforestation diffuse low easy - groundwater over-abstraction diffuse high easy - discard dumps point high difficult - return water dams point moderate easy - ash dumps point moderate easy - slimes disposals point high - stockpiling point moderate easy - dewatering diffuse moderate easy - underground or opencast mining area diffuse high difficult - sewage effluent point high easy - sludge drying beds point moderate easy - landfills and dumps point moderate - storm water diffuse moderate easy - leaking sewers diffuse moderate easy - storage tanks and pipes diffuse moderate easy - informal housing (on-site sanitation) diffuse moderate difficult MINING easy URBAN SECTOR depends on age PTO Contact: ewisa@wamsys.co.za URL: www.waterinfo.co.za Prepared by: eWISA Copyright: All right reserved Sponsored by: INDUSTRIAL SECTOR - industrial effluent point high easy - bulk storage of chemicals, etc. point high easy - solid waste point high difficult - abandoned sites point moderate depends on age - evaporation dams point high depends on age - waste irrigation point moderate difficult - air pollution diffuse high easy - accidents during transport diffuse high easy OTHER ACTIVITIES - borehole construction and abandonment point moderate easy Source: Contact: ewisa@wamsys.co.za URL: www.waterinfo.co.za Prepared by: eWISA (http://www.ngo.ngrida.no) Copyright: All right reserved Sponsored by: