Student Directed Production Proposal

Appendix K
Student Directed Production Proposal
Secondstage Season
Submitted by (print): ___________________________________ Date: _______
The following form must be submitted to the Resident Technical Director no later than 5:00 P.M. on
Monday following spring cast posting for a spring production slot and no later than 5:00 P.M. on
Monday following fall cast posting for a fall production slot. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE
Title of Production: _______________________________________________________
Author: _____________________________________
Director: _______________________________ Tel.: _____________
Advisor: _______________________________ Tel.: _____________
Performance Dates: _______________________________________________________
Technical Rehearsal Dates: _________________________________________________
Dress Rehearsal Dates: ____________________________________________________
Proposed Production Space (check one of the following)
Studio Theatre ____
COM 128 ____
Off Campus Production ____
Stage Manager: _________________________ Tel.: _____________
Assistant Stage Manager: _________________ Tel.: _____________
Lighting Designer: ______________________ Tel.: _____________
Set Designer: __________________________ Tel.: _____________
Props: ________________________________ Tel.: _____________
Costumes: _____________________________Tel.: _____________
Sound Design/EFX: _____________________ Tel.: _____________
House Manager: ________________________ Tel.: _____________
House Manager is responsible for lining up ushers for all performances if necessary
Box Office: ____________________________Tel.: _____________
Running Crew:
Stage/Shift: _____________________ Tel.: _____________
_____________________ Tel.: _____________
Costumes ______________________ Tel.: _____________
_____________________ Tel.: _____________
Props _________________________ Tel.: _____________
Lights _________________________ Tel.: _____________
Sound _________________________ Tel.: _____________
Cast Requirements (numbers)
Male Roles
Female Roles
Is casting an actor(s) in multiple roles (check one):
____ possible
_____not possible
____ not needed/inadvisable
Gender-bending or non-traditional casting is (check one):
____ possible
_____not possible
____ not needed/inadvisable
Production Concept/Approach to Production:
Budget*: (Must be filled out if the production is NOT a Thesis/Creative Project)
a. Royalty
b. Scripts
c. Honoraria
d. Sets
e. Props (fill out props check out form)
f. Costumes
g. Promotions/Advertising
h. Programs (including flyers, advertising)
i. Perishables (such as food)
j. Other
* Non-Thesis/Creative Project productions, if approved, are limited to a budget of $200.00 and
should be produced with a focus on acting and directing values with minimally enhanced
production values.
I have acquired and read the Departmental Handbook and understand all Regent policies related
to theatre production.
Director Date