2016年度 申請書(様式1)

申請者名 Name of Applicant:
2016 年度大学院博士課程後期課程国内研究活動促進研究費申請書
2016 KOKUNAI Research Fund ( for Promoting Domestic Research Activities in the Doctoral Degree Program) Application Form
・文字フォントは必ず 10 ポイントで作成すること。
・申請書は 5 ページ以内に収めて記載してください。6 ページ以上の場合は審査対象外となりますので、十
The font size must be 10 point.
The length of the application form must be 5 pages or less. The application with application form of 6 pages or
more shall be unsuccessful immediately.
Research Plan Leading to Completion of Doctoral Dissertation
* Describe clearly using diagrams and charts if possible. Do not change or alter the designated format of this form.
① これまでの研究の背景、研究状況・問題点の指摘。Research background, current situation of the research and problem(s).
② 自分の研究について、何をするのか、研究分野の問題要請についてどう答えるのか。
Future process of your research and how you will tackle the problems which you encounter in your research field.
③ 研究の方法・計画 Method(s) and plans of your research.
④ 研究の独創性。学問的貢献 The creativeness/originality of your research and its academic contributions
⑤ ①~④を踏まえ、博士論文完成に至る研究計画における海外研究・調査の位置づけ。とくに、本研究費による国内研究が、博士論文執筆にあ
The relation between your dissertation and the elements above. Especially, describe how the overseas research supported by KOKUSAITEKI Research Fund can
contribute to the logical expansion and verification of your doctoral dissertation. Explain clearly and specifically for which part or content of your doctoral dissertation
the overseas research is essential. Attach a separate sheet of paper to provide the content and structure of your doctoral dissertation, if necessary.
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申請者名 Name of Applicant:
Research Plan Leading to Completion of Doctoral Dissertation (continued from previous page)
2.大学・研究機関等における研究計画 Research Plan 上記1との整合性に留意する。Pay attention to the consistency with
above section 1.
(1)大学、研究機関等において研究を行う目的 Significance of Conducting Research
① 訪問先の大学・研究機関において研究を行うことの必要性。Why is it necessary to conduct the research at the relevant organization?
② 自身の研究活動・計画に与える影響。What impact will the research make on your research activity and plans?
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申請者名 Name of Applicant:
(2)大学・研究機関等における研究活動予定 Details of Research Trips
本制度は、申請年度内(2016 年 4 月 1 日-2017 年 3 月 31 日)に連続して 10 日以上大学・研究機関等での研究活動を行う計画を有することを要
As a requirement of KOKUNAI Research Fund, the research activities over 10 days or more must be conducted between April 1, 2016 and March 31, 2017. With this
requirement in mind, please provide the details of the duration of stay, destinations, purpose, and proposed activities.※ 訪問先受入機関・指導者・訪問先におけ
*Please attach the copies of correspondence evidence to confirm the research collaborators of the institution(s). (e.g. Letters of Recommendation, Acceptance, Record
of Email correspondence, etc.)
From 201
月(month) to 201
月(month) ( 計
日 days in total)
訪問先 Destination:
県名 Prefecture
都市・地域名 City/Region
( 有 ・ 無 )
( 有 ・ 無 )
訪問先(機関名、図書館等)Host Institution
所属・職名・氏名 Name/Title of Contact
( 有 ・ 無 )Evidence of correspondence: ( Y / N )
資料収集の場合は訪問先の名称・住所がわかる資料( 有 ・ 無 )
A documentation that shows the name and address of
the institution you will visit is required if the purpose of the trip is to collect the research materials. Brochure is required if the purpose of
the trip is to participate in academic events.
目的・活動計画をできる限り詳しく記入すること。Aim and research plan of the trip. Provide as much detailed information as possible.
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申請者名 Name of Applicant:
Publicization of Research Achievements
Describe how you intend to publicize your research achievements gained through this program. For presentations at academic conferences or dissertation
publishing, give a detailed information such as name(s) of academic associations, journals, publisher, date of publication, pre-print or post-print.
4.人権の保護及び法令等の遵守への対応 Human Rights Protection and Legal Compliance
In this section, describe what measures will be taken for research requiring legal procedures. Examples include research requiring: a)
consent & cooperation of another party; b) handling of personal information; and c) dealings with bioethics & safety measures. Surveys,
research, & experiments which require the approval of internal/external information committees & ethics committees, such as surveys &
interviews involving personal information, use of provided samples, analysis of human genes, genetic recombination experiments, and
animal experiments fall under this category. If your research does not apply, nor require this, please state as such.
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申請者名 Name of Applicant:
5.指導教員による研究計画の承認および推薦文 Approval of Research Plan and Recommendation from Graduate Advisor
To Doctoral Advisor: Please provide your recommendation including comments on the applicant’s research here. (Required column)
指導教員 Doctoral Advisor
氏名 Name
印 Seal/Signature
6.申請者所属・回生・学生証番号 Applicant’s Graduate School/Grade/Student ID Number
研究科 博士課程(後期課程・一貫制・4年制)
Graduate School of
/Doctoral Program
回生 学生証番号
Student ID Number
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